Graphs aren't showing

Graphics aren’t showing for all Nodeworx graphs…

Server at a Glance
Mail Server Activity

Siteworx graphs are working.

It’s a new server so I thought it might take time. If anybody can lead me to what’s missing I’d appreciate help.


Can you run the following from the command line, as root:

/home/interworx/cron/rrd.pex --update --services all

And see if you get any error messages. If you didn’t get any error messages, but the graphs still didn’t show up, look in /home/interworx/var/log/iworx.log to see if there were any messages in there. Finally, you can try removing the .rrd files in /home/interworx/var/lib/rrd/.rrd and then re-run the rrd.pex command above.


Hi, and thanks for the suggestion. But when I run the rrd.pex command I get 12 errors like this one:

ERROR: creating ‘/usr/local/interworx/var/lib/rrd/http.rrd’: No such file or directory

and the /home/interworx/var/lib/rrd/ directory is empty so nothing to remove.

Next step?

Edit your /home/interworx/iworx.ini file, search for “/usr/local/interworx/var/lib/rrd” and replace with “/home/interworx/var/lib/rrd” and then re-run the command Socheat mentioned.


That fixed it.

Thanks Chris and Socheat!



When I execute the commando: /home/interworx/cron/rrd.pex --update --services all

It leaves the following error to me:
sh: /usr/sbin/nfsstat: No such file or directory
sh: /usr/sbin/nfsstat: No such file or directory

How is solved?


yum install nfs-utils

Error persite.-

The error persite:

/home/interworx/cron/rrd.pex --update --services all
Warning: No Server Stats (/proc/net/rpc/nfsd: No such file or directory).
Warning: No Client Stats (/proc/net/rpc/nfs: No such file or directory).

[quote=tepuynet;14026]The error persite:

/home/interworx/cron/rrd.pex --update --services all
Warning: No Server Stats (/proc/net/rpc/nfsd: No such file or directory).
Warning: No Client Stats (/proc/net/rpc/nfs: No such file or directory).[/quote]


We’re getting this same error.

Any solutions?


It might mean there’s a problem with your NFS server, or possibly just that it’s not running. If you log a support ticket we’d be glad to take a look.
