Interworx resource management of 'other applications'


I"m investigating a new service provider which offers interworx as a server management package. My question is can it perform the following thigns:

1.) create accounts, and allow them access via ssh to virtual systems (similar to ensim)
2.) report total bandwidth and disk space utilization for that account, regardless of what applications run in it, http, smtp, ircd, battlefield vietnam

if it can do those things, then I’m set :slight_smile:

I just want to make sure that If i get a server, I want to know who is using what resource so I know who to shutdown if they go over-board, or charge them extra…

Thanks in advance

There is no SSH interface (yet) Gardrail.

2.) report total bandwidth and disk space utilization for that account, regardless of what applications run in it, http, smtp, ircd, battlefield vietnam

We only support bandwidth tracking on a per-account basis of HTTP at the moment. Disk space usage we have all of that covered.

if it can do those things, then I’m set :slight_smile:

We can’t cover you 100% yet gardrail and if you choose to go with another panel I just ask that you keep us in mind of the coming months as we’ll fill in most of these gaps fairly quickly.


There is no SSH interface (yet) Gardrail

any time table on getting that added?

Also, I believe I figured out how to track bandwidth utilization outside of the application. It would involve logging traffic through iptables based on uid, then writing custom scripts to tally up the length of each entry in syslog… it may be far fetched, but i may be able to get that working :wink:

If i can get interworx to create shell accounts that would be most excelent.

Hello Gardrail,

You can provide shell access to your customers easily by modifying /etc/passwd for users.

change /sbin/nologin to /bin/bash
and then set password for the user.

I know, I was just kinda hoping to have a software package that could do it all…

I also want thos eaccounts to be chroot jailed and have their own 'virtual file system where they can do their own thing… Maybe my oppinion of sit emanagement software packages have beem skewed since i’ve seen ensim…

I’m not totally thrilled with ensim, especilaly after seeing how difficult it is to troubleshoot some issues related to upgrading packages independant of their specific security patches (apparently their releases are slower than the security patches of mainstreem apps)

I like the idea of jailing users to give them shell access, but then you run into the problem where you need to predict every command the user will ever need to execute and make sure its provided. You can do this on a single partition setup by using hard links, but its quite a bit of maintainance. Its so much easier just to say “no” :slight_smile:

That said, a couple of our users have shell access :slight_smile:

I guess i’m trying to find similar features that ensim has. It has the ability to create accounts that can sftp files to their webspaces in a virtual ‘jailed’ environment under the /home/adminXXX directory structure.

Well I’ve found that jailing is well, a mess. It can work if done right, but I prefer to just have regular shell users that cant access other accounts. However they can still read everything in /etc/ so on, but they cant modify. I put all sensitive data in user account so others cannot view.

I like how cpanel jails users, you can switch between jailed or non jailed shell on the fly. If interworx follows any one process, cpanel is good way to go. Ensim and its python programming, drove me nuts.

I think Interworx is on the right path, I just hope they dont try to pack it with features like the rest because I cater to a market that doesn’t care about all the bells and whistles.

Yeah I certnaly do prefer something that works over products sold on tons os buggy features.

As far as I know, you need to use a patch to be able to chroot SFTP like this:

I don’t know if Nexcess would want to distribute a non-standard copy of OpenSSH with Interworx.

We’ll have a ‘sensical’ implementation guys and I haven’t done enough research at this point to tell you the specifics of what the final implementation will be. Ideas are welcome :).
