Ok I moved one of my...

Live data sites with no real problem except for the fact that my damn netgear router died about the time I did it keeping me off of the net pretty much since saturday.

On the existing site I have the following in a .htaccess file,

<Files dbn>
AcceptPathInfo on
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP

On the new site it does not recognize “dbn” as a php file and just spits it out as text.

Do I need to do it differently in the new setup, perhaps in the site http vitrual host config?

In the virtual host you probably need to change the AllowOveride to incdlue the .htaccess file.

its reading the .htaccess file, I’ve got a directoryindex with “dbn” as the first file, which it processes. It just does not recognize it as php which it should as far as I
can tell.

In addition I tried adding it to the virtualhosts http file and that did not work either.

It looks like the error is caused because PHP is being invoked as a cgi program under the interworx configuration and thus needs

<Files dbn>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Instead of the above.

Is there any reason for invoking php in this manner and are there any performance/server implications as a result?


Hi Bluesin,

PHP isn’t being invoked as a cgi program under the interworx configuration. You can confirm this by creating a php page and using the php_sapi_name php function (see the example on the doc page).

I believe the SetHandler application/x-httpd-php syntax is a requirment of the newer Apache version, that’s all.


Hmmmm, that is the way it was done when PHP was accessed as a CGI program, perhaps the

<Files dbn>
AcceptPathInfo on
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP

Is no longer applicable?

I was thinking along those lines also, especially since I know I’m not invoking it as a cgi program and I do not see a redirect or any sort that would do it either and could not figure out what was going on.

The directive

<Files dbn>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Is documented in the Express Engine Manual as the setting required for PHP as CGI, I just tried it on a whim, and it worked.

So your thinking that they basically just did away with the output and input filter method?

I checked the change logs and don’t find it anywhere.

I’m thinking that perhaps sometime recently PHP was changed from being invoked through a filter to a handler?