rkhunter and centOS5

I keep getting warnings from rkhunter that I’m guessing is just because they haven’t updated for CentOS5 files yet, but just wanted to see if anyone else had this issue or a way to fix it.

Also, I am using rkhunter 1.3.0-beta

Output to screen:

  Performing file properties checks
    Checking for prerequisites                               [ OK ]
    /bin/awk                                                 [ Warning ]
    /bin/basename                                            [ Warning ]
    /bin/bash                                                [ Warning ]
    /bin/cat                                                 [ Warning ]


[11:54:11] Checking for prerequisites                        [ OK ]
[11:54:11] /bin/awk                                          [ Warning ]
[11:54:11] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/awk' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/basename                                     [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/basename' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/bash                                         [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/bash' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/cat                                          [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/cat' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/chmod                                        [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/chmod' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/chown                                        [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/chown' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/cp                                           [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/cp' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:12] /bin/csh                                          [ Warning ]
[11:54:12] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/csh' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:13] /bin/cut                                          [ Warning ]
[11:54:13] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/cut' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:13] /bin/date                                         [ Warning ]
[11:54:13] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/date' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:13] /bin/df                                           [ Warning ]
[11:54:13] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/df' in the rkhunter.dat file.
[11:54:13] /bin/dmesg                                        [ Warning ]
[11:54:13] Warning: No hash value found for file '/bin/dmesg' in the rkhunter.dat file.