Mass Transfer from 1 Server to another - Exploded

Nothing is right and I think the ticket system ate my tickets :slight_smile:

FTP was goofed, SSL is hosed, modernbill for our business doesn’t work anymore.

0: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:47 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)' does NOT match server name!? 1: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:46 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)’ does NOT match server name!? 2: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:37 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)' does NOT match server name!? 3: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:36 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)’ does NOT match server name!? 4: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:26 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)' does NOT match server name!? 5: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:25 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)’ does NOT match server name!? 6: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:21 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)' does NOT match server name!? 7: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:20 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)’ does NOT match server name!? 8: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:15 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)' does NOT match server name!? 9: [Wed Sep 21 11:52:14 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN)’ does NOT match server name!?

Adding SSL to a site doesn’t update the <domain>.conf file with the virtual server info.



Just e-mail me directly and we can figure it out:


Regarding FTP:

How many times did you run “goiworx”

Regarding Modernbill:

What was broken? Please provide details as we never saw anything about this on any correspondence.

Regarding the paste in the previous post:

It’s not an InterWorx-CP issue but an Apache issue. Change your ServerName to “” to “fix”.

Please e-mail me directly if you’re still having ticket system issues and we’ll get the rest fixed up if you’re still having problems. We can walk through the ticket system issues at that time as well.


Also, no disk usage is being tracked in the InterWorx CP.

I noticed this after upgrading to 2.1 on the old server and on the new server.

*email sent.

Also, no disk usage is being tracked in the InterWorx CP.

InterWorx-CP assumes you want the “/” partition tracked and since you have a /home partition setup it was confused. I changed the INI file to reflect your changes and it should work now.
