Looking for Developer to translate cPanel API -> Interworx API


I am looking to switch from cPanel to Interworx. My system uses some cPanel API calls that I need to translate to Interworx.

If you have experience with both the cPanel API and the Interworx API please contact me.

It is not a complicated script and uses only the API’s related to getting/adding/deleting Add-on domains and Email accounts.

I am looking for someone with;

  1. Knowledge of cPanel APIs with access to a cPanel server
  2. Knowledge of interworx APIs with access to an Interworx server

If you are interested, feel free to contact me directly for more information.

Thank you,

Hi Paul85

Welcome to IW forums

I would think you may have better luck if you approach the API devs for companies dedicated to this type of work

Plenty if you google as I cannot state any on forums

Many thanks
