jailed shell


I really need this feature. People are signing up for java hosting faster than I expected and am getting nervous with them running /bin/bash

Let me know if and when you start working on this, Ill need to get you a list of libraries that java uses to add for the chroot account.



Once we get the next release out the door we’ll be focusing on version 2 updates which we’ll try to get it into. In the meantime if you wanted to set it up on your box and give us feedback that’d be helpful. I’d even help you out as I get time before it’s officially in iworx.


Hello Chris,

Sounds like an idea, yes will help you with it and give you feedback. Just let me know when your ready.

I also have shared jsp ready for you.


How Friday John? I’ll be out of town this week until then. Look forward to chatting with you again :).



Java hosting- i assume you installed tomcat and compiled a link(jr2) btwn that and apache?


I decided best to not bother with jailed shell. More hassle than necessary and users cant get into other users /home/user which is how I hide sensitive configurations.

Yes I got tomcat and mod_jk2 working - shared tomcat with servlets is another issue though. I can get it to work using webapps dir outside of html dir, but then subdomains dont work as they are strictly in html dir as interworx has this setup. So I try to make html the webapps dir for shared, where jsp works fine but servlets do not. (through mod_jk2 that is) Works fine with my shared jsp preview link using ip:port/domain.com/servlet/


I’ve started looking at how the jailed shell works on interworx. I have noticed there is a limited amount of commands one can run - especially the stop and start of users site container.

How do I enable certain commands in shell for users using jailed shell?


Use the jk_cp command:

from a root shell:

# jk_cp /chroot /usr/bin/command-you-want-to-install
