Licensing IP Addresses...

When licensing my server it asked for an IP address, I gave it the local address and not the nat public. In retrospect, i think i should have used the public IP, what is the licensing requesting when it asks for an IP address?


The installer and licensing binder don’t prompt for an IP. It reports the IP that the box is bound to. If you need to update the IP on the box just let us konw and we’ll update the license accordingly. If the license itself is working then it should be all set.


IP Lincensing

Chris, yesterday i was able to license our test server in the meantime i have installed iworx on new production server. I demoted the test server and replecd it with the new production box. I gave the new test server the same ip and activated the license. I am not able to reach the initial logion page at https://ipaddress:2443/nodeworx. Is the license tied to a machine based on sometehing more than just having the same ip. Do i need to have my license reset? Any help would be appreciated.

Can you open a ticket tjkush and I’ll give it a look.
