MTA Level E-mail Address Blacklist


I’ve just installed the last version of Interworx and I can see in the MTA Level E-mail Address Blacklist some rules like these one .

.\ @.

What do they mean ?

I don’t remember have these rules on my others iworx box (and I don’t have these rules)

More, if you just click on update iworx returns errors about these emails

? Invalid blacklist e-mail : .
? Invalid blacklist e-mail : @.

? Invalid blacklist e-mail : !.@...*
? Invalid blacklist e-mail : .%.



When we updated qmail a while ago, these became part of the default install. On boxes that had custom badmailfrom entries (it correpsonds to the /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom), the upgrade did not overwrite the file.

Those rules, in order mean
Don’t allow any e-mail addresses with spaces in them
Don’t allow any e-mail addresses that don’t look like X@X.X
Don’t allow any e-mail addresses with % in them

These entries aren’t critical - some open relay testers try to use some of those tricks to test for an open relay - and on old sendmail installs, they mighit work. But these rules block the attempts at the smtp level so the relay tester can’t say “might be an open relay!” even if it isn’t without those rules.

As for the reason InterWorx rejects them via the UI, that’s a bug.

So - you can keep them, or delete them, they aren’t critical.


Thanks Paul