Quotes/Testimonials Wanted

Quotes/Testimonials Wanted

The next version of the InterWorx website will have a page for client testimonials, and I am soliciting quotes/blurbs/testimonials from our loyal user base.

Please be aware that:

  • This is entirely [B]voluntary[/B]
  • There will be no compensation/special treatment in exchange for submitting a quote
  • Depending on variety/quantity/quality of submissions received, submissions may be edited for length or content
  • Depending on variety/quantity/quality of submissions received, all submissions may not be used
  • Quotes may be used on our website or in print fliers/advertising
Anyone wishing to submit something please send them to [EMAIL="feedback@interworx.com"]feedback@interworx.com[/EMAIL]

Please provide the fillowing

Title (if appropriate)
Company Name (if appropriate)
URL (if appropriate)

Expect a very nice testimonial from me in a day or two when I have a little more time :slight_smile: :cool:

Thanks Fr3D – there’s no rush. This will be a perpetual thing on the site with things added/swapped out periodically to keep it fresh :slight_smile:

You’ve got mail :wink:

Testimonial sent! :slight_smile:

Thanks Fr3d and Ramon :slight_smile:

Sent in this evening :slight_smile:

Though I am not a client of yours/iworx, I have sent a testimonial (with subject “I-Worx Testimonial” at approx 10:10 AM yours time; i.e GMT -5)

Got it :slight_smile:

You don’t need to be a direct client of ours, just an Iworx user.