Question about squirrelmail

If changes are made to the theme or plugins added will the changes be overwritten when an upgrade occurs?

Yes, so we encourage you to just create a new theme that is named something different than the default themes. This new theme will not be touched during the upgrade process.


Good to hear!
I have purchased and installed skins/themes from, and it would be sad to see them gone in an upgrade…

By the way, I definitely recommend these themes, they give squirrelmail a really cool and professional look (


Ho can install themes on squirrelmail?
sombody can epxlain?

I’m not sure in general, but if you are referring to the nutsmail themes, they are actually bundled with a complete squirrelmail install.

What we did was to replace the Iworx installed squirrelmail with the one purchased from


can put the guide to change? step by step please?

This is from the install note in the nutsmail package about 2 years ago (it might have changed).

Quick instructions for installing squirrelmail: (detailed instructions can be found at

  1. If you have cpanel or ssh access to your site, then just upload the .tgz file
    you downloaded from us to the directory you want nutsmail to install to. (ie /nutsmail/ or /squirrelmail/ or /webmail/
    or to the root, pick your flavor, or create your own)

  2. In cpanel you can use the filemanager to extract the contents of the archive, or if you have ssh then
    tar -xvfz FILENAME.tgz should do it.

  3. If you don’t have cpanel or ssh, then use winzip or winrar or some such utility to extract the archive
    contents to a directory on your pc and then upload via ftp.

  4. chmod to 777 the following directories/files: (d = directory, f = file)

    (d) /data/ (775 would be better, sometimes it doesn’t work though, if it doesn’t, go 777)
    (f) /data/default_pref
    (f) /plugins/virusscan/includes/virussignatures.php (optional, isn’t included in recent upgrades)

    note. this is assuming you will set your data dir to be below your squirrelmail root
    (/NUTSMAIL/data) if in the next step you choose to have your data elsewhere on your server
    (would require you having access to directories above your site root) you’ll have to make sure that
    directory has the appropriate permissions (777).

  5. edit the config/config.php file.

    following lines are of importance: (line number in parentheses for those that use a text-editor that shows line-numbers.)

    (110) $domain = ‘’; (replace with your domain)

    (138) $smtpServerAddress = ‘localhost’; (usually is “” or something similar,
    however this varies from host to host so if you aren’t sure check with your hosting company.

    (161) $imapServerAddress = ‘localhost’; (usually it IS localhost however you may have a special setup)

    (421) $data_dir = SM_PATH . ‘data/’; (by default is so, however if you want added ‘security’ you could
    consider moving it elsewhere (requires access to server filesystem) and setting an absolute path in this
    variable (ie. $data_dir = ‘/path/to/your/data/dir/’; ) you would have to ensure it has the appropriate permissions (777)

    (576) $theme_default = 38; (change to whatever skin you want the default to be. nutsmail skins start at
    #38, we’ve left the original squirrelmail ‘themes’ as they are.

    (577) $theme_css = SM_PATH.‘themes/css/XP_BlueSky.css’; (normally this should work, if however your skin
    looks “messed up”, consider changing that to: $theme_css = /nutsmail/themes/css/XP_BlueSky.css’; (assuming you’ve installed to /nutsmail/
    if you’ve installed to the root of your site you would of course substitute /nutsmail/ for just / making it: $theme_css = /themes/css/XP_BlueSky.css’;

  6. finished setup, go to and login.

  7. if you are having difficulty installing, or would like a more advanced (server-wide, virtual domains etc…)installation, you can order one from our website:

The orig install on Iworx is at:

So, in short you would want to…

  • rename /home/interworx/lib/squirrelmail for backup purpose
  • extract the contents of the nutsmail package as /home/interworx/lib/squirrelmail
  • edit the /home/interworx/lib/squirrelmail/config/config.php file
    …and you should be good to go…

I might have missed something here, it’s been a while since I did this
