Anyone had same error? Uncaught IWorx_Exception_DbUtil

Anyone had same error?? I tried to add one node( IP 222.222) to cluster (IP 111.111) after I got this error

Uncaught IWorx_Exception_DbUtil: DB Error: insufficient permissions [nativecode=Access denied for user: ‘iworx@111.111’ to database ‘iworx’] ** mysql://iworx:fjt8wn1lkj@222.222:2306/iworx
A system error has occurred. Please try your request again in a few minutes.
If the error persists, please contact support.

Hi bblori

I’m sorry for lateness, Father’s Day yesterday

I would open a support ticket

It is clearly a permission error, and i don’t think it would take iw too long to resolve.

I’m sorry I cannot be more help

Many thanks
