Does ScriptWorx automatically keep scripts updated?

Does ScriptWorx automatically keep scripts updated with new versions? Or, does ScriptWorx only take care of the initial install with the webmaster needing to manually handle any script updates after that?

That depends on what you mean.

It does NOT update scripts you have installed. (You still need to manually update your phpbb forum or whatever when a new version comes out)

It DOES update the master copy of the script on your server so subsequent copies of the scripts you install are the more current ones, PROVIDED:

  • You have auto download updated scripts turned on
  • We (or the script developers) crate updated scriptworx modules for them


  • We (or the script developers) crate updated scriptworx modules for them[/quote]
    On what basis or selection are the scripts update to scriptworx modules? Because I see that the Gallary script is out of date (interworx = 2.1.2) vs (newest version = 2.2.3)

In an ideal world, we’d update each script within a few days of a new major release. In practice it doesn’t always happen that way. If you notice that a particular script has become stale, by all means let us know.

FYI - Joomla 1.5 STABLE is now out, Scriptworx is showing 1.0.13

Thanksfor pointing that out, we’ll get someone on it as soon as we can.