cPanel price increases!

cPanel announced significant price increases. Our micro server with 43 accounts is going from $180 per year to $540 per year, there are a few fluff accounts we could terminate to get our costs down to $360, but any way I look at it, our prices are doubling. Others are are seeing a tenfold increase.

Lucky for me, Speed Test Solitaire essay writer I renewed my annual license a few days ago. I have until 7/15/2020 to switch control panels, but would want to do so gradually. Interworx should consider giving hosts in my situation credit for their cP licenses, it would make things less stressful for all concerned and bring Interworx more new business than you can handle with your current staff.


While we are not really offering any credit for customers migrating from cPanel* , we have been running a promotion since around the beginning of the year that the first three months of a purchased license are free. It is limited to a single license–any subsequent ones would be the full $20/month, but our licenses are unlimited in regard to the number of domains, and such.

If you’d like, though, while you are migrating, you can request a demo key, here:

Our demo keys are a full license, so you can test the control panel exactly how it would be with a purchased license. The default is for two weeks, but demos can be provisions for up to four weeks. A lot of migrating customers use that while running their imports, and then, when they purchase a license, just replace the demo key with the real one, which is as easy as one change to the settings page, or in the ini, and running a sync command.

If you do choose to request a demo key, mention this forum post, so that we know to provision it for four weeks for you. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any other questions!

*This decision is really not up to us, but rather our parent company. It has been mentioned to them a few times since the cPanel price increase last summer, and the above promo was the outcome.