Is this guy Crazy?!! He isnt going to leave his home until he makes a $1,000,000!

This guy happens to be a customer of mine, and a friend. But even he admits he might be crazy, :D!

He has started a challenge of making $1,000,000 from Home and NEVER leaving his home until he has meet this challenge. You decide, Crazy, Nuts, or brilliant?

Well he has to have SOME smarts, all his sites he is working one are on InterWorx Servers. So that is something isn’t it? (Well all of them except his Blog)

He started this challenge on July 1, 2007. Here is his Blog.

To top off the challenge, once he makes his million and leaves his home, he should not come back home until he’s spent it :wink:

He kinda looks like a guy that would stay at home anyways :smiley: But… if he now is serious about his “idea” - why on earth isn’t he at least getting a good domain name for his gag?!

Haha…he looks like George Carlin!

Nooooooooooo, don’t smudge my hero :frowning: (haha)

Now guys, have you looked in the mirror lately? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, and I will never grow a mullet… never I tell you :mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess it depends on if he makes the million and how long it takes. If he makes it in 6 weeks he is my hero and not crazy at all.

If he stays home for the next 50 years then he is just plain nuts.

I guess there is a line between the two somewhere but I don’t know where it is.


Considering the low user activity on his blog, I would think he should be happy if he reach 100 USD…

Not saying that to be mean, but I think he should be realistic. I’m sure he’s a good guy and a nice friend, but please… work on a media strategy before attempting something like this. (and get your own domain name ffs :D)