Php5 / Mysql 4.1.9 Howto

It’s actually cos3x

Great - thanks.

Reviving an old thread :S

I’m going to need to install PHP5 very soon, because I will be purchasing a Support system that requires it.

I have a few concerns. I see instructions on updating my Iworx contained box to PHP5 and MySQL 4.1, however, is this still deemed experimental? Is there an easier, safer, surefire way of doing this yet?

Also, as for backward compatibility issues with PHP 4.x, is this really an issue for a lot of users? I have a few web-hosting clients already and though i’m not completely in the loop as to if they use PHP on their pages (would be easy to check) – is there a possibility that i could get some complaints out of these kind folks? :o

I don’t want to do anything to upset my customers, however PHP5 will be necessary eventually (preferably soon!)

Any ideas guys?

EDIT: Using RH9 on my box

PHP 5 could break some scripts, so testing would is a must before upgrading your server.

Also, i know there are some thread on this forum about running both PHP4 and 5. Like leaving the default PHP4 as it then running PHP5 as a CGI.

Not sure how stable it is to run two PHP on the same server, but if it was that would be the way I would go. I would just make *.php default to PHP4 and *.php5 go to PHP5

Hey Justec - thanks for the reply! I saw it the same day you wrote it (subscribed to the thread)

What i’d like to know is – are the guys at InterWorx hard at work on updates or something? I’ve been waiting for confirmation on the PHP upgrade (I need to do it soon! This CGI thing you speak of might be very helpful to me!) But either way, i’d like to hear from them what their suggestions are for a RH9 box and what my options are.

Also, I emailed Sales@Interworx… about licensing a few days ago as well — still no word.

I don’t mean to sound impatient, because I’m well aware that any absence from the forums by these guys always results in good news for InterWorx users =) I just wanted to re-iterate that although Justec was kind enough to reply to my question with some suggestions, i’d still like to hear the InterWorx team’s take on it =)


int, can you re-send your sales@ inquiry. I do remember seeing something and I could have swore I responded but it wouldn’t have been the first time if it slipped through the cracks. Sorry for having to make you post here to get a response :frowning:


Thanks for the Sales reply by email Chris.

Can someone please look into my PHP question? I want to install PHP 5 on my Redhat 9 Sago box – My concern is that I see instructions on updating my InterWorx box to PHP5 and MySQL 4.1 but is this still deemed experimental? Is there an easier, safer, surefire way of doing this yet?

Also, Justec mentioned running both PHP4 and PHP5 (as a CGI script) on my server — is this possible? Is it stable? I need PHP5 to run a support system as I stated earlier. I would also, however, like to be able to offer PHP5 to my web-clients.

Please let me know soon - i’m anxious to purchase the Support system and start playing with it/ customizing it.

It’s experimental in the sense that we don’t provide RPMs for it and won’t debug problems stemming from an install of it on an iworx-cp box. We will still support iworx-cp itself on a box with php5 as long as it isn’t the direct cause of any issues.


Hmmm - well now i’m reluctant to install it :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there any timeframe on when it might be supported - so that if I break my box during the upgrade process, or if a problem arises because of PHP5 — I will still be supported?

I don’t use support often, but I would hate to be on my own if I broke my box somehow :eek:

It’s not high on the list at this point int. As folks request it more and standardize on 5 we’ll get it in the mix, but at the moment there are other things in the iworx-cp interface proper we’re focusing on.


Is it just me or is the listed mirror down? I cannot seem to get yum to upgrade to php5 and mysql 4.x (which i really want :slight_smile: )

It’s not down, no, but the package names may have changed. Just browse:

Is there a yum mirror somewhere, so i can use yum to upgrade. Im likely to break everything i spent ages setting up if i use RPMS :slight_smile:

There are no pre-built binaries, just source RPMs since this is still deemed experimental. Instructions for building are in this thread.


I was afraid I might screw something up during the PHP5 install, so I had an expert try to perform the install for me. However, in doing so, the person had some trouble.

Question: During compilation, to compile PHP as a DSO for Apache2, it looks for the apu-config packages, which are made available with the httpd-devel packages. Doing an “rpm -q httpd” however, one finds a custom interworx httpd daemon instead of the apache httpd distribution, and no httpd-devel package. Do they have their own httpd-devel that should be used? Or is it safe to use the standard, same-version httpd-devel rpm.

The apu-config bin is made avail via the apr-util-devel package I believe, and you might as well install the apr-devel package as well if it’s not there already.


Hi Chris/Int,

I’ve done the work, and have posted the how-to here, hope it helps. I see many PHP5-how-to requests in these forums :slight_smile:


Alex - thank you for your efforts. They are sure to help every InterWorx user who will attempt an update to PHP5.

I don’t know why I’m so surprised by this, since in my experience, this is how the Saeven team has been forever with their Whois.Cart product, and now, i’m sure, with the Auracle Support Engine. I don’t mean for this to be a plug for Saeven products, but if anyone is looking for a Cart that works well with InterWorx, that’s a great one to go with (

From all InterWorx users, thank you so very much Alex!

I’d like to update MySQL to version 4.1 or later on my Redhat 9 box. Can anyone provide simple/clear instructions on how I can do so without breaking anything? =)

MySQL 4.1.12 Problems

I tried updating MySQL to version 4.1.12 by following the instructions to build RPMs.

I got it to create:

However, whenever I try to rpm -Uvh on any of those, i get dependency errors which I can’t simply fix with a “yum install packagename”

Does anyone have a simpler way for me to upgrade MySQL? I’m going nuts over here…