Humpty Dumpty broke all of his iworx system cron jobs

Despite what the how-to article says about iworx system cron jobs (the part about not deleting iworx system crons “unless there is a specific reason to do so”), late last night I managed to accidentally wipe out every job with the wrong crontab switch. After a few minutes of panic I put the pieces back together but a couple things are nagging at me.

I’m using the Nodeworx cron editor and don’t completely remember what paths were used before. Will it matter which of these three are specified?

/usr/local/interworx/cron/iworx.pex --fively

/home/interworx/cron/iworx.pex --fively

~iworx/cron/iworx.pex --fively

Also, inside the Interworx cron directory are several other .pex files. I assume these scripts are called by iworx.pex for cron scheduling. If not and I’m still missing more cron jobs in Nodeworx, I’m going to need help asap. If my list of crons is incomplete a screen shot of the Nodeworx cron page is all I need.


Btw - Here’s the article that helped save my tuchus last night:

How to: Manage Scheduled Tasks Using Cron in NodeWorx

Even though System Health reports no --fively or other cron errors, none of the paths above looked right. Since I’ve always run .pex scripts using shell script syntax I dug deeper and came up with what looks familiar.

cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --fively

Hi Sysnop

Oh dear… think we’ve all been there at some stage sorry

Please see picture and if it helps/makes quicker, text for cron jobs

Many thanks and stay safe


27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --fively

15, 30, 45, 0 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --fifteenly

23 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --hourly

48 0, 6, 12, 18 * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --quad_daily

54 8 * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --daily

0 0 * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --midnight

31 17 * * 0 cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --weekly

36 22 17 * * cd /home/interworx/cron ;
./iworx.pex --monthly


Thanks so much John!

I’m repairing according to cron guides but obviously it’s not customized enough.

*/5 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --fively
*/15 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --fifteenly
0 * * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --hourly
0 */6 * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --quad_daily
0 1 * * * cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --daily
0 0 * * 0 cd /home/interworx/cron ; ./iworx.pex --weekly

Your quick reply and effort really saved my 54 8 * * * (cron humor).

Likewise, take care!