2 hard disk setup question


I’m very interested in setting up an server running Nodeworx and Sitework but have a question I’ve been unable to find the answer to on the forums or on the site including the demos.

I would like to put 2 hard disk drives in the server I’m planning on setting up. Normally I’d configure these as software raid mirror set.

Would this be a good configuration for a Nodeworx/Siteworx based server or would 2 independent disks be better?

From what I have read on the forum it appears that the Interworx package currently doesn’t support multiple disks (or doesn’t allow you to choose the disk to place a users home directory on). This doesn’t bother me as I would be using the extra disk more for backup and disk failure purposes than user directories.

This leads me into a second question. I see Siteworx provides the user a means of backing up their files (files, databases and email).

Is there a way of backing up the Nodeworx data (user accounts, configuration, maybe even user data too) ? I didn’t spot it in the demo if it is there.

I’m asking because backups are important to me as I would like to be able to recover from a hardware failure as fast as possible with minimal data loss. I currently plan on keeping an off-server copy of at least all the configuration data and bandwidth permitting user data, updated regularly. This off-server copy would be located in Australia :slight_smile:

Can anyone offer any useful suggestions in addition to this on setting up a new Interworx server ?

Robert Harrison

Would this be a good configuration for a Nodeworx/Siteworx based server or would 2 independent disks be better?

Let me explain a bit the constraints of the system so the logic behind our decisions can be better understood.

The main “problem” we had to tackle when designing the system is how to most easily and efficiently enforce system quotas. We use the default linux kernel quota system to enforce disk quotas. Using this system works well but there is one key constraint that makes things work. The constraint is that all user-touchable files must be on the same partition. That is all web files, all email accounts / emails and all databases / database contents must reside on the same partition to accturately account for and enforce disk quotas on a per user basis. This allows us to provide 1 quota for a given SiteWorx account instead of having differing quotas for each service (web, mail, databases etc).

That said, we do allow even more granular quotas in the email portion of SiteWorx where you can limit a given email account to X MB. But this is still umbrella’d by the main SiteWorx disk quota.

Now to your question Robert :slight_smile:

You can use 2 disks in a RAID config without any problems at all. Doing so will still give InterWorx-CP the partition setup needed to enforce quotas. Actually using 2 disks without RAID could actually break quotas depending on how you set things up. For instance, if you put / on the main disk and then /var on the secondary you’d lose all quota checking for /var, which is where all mysql data lives. Now, this may not be a concern, in which case you can ignore the quota issue and InterWorx-CP will function happily, but will mis-report the DB quotas.

Regarding backing up your server(s).

All InterWorx-CP internal data is stored in a MySQL database and some other ancillary files and you can back up the internal InterWorx-CP database just as you would any other MySQL DB using mysqldump, mysqlhotcopy or even via phpMyAdmin etc. The user is always ‘iworx’ and the password can be found in your /home/interworx/iworx.ini file under the [iworx] group and the dsn= entry.

You’ll have to parse out the password visually as the DSN is a combined string of all auth info. For example if your DSN looked like this:


Then your password is: zQ13afS32aC

You can then dump the InterWorx-CP internal DB by going to: https://<your server>:2443/mysql/ and choosing the 2nd ‘localhost’ from the drop down. Then just enter user: iworx and pass: zQ13afS32aC in this example and you can then use the ‘Export’ feature of phpMyAdmin to dump each DB. Again, you can use any other mysql backup feature as well but there is one thing you should take into account. If you’re going to use mysqlhotcopy or mysqldump you’ll have to use the ‘–defaults-file=/home/interworx/etc/my.cnf’ directive so that the 2 command line tools know to use the special socket for the InterWorx-CP instance of MySQL.

Hope this helps :).


Well thank you very much

It’s help me as I’d like to create few partitions. (I have posted a thread about interworx constriant without answer).

And now I know how to backup interworx data :slight_smile:
