// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | NEXCESS.NET InterWorx | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright (c) 2000-2003 NEXCESS.NET L.L.C., All Rights Reserved. | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Redistribution and use in source form, with or without modification | // | is NOT permitted without consent from the copyright holder. | // | | // | THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND | // | ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, | // | THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A | // | PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, | // | EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, | // | PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR | // | PROFITS; OF BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY | // | OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT | // | (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE | // | USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH | // | DAMAGE. | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Authors: Chris Wells | // | Paul Oehler | // | John Lim | // | Bojan Peovski | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: global.lng,v 2004/09/06 23:14:19 iworx Exp $ LG_OK=OK LG_YES=Yes LG_NO=No LG_SUBMIT=Submit LG_INVALIDFIELD=Invalid field. LG_INVALIDFIELDS=Invalid fields. LG_OPTIONAL=Optional LG_MEGABYTES=Megabytes LG_NOQUOTA=No Quota LG_ONVACATION=On Vacation LG_ABORT=Abort LG_CANCEL=Cancel LG_MANAGING=Managing LG_MYINFO=My Info LG_SITEUSAGESNAPSHOT=Site Usage Snapshot LG_SITEOVERVIEW=Site Overview LG_LOGOUTOFDOMAIN=Logout Of This Domain LG_LOGOUT=Logout LG_LOGIN=Login LG_MYEMAIL=My E-mail LG_MYDATABASES=My Databases LG_MYSTATS=My Stats LG_MYBACKUP=My Backup LG_MYFTPACCOUNTS=My FTP Accounts LG_MYSUBDOMAINS=My Subdomains LG_LOGS=Logs LG_RAWLOGS=Raw Logs LG_MYLOGS=My Logs LG_MYPREFERENCES=My Preferences LG_PREFERENCES=Preferences LG_DOMAIN=Domain LG_DOMAINSTATUS=Domain Status LG_ACCOUNT=Account LG_POINTINGTO=Pointing to LG_DOMAIN_EXISTS_AS_SUBDOMAIN=Domain Exists (as a subdomain). LG_DOMAINS=Domains LG_USER=User LG_BANDWIDTH=Bandwidth LG_DISKSPACE=Disk Space LG_EMAILBOXES=E-mail Boxes LG_MYSQLDATABASES=MySQL Databases LG_MYSQLROOTPASSWORD=MySQL Root Password LG_DATABASES=Databases LG_SUBDOMAINS=Subdomains LG_POINTERDOMAINS=Pointer Domains LG_CRONJOBS=Cron Jobs LG_SSLCERT=SSL Certificates LG_FILEMANAGER=File Manager LG_ACCOUNTFEATURES=Account Features LG_FTPACCOUNTS=FTP Accounts LG_FEATURE=Feature LG_USED=Used LG_CANNOTCHANGESERVERSTATUSTOUSED=Cannot change server status to used manually. LG_TOTAL=Total LG_TOTALS_CAPS=TOTALS LG_ALL_DOMAINS_CAPS=ALL DOMAINS LG_MONTHLY=Monthly LG_YEARLY=Yearly LG_WEEKLY=Weekly LG_DAILY=Daily LG_EMAILMAINT=E-mail Maintenance LG_EMAILSTATS=E-mail Stats LG_EMAILMENU=E-mail Menu LG_MAILBOXES=Mailboxes LG_ALIASES=Aliases LG_AUTORESPONDERS=Autoresponders LG_ALIAS=alias LG_GROUPS=Groups LG_EMAIL=E-mail LG_UNKNOWN_EMAIL=Unknown E-mail LG_MANAGEEMAILBOX=Manage E-mail Boxes LG_MANAGEEMAILALIAS=Manage E-mail Aliases LG_MANAGEEMAILGROUP=Manage E-mail Groups LG_MANAGEEMAILAUTORESPONDER=Manage E-mail Autoresponders LG_MANAGESPAM=Manage Spam Settings LG_WEBMAIL=Webmail LG_UNLIMITED=Unlimited LG_EMAILBOXMANAGEMENT=E-mail Box Management LG_EMAILGROUPMANAGEMENT=E-mail Group Management LG_EMAILALIASMANAGEMENT=E-mail Alias Management LG_SPAMFILTERMANAGEMENT=Spam Filter Management LG_EMAILADDRESS=E-mail Address LG_PASSWORD=Password LG_ERRORRESETTINGPASSWORD=There was an error while trying to reset your password. LG_PASSWORD_RESET_MESSAGE=Your password has now been reset and emailed to you. Please check your email to find your new password. LG_RESET_PASSWORD=Reset Password LG_CONFIRMPASSWORD=Confirm Password LG_EXISTINGEMAILBOXES=Existing E-mail Boxes LG_EXISTINGAUTORESPONDERS=Existing Autoresponders LG_EXISTINGALIASES=Existing E-mail Aliases LG_EXISTINGGROUPS=Existing E-mail Groups LG_EDIT=Edit LG_EDITUSERINFO=Edit User Info LG_VIEW=View LG_DELETE=Delete LG_RESTOREDEFAULTTEMPLATE=Restore Default Template LG_CONFIRMRESTOREDEFAULTTEMPLATE=Are you sure you want to restore the default template settings? This operation cannot be undone. LG_ADD=Add LG_ACTION=Action LG_DISKSPACEUSED=Disk Space Used LG_DISKSPACEQUOTA=Disk Space Quota LG_CONFIRMDELETIONOF=Confirm deletion of LG_BOXESLOADEDSUCCESSFULLY=E-mail boxes loaded successfully. LG_FILTERINGSPAM=Filtering Spam LG_EMAILSPAMMANAGEMENT=E-mail Spam Management LG_SPAMALWAYSBLOCKLIST=Always Block List (domain-wide) LG_SPAMALWAYSBLOCKLISTDESC=E-mail addresses that are always marked as SPAM. LG_SPAMALWAYSALLOWLIST=Always Allow List (domain-wide) LG_SPAMALWAYSALLOWLISTDESC=E-mail addresses that are never marked as SPAM. LG_ONEEMAILPERLINE=One e-mail address per line. LG_EDITWHITELIST=Edit Whitelist LG_EDITBLACKLIST=Edit Blacklist LG_SAVECHANGES=Save Changes LG_EMAILBOXSETTINGS=E-mail Box Settings LG_FORWARDSTO=Forwards To LG_EDITINGSPAM=Editing Spam LG_FTPUSERNAME=FTP Username LG_HOMEDIRECTORY=Home Directory LG_FTPACCOUNTMANAGEMENT=FTP Account Management LG_EXISTINGFTPACCOUNTS=Existing FTP Accounts LG_MASTERACCOUNT=Master Account LG_NOEMAILBOXESCONFIGURED=No e-mail boxes configured. LG_NOAUTORESPONDERSCONFIGURED=No autoresponders configured. LG_NOEMAILALIASESCONFIGURED=No e-mail aliases configured. LG_NOEMAILGROUPSCONFIGURED=No e-mail groups configured. LG_NOFTPACCOUNTSCONFIGURED=No FTP accounts configured. LG_NOUSERSCONFIGURED=No users configured. LG_TYPE=Type LG_USERNAME=Username LG_MASTER=Master LG_SECONDARY=Secondary LG_DOMAINSWITCHEDSUCCESSFULLY=Working domain switched successfully. LG_COMBINEDOVERALLDOMAINS=combined over all domains LG_ERRORLOGSUCCESS=Error log loaded successfully. LG_ERRORLOGERROR=There were no entries in the error log. LG_ERRORLOGVIEWER=Error Log Viewer LG_WEBLOGMENU=Web Log Menu LG_ERRORLOG=Error Log LG_DAILYTRANSFERLOG=Daily Transfer Log LG_DOWNLOAD=Download LG_LANGDOWNLOAD=Download Language LG_CLICKTODOWNLOADYOURLOG=Click to download your log. LG_NOTRANSFERLOGAVAILABLE=No daily transfer log is available. LG_TRANSFERLOGSAVINGNOTON=You don't currently have transfer log file saving turned on. LG_YOURDOWNLOADWILLSTARTINAFEWSECONDS=Your download will start in a few seconds. LG_SITEWORXPREFERENCES=SiteWorx Preferences LG_PREFERENCE=Preference LG_VALUE=Value LG_SAVE=Save LG_PREFSSAVED=Preferences updated successfully. LG_DOWNLOADYOURWEBSITE=Download your website in its current state. LG_SITETOOLARGETOBACKUP=You are using more disk space then we can reliably transfer directly to you via SiteWorx. For a backup of your web data, please contact support. LG_WEBSITEBACKUP=Website Backup LG_CACHE=Cache LG_BACKUPWEBSITE=Backup your website. LG_BACKUPMAIL=Backup your e-mail. LG_BACKUPDATABASES=Backup your databases. LG_DATABASEMAINTENANCE=Database Maintenance LG_DATABASESTATS=Database Stats LG_DATABASEMENU=Database Menu LG_MYSQLUSERS=MySQL Users LG_MANAGEMYSQLDATABASES=Manage MySQL Databases LG_MANAGEMYSQLUSERS=Manage MySQL Users LG_PHPMYADMIN=PhpMyAdmin LG_MYSQLACCOUNTMANAGEMENT=MySQL Account Management LG_NODATABASESCONFIGURED=No Databases Currently Configured LG_DATABASENAME=Database Name LG_MANAGEUSERS=Manage Users LG_ADDAMYSQLDATABASE=Add a MySQL Database LG_EXISTINGDATABASES=Existing Databases LG_EXISTINGUSERS=Existing Users LG_HASPERMISSIONSON=Has Permissions On LG_NONE=none LG_ADDAMYSQLUSER=Add a MySQL User LG_NOUSERSMAPPEDTODB=No users currently mapped to this database. LG_ADDAUSERTO=Add a user to LG_WILLBEALLOWEDTOACCESS=Will be allowed to access LG_CHOOSEAREASOFACCESS=Choose the areas this user is allowed to access LG_PERMISSIONS=Permissions LG_DATABASE=Database LG_CONNECTINGFROM=connecting from LG_WHENCONNECTINGFROM=When Connecting From LG_CONFIRMPERMISSIONSDELETIONOF=Confirm permissions deletion of LG_LEAVEPASSBLANK=Leave blank for no change. LG_FROM=from LG_CHECKALL=check all LG_UNCHECKALL=uncheck all LG_EXISTINGDNSRECORDS=Existing DNS Records LG_RECORDNAME=Record Name LG_IPADDRESS=IP Address LG_MXRANK=MX Rank LG_RECORDTYPE=Type LG_TARGET=Target LG_OR=OR LG_DIRECTORY=Directory LG_SERVERINFO=Server Info LG_SERVERFEATURES=Server Features LG_ACCOUNTS=Accounts LG_STORAGE=Storage LG_SERVICE=Service LG_PORT=Port LG_STATUS=Status LG_SERVERSTATUS=Server Status LG_SERVERUSAGESNAPSHOT=Server Usage Snapshot LG_MANAGINGSERVER=Managing Server LG_SERVER=Server LG_WEBSERVER=Web Server LG_SSHSERVER=SSH Server LG_MYSQLSERVER=MySQL Server LG_DBSERVER=Database Server LG_QMAILSERVER=Qmail Server LG_PROFTPSERVER=ProFTP Server LG_WELCOMETOSITEWORX=Welcome to SiteWorx! LG_WELCOMETONODEWORX=Welcome to NodeWorx! LG_WELCOMETONOCWORX=Welcome to NOCWorx! LG_RESELLERACCOUNT=Reseller Account LG_ACCOUNTINFO=Account Info LG_ROOT=ROOT LG_RESELLER=Reseller LG_UNASSIGNED=unassigned LG_ACCOUNTMAINTENANCE=Account Maintenance LG_SITEWORX=SiteWorx LG_NODEWORX=NodeWorx LG_SERVEROVERVIEW=Server Overview LG_SITEWORXACCOUNTS=SiteWorx Accounts LG_MONITORING=Monitoring LG_RESELLERACCOUNTS=Reseller Accounts LG_CSV=CSV LG_XML=XML LG_DOMAINNAME=Domain Name LG_PACKAGETEMPLATE=Package Template LG_PACKAGEFEATURES=Package Features LG_NICKNAME=Nickname LG_LANGUAGE=Language LG_SET=Set LG_CUSTOM=custom LG_DNSMANAGEMENT=DNS Management LG_IPMANAGEMENT=IP Management LG_THEMES=Themes LG_SERVERSETUP=Server Setup LG_SYSTEMSERVICES=System Services LG_LANGUAGES=Languages LG_BACKUP=Backup LG_BACKUPRESTORE=Backup/Restore LG_BACKUPCONFIGURATION=Backup Configuration LG_SYSTEMREPORTS=System Reports LG_PACKAGES=Packages LG_DESTINATIONADDRESS=Destination E-mail Address LG_DESTINATIONADDRESSES=Destination E-mail Addresses LG_REALTIMEBANDWIDTHUSAGE=Real-time Bandwidth Usage LG_REALTIMECPUUSAGE=Real-time CPU Usage LG_REALTIMEMEMORYUSAGE=Real-time Memory Usage LG_SERVICEINFO=Service Info LG_FTPSERVER=FTP Server LG_POP3SERVER=POP3 Server LG_IMAPSERVER=IMAP Server LG_SMTPSERVER=SMTP Server LG_MYSQLSEVER=MySQL Server LG_POP3IMAPSERVER=POP3 / IMAP Server LG_POP3_SPOP3_IMAP4_SIMAP4_SERVER=POP3, Secure POP3, IMAP4, Secure IMAP4 LG_SERVICESTATUS=Service Status LG_OSSTATUS=Operating System Status LG_METRIC=Metric LG_LOADAVERAGE=Load Average LG_PROCESSCOUNT=Process Count LG_OPSYSTEM=Operating System LG_CPU=CPU LG_SYSTEMMEMORY=System Memory LG_UPTIME=System Uptime LG_DISKUSAGE=Disk Usage LG_USERSLOGGEDIN=Shell Users LG_USERS=Users LG_USERADDSUCCESSFUL=User Add Successful LG_THEMEMAINTENANCE=Theme Maintenance LG_CHANGE=change LG_LANGCHANGE=Change LG_SELECTATHEME=Select a theme LG_NOPREVIEW=no preview LG_THEMELOADEDSUCCESSFULLY=Theme loaded successfully. LG_THEMEUPLOAD=Select Theme to Upload LG_UPLOADTHEME=Upload Theme LG_LANGUPLOAD=Select Language to Upload LG_UPLOADLANG=Upload Language LG_SHARED=Shared LG_STATIC=Dedicated LG_EXISTINGIPADDRESSES=Existing IP Addresses LG_NOIPSCONFIGURED=No IP addresses are configured. LG_NOCOVERVIEW=NOC Overview LG_SERVERS=Servers LG_RESELLERMANAGEMENT=Reseller Management LG_EXISTINGRESELLERS=Existing Resellers LG_NORESELLERACCOUNTSCONFIGURED=No reseller accounts configured. LG_ADDARESELLER=Add a reseller LG_NAME=Name LG_CLIENT=Client LG_HOSTNAME=Hostname LG_LOCATION=Physical Location LG_SERVICENAME=Service Name LG_RESTART=Restart LG_START=Start LG_STOP=Stop LG_DATATRANSFERED=Data Transferred LG_STORAGEUSED=Storage Used LG_STORAGEALLOWED=Storage Allowed LG_BANDWIDTHALLOWED=Bandwidth Allowed LG_BANDWIDTHUSED=Bandwidth Used LG_BWGRAPH=Bandwidth Graph LG_SUPPORT=Support LG_CORESERVICES=Core Services LG_DNSSERVER=DNS Server LG_DRIVERTYPE=Driver Type LG_SELECT=Select LG_THEMENAME=Theme Name LG_CURRENT=current LG_CURRENTTHEME=Current Theme LG_LICENSES=Licenses LG_LICENSEKEY=License Key LG_SERVICESTOPSUCCESS=Service successfully stopped. LG_SERVICESTARTSUCCESS=Service successfully started. LG_SERVICERESTARTSUCCESS=Service successfully restarted. LG_SERVICESTOPFAILURE=Failure stopping service. LG_SERVICESTARTFAILURE=Failure starting service. LG_SERVICERESTARTFAILURE=Failure restarting service. LG_SERVERMANAGEMENT=Server Management LG_WEBSITEMANAGEMENT=Website Management LG_ANNOUNCEMENTS=Announcements LG_AUTHOR=Author LG_TIME=Time LG_TITLE=Title LG_ANNOUNCEMENT=Announcement LG_OFF=Off LG_ON=On LG_ACTIVESERVERS=Active Servers LG_OPENSUPPORTTICKETS=Open Support Tickets LG_HOST=Host LG_DATE=Date LG_INTERFACE=Interface LG_ALARMS=Alarms LG_MACADDRESS=MAC LG_BILLINGID=Billing ID LG_SLAVOIDED=SLA Void LG_LASTCHECKIN=Last Check-in Date LG_DESCRIPTION=Description LG_NOSERVERSCONFIGURED=You have no servers configured yet. LG_MANAGINGNOC=Managing NOC LG_USERMANAGEMENT=User Management LG_IPADDRESSMANAGEMENT=IP Address Management LG_CATCHALL=catch-all LG_IPRANGESTART=IP Range Start LG_IPRANGEEND=IP Range End LG_COMMENT=Comment LG_BACKBONESNAPSHOT=Backbone Snapshot LG_EXPORT=Export LG_IPADDRESSMAINTENANCE=IP Address Maintenance LG_THEMECHANGEDSUCCESSFULLY=Theme changed successfully. LG_DAYS=days LG_HOURS=hours LG_MINUTES=minutes LG_SECONDS=seconds LG_MB=MB LG_GB=GB LG_PACKAGENAME=Package Name LG_EMPTYPACKAGENAME=Empty Package Name LG_PACKAGEMAINTENANCE=Package Maintenance LG_WEBSITESTATISTICS=Website Statistics LG_STATISTICS=Statistics LG_ALIASEDIPADDRESS=Aliased IP Address LG_NOIPALIASESCONFIGURED=No IP aliases configured. LG_MAINIPADDRESS=Main IP Address LG_ADDSITEWORXACCOUNT=Add SiteWorx Account LG_PENDING=Pending LG_PENDINGUPDATES=pending updates LG_ACTIVE=Active LG_INACTIVE=Inactive LG_CANCELED=Canceled LG_FRAUD=Fraud LG_NOREALTIMESTATSAVAILABLE=Real-time stats are not yet available for your account. LG_SERVERATAGLANCE=Server At A Glance LG_SYSTEMSTATUS=System Status LG_ADDACCOUNT=Add Account LG_ADDSITEWORX=Add SiteWorx LG_ADDUSER=Add User LG_ADDRESELLER=Add Reseller LG_ADDPACKAGE=Add Package LG_WELCOMETO=Welcome To LG_SERVERWIDE=server wide LG_SITEWORXPACKAGES=SiteWorx Packages LG_SERVERMONITORING=Server Monitoring LG_PERFORMANCEGRAPHS=Performance Graphs LG_REALTIMESTATISTICS=Real-time Statistics LG_LANGUAGEOPTIONS=Language Options LG_THEMEMANAGEMENT=Theme Management LG_HELPSYSTEM=Help System LG_HELP=Help LG_CHOOSEONE=choose one LG_MASTERDOMAIN=Master Domain LG_MASTERUSER=Master User LG_CURRENTUSER=Current User LG_PROVISIONING=Provisioning LG_NOCMANAGEMENT=NOC Management LG_ADDSERVER=Add Server LG_SERIALNUMBER=Serial Number LG_SERVERSPECS=Server Specs LG_HARDDRIVE1=Hard Drive 1 LG_HARDDRIVE2=Hard Drive 2 LG_MEMORY=Memory LG_COMPONENTMANAGEMENT=Component Management LG_TYPES=Types LG_NOCOMPONENTSCONFIGURED=No Components Currently Configured LG_SERIALNUMBERREQUIRED=A serial number is required. LG_SERVERADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server added successfully. LG_SERVERADDITIONFAILED=Server addition failed. LG_SERVEREDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server edited successfully. LG_SERVEREDITFAILED=Server edit failed. LG_SERVERDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server deleted successfully. LG_SERVERDELETEFAILED=Server deletion failed. LG_NOCLIENTSCONFIGURED=No clients are configured. LG_CLIENTMANAGEMENT=Client Management LG_OPTIGOLDID=OptiGold ID LG_CLIENTNAMEREQURIED=Client name required. LG_OPTIGOLDIDREQUIRED=OptiGold ID required. LG_CLIENTADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Client added successfully. LG_CLIENTADDITIONFAILED=Client addition failed. LG_CLIENTEDITFAILED=Client edit failed. LG_CLIENTEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Client edited successfully. LG_CLIENTDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Client deleted successfully. LG_CLIENTDELETIONFAILED=Client deletion failed. LG_PROVISIONSERVER=Provision Server LG_NOSERVERSPROVISIONED=No Servers Provisioned LG_SERVERCONFIGURATIONMANAGEMENT=Server Configuration Management LG_NOSERVERCONFIGSDEFINED=No server configurations have been defined. LG_SERVERCONFIGDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server configuration successfully deleted. LG_SERVERCONFIG=Server Configuration LG_NEXT=Next LG_SOFTWAREUPDATEMANAGEMENT=Software Update Management LG_DNSZONES=DNS Zones LG_ADDZONE=Add Zone LG_NOZONESAREDEFINED=No DNS Zones are defined. LG_DNSZONEMANAGEMENT=DNS Zone Management LG_ZONEEXISTS=Zone already exists. LG_ZONEADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Zone added successfully. LG_ZONEADDITIONFAILED=Zone addition failed. LG_ADDRECORDS=Add Records LG_ZONEDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Zone deleted successfully. LG_DOMAINREQUIRED=Domain Required LG_ZONEEDITFAILED=Zone edit failed. LG_INVALIDDOMAINFORMAT=Invalid domain format. LG_INVALIDIPADDRESS=Invalid IP address. LG_ZONE=Zone LG_EDITRECORDS=Edit Records LG_EDITDNSRECORDS=Edit DNS Records LG_ADDRECORD=Add Record LG_NORECORDSAREDEFINED=No records are defined. LG_RECORD=Record LG_PREFIX=Prefix LG_ARECORD=A Record LG_MXRECORD=MX Record LG_NSRECORD=NS Record LG_CNAME=CNAME LG_DNSRECORDMANAGEMENT=DNS Record Management LG_DNSRECORDALREADYEXISTS=DNS record already exists. LG_RECORDADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=DNS record successfully added. LG_ONZONE=on zone LG_RECORDDELETEFAILED=DNS record deletion failed. LG_RECORDDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=DNS record successfully deleted. LG_MXRANKMUSTBEANINTEGER=MX rank must be an integer. LG_VALIDIPADDRESSREQUIRED=A valid IP address is required. LG_INVALIDHOSTFIELD=Invalid host field. LG_TARGETHOSTNAMEREQUIRED=Target hostname required. LG_RECORDADDITIONFAILED=Record addition failed. LG_RECORDEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Record edited successfully. LG_RECORDEDITFAILED=Record edit failed. LG_BASEINFORMATION=Base Information LG_USERINFORMATION=User Information LG_PACKAGEALREADYEXISTS=Package already exists. LG_INVALIDPACKAGENAMEFORMAT=Invalid package name format. A package name must start with a letter and contain no special characters (+, -, etc). LG_REVERSEDNS=Reverse DNS LG_ALIASEDIPADDRESSES=Aliased IP Addresses LG_NOIPADDRESSESCONFIGURED=No IP addresses configured. LG_UPDATE=Update LG_IPSUPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY=IP addresses updated successfully. LG_INVALIDPTR=Invalid PTR LG_MANAGINGWEBSITE=Managing Website LG_NETWORKMANAGEMENT=Network Management LG_CONTROLPANEL=Control Panel LG_SERVERCONFIGEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server configuration edited successfully. LG_SERVERCONFIGADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Server configuration added successfully. LG_SERVERCONFIGNAMEREQURIED=Server configuration name required. LG_PACKAGE=Package LG_RACKMANAGEMENT=Rack Management LG_RACKNAMEREQUIRED=Rack name is required. LG_RACKADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Rack added successfully. LG_RACKEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Rack edited successfully. LG_RACKADDITIONFAILED=Rack addition failed. LG_RACKEDITFAILED=Rack edit failed. LG_RACKALREADYEXISTS=Rack already exists. LG_BASEIP=Base IP Address LG_SWITCHMANAGEMENT=Switch Management LG_NOSWITCHESSCONFIGURED=No switches are configured. LG_VALIDSTARTIPREQUIRED=Valid starting IP required. LG_VALIDENDINGIPREQUIRED=Valid ending IP required. LG_SWITCHADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Switch added successfully. LG_SWITCHNAMEALREADYEXISTS=Switch name already exists. LG_SWITCHEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Switch edited successfully. LG_SWITCHEDITFAILED=Switch edit failed. LG_SWITCHADDITIONFAILED=Switch addition failed. LG_NOFREEIPBLOCKS=There are no free IP blocks for use LG_PORTS=Ports LG_RACK=Rack LG_SWITCH=Switch LG_AUTHENTICATIONERROR=Authentication Error LG_USERINACTIVE=This user account is inactive LG_ACCOUNTINACTIVE=This account is inactive LG_USERLOGINDISABLED=This user's login ability diabled LG_VIEWIPS=View IPs LG_IPRANGE=IPs In Range LG_PATCHPANELPORTS=Patch Panel Ports LG_PORTNAMENUMBER=Port Name / Number LG_NORACKSCONFIGURED=No racks are configured. LG_RACKDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Rack deleted successfully. LG_PORTSUPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY=Ports updated successfully. LG_SAMEASPHONE=same as phone LG_DOLLARSANDCENTS=in dollars and cents LG_SERVERSERIAL=Server Serial LG_SERVERISALREADYPROVISIONED=Server selected is already provisioned LG_SWITCHPORTS=Switch Ports LG_SWITCHDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Switch deleted successfully. LG_MODE=Mode LG_SWITCHDELETEFAILED=Switch deletion failed. LG_BOUNDIPS=Bound IPs LG_PATCHPORT=Patch Panel Port LG_SWITCHPORT=Switch Port LG_BOUNDSTATUS=Bound Status LG_IPADDRESSES=IP Addresses LG_BOUNDTOPORT=Bound To Port LG_UNBOUND=Unbound LG_IPBLOCKALREADYEXISTS=IP block already exists. LG_IPBLOCKADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=IP block added successfully. LG_IPBLOCK=IP block LG_IPBLOCKDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=IP block deleted successfully. LG_BLADE=Blade LG_PORTSELECTION=Port Selection LG_CONFIRMORDER=Confirm Order LG_ORDERCONFIRMED=Order Confirmed LG_NETWORKSETUP=Network Setup LG_EMAILTEMPLATES=E-mail Templates LG_NOEMAILTEMPLATESDEFINED=No e-mail templates are defined LG_CLOSE=Close LG_TEMPLATEADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Template added successfully. LG_TEMPLATEEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Template edited successfully. LG_TEMPLATERESTOREDSUCCESSFULLY=Template restored successfully. LG_TEMPLATEDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Template deleted successfully. LG_TEMPLATEADDITIONFAILED=Template addition failed. LG_TEMPLATEEDITFAILED=Template edit failed. LG_TEMPLATERESTOREFAILED=Template restore failed. LG_TEMPLATEMAINTENANCE=Template Maintenance LG_BODY=Body LG_SUBJECT=Subject LG_FROMNAME=From Name LG_FROMEMAILADDRESS=From E-mail Address LG_TEMPLATEALREADYEXISTS=Template already exists. LG_TEMPLATE=Template LG_TEMPLATENAME=Template Name LG_TEMPLATEDESCRIPTION=Template Description LG_DEFAULTPRIMARYNAMESERVER=Default Primary Nameserver LG_DEFAULTSECONDARYNAMESERVER=Default Secondary Nameserver LG_DEFAULTTERTIARYNAMESERVER=Default Tertiary Nameserver LG_NEWMYSQLROOTPASSWORD=New MySQL root password LG_DNSSETUP=DNS Setup LG_INTERWORXINFO=InterWorx Info LG_VERSION=Version LG_TTL=TTL LG_PRIMARYNAMESERVERREQUIRED=A primary nameserver is required. LG_SECONDARYNAMESERVERREQUIRED=A secondary nameserver is required. LG_PRIMARYNAMESERVERINVALID=The primary nameserver was invalid. LG_SECONDARYNAMESERVERINVALID=The secondary nameserver was invalid. LG_TERTIARYNAMESERVERINVALID=The tertiary nameserver was invalid. LG_SETTINGSUPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY=Settings updated successfully. LG_UPDATESETTINGSFAILED=Update settings failed. LG_CHANGESNOTSAVED=Changes NOT saved LG_SOMECHANGESNOTSAVED=Some changes were NOT saved LG_AUTOUPDATE=Auto Update LG_SOFTWAREUPDATES=Software Updates LG_UPDATES=Updates LG_INTERWORXALERTSANDMONITORING=InterWorx Alerts / Monitoring LG_ALERTEMAILADDRESS=Alert E-mail Address LG_LOADAVERAGEONEMINUTE=Load Average
(15 minute) LG_STORAGETHRESHOLD=Storage Threshold
(per partition) LG_INVALIDLOADAVERAGE=Invalid load average value LG_INVALIDSTORAGETHRESHOLD=Invalid storage threshold LG_INVALIDALERTEMAILADDRESS=Invalid alert e-mail address LG_PASSWORDSDONOTMATCH=Passwords given do not match LG_CHOOSEATLEASTONEPERMISSION=Choose at least one permission LG_NOPACKAGES=No SiteWorx packages are configured. LG_ADDAPACKAGE=Add a SiteWorx package LG_CANTCONVERTSTATICIP=Can not convert to dedicated IP: Multiple domains on IP LG_PLEASEWAIT=Please Wait... LG_SWITCHNAMEREQUIRED=Switch name required. LG_INVALIDDNSSERVERNAME=Invalid DNS Server Name LG_NOUPDATESHAVEBEENAPPLIED=No updates have been applied LG_SEQUENCENUMBER=SEQ Number LG_LASTUPDATE=Last Update LG_VIEWALLUPDATES=View All Updates LG_ADDACLIENT=Add a Client LG_SEARCH=Search LG_NOMATCHINGCLIENTS=No matching clients LG_VIEWALL=View All LG_PATCHPANELPORT=Patch Panel Port LG_COMPLETETRACKINGCODE=Complete tracking code LG_VALIDEMAILREQUIRD=A valid e-mail address is required. LG_EMAILALIASMANAGMENT=E-mail Alias Management LG_NODEWORXACCOUNT=NodeWorx Account LG_WEBALIZERSTATSNOTAVAILABLEFOR=Webalizer stats are not available for LG_SUBDOMAIN=Subdomain LG_SUBDOMAINMANAGEMENT=Subdomain Management LG_TARGETDIRECTORY=Target Directory LG_EXISTINGSUBDOMAINS=Existing Subdomains LG_CLICKHERE=Click here LG_CLICKHEREFORMOREREALTIMEGRAPHS=Click here for more real-time graphs LG_INVALIDEMAILADDRESS=Invalid e-mail address LG_ERRORCOUNT=Error Count LG_YOUCANTDELETEYOURSELF=You can't delete yourself! LG_NOIPSLEFT=There are currently no IP addresses available for use. You can either convert some dedicated IP address to shared addresses, delete some sites that are using dedicated IP addresses or ask your server provider for more IPs. LG_NOUPDATESPENDING=No software updates are pending LG_OSUPDATES=OS Updates LG_IWORXUPDATES=InterWorx Updates LG_INSTALLEDUPDATES=Installed Updates LG_BYBATCHDATE=by batch date LG_NOPREVIOUSINSTALLS=No Previous Installs LG_INSTALLUPDATES=Install Updates LG_INSTALL=Install LG_INSTALLINGUPDATES=Installing Updates LG_UPDATESTATUS=Update Status LG_REFRESH=Refresh LG_LISTUPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY=List updated successfully. LG_LISTUPDATEFAILED=List update failed. LG_ANUPDATEPROCESSISALREADYRUNNING=An update process is already running LG_UPDATERUNNINGPLEASEDONOTCLOSE=UPDATE RUNNING, PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE WINODW LG_UPDATESYSTEMISRUNNING=The update system is currently running LG_UNIQUENAMESERVERSREQUIRED=Unique DNS servers are required. LG_IAGREE=I Agree LG_RECORDS=Records LG_PRIMARYNAMESERVER=Primary Nameserver LG_CONTACTEMAILADDRESS=Contact E-mail Address LG_REFRESHTIME=Refresh Time LG_EXPIRETIME=Expire Time LG_RETRYTIME=Retry Time LG_ENABLEADVANCEDFEATURES=Enable advanced features (SOA Properties) LG_DNS_EXPIREMUSTBENUMERICANDNONZERO=Expire value must be a positive and non-zero number LG_DNS_MINIMUMMUSTBENUMERICANDNONZERO=Minimum TTL value must be a positive and non-zero number LG_DNS_REFRESHMUSTBENUMERICANDNONZERO=Refresh value must be a positive and non-zero number LG_DNS_RETRYMUSTBENUMERICANDNONZERO=Retry value must be a positive and non-zero number LG_INVALIDNAMESERVER=Invalid nameserver. LG_INVALIDCONTACTEMAIL=Invalid contact e-email. LG_DNSRECORDEXISTS=An identical DNS record already exists. LG_INVALIDMXRANK=Invalid MX record rank. It must be a positive integer. LG_NOCHANGESWEREMADE=No changes were made. LG_EDITING=editing LG_INVALIDHOSTNAME=Invalid hostname. LG_MINIMUMTTL=Minimum TTL LG_EDITDNSRECORDSFOR=Edit DNS records for LG_CNAMEALREADYEXISTS=CNAME record already exists with that name. LG_MXALREADYEXISTS=MX record already exists with that name. LG_EDITSOAPROPERTIESFORTHISZONE=Edit SOA Properties LG_CANONICALNAME=canonical name LG_ADDARACK=Add a Rack LG_BLADEMANAGEMENT=Blade Management LG_NOBLADESCONFIGURED=No blades configured. LG_ADDABLADE=Add a Blade LG_NOFREESWITCHES=No Free Switches LG_NOFREEIPBLOCKS=No Free IP Blocks LG_NOSWITCHESCONFIGURED=No Switches Configured LG_SWITCHNAMEREQURIED=Switch name required. LG_INVALIDCHARACTERINNAME=Invalid character in name. LG_SWITCHALREADYEXISTS=Switch already exists. LG_SWITCHONTHATIPALREADYEXISTS=A switch on that IP address already exists. LG_BLADEADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Blade added successfully. LG_BLADES=Blades LG_ADDASERVERCONFIG=Add a Server Config LG_USEDPORTS=Used Ports LG_CLIENTDETAILS=Client Details LG_PACKAGEDETAILS=Package Details LG_PROVISIONINGDETAILS=Provisioning Details LG_ADDRESS=Address LG_CITY=City LG_STATE=State LG_POSTALCODE=Postal Code LG_COUNTRY=Country LG_PHONE=Phone LG_CELLPHONE=Cell Phone LG_SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS=Special Instructions LG_MONTHLYPRICE=Monthly Price LG_OPERATINGSYSTEM=Operating System LG_WORXSOLUTION=*Worx Solution LG_COMPANY=Company LG_ERA=Era LG_OVERAGEPRICE=Overage Price LG_PERGB=per GB LG_ANAMEISREQUIRED=A client name is required. LG_ADOMAINISREQUIRED=A domain name is required. LG_ANEMAILISREQUIRED=An e-mail address is required. LG_ABILLINGIDISREQUIRED=A billing id is required. LG_ANADDRESSISREQUIRED=A street address is required. LG_ACITYISREQUIRED=A city is required. LG_ASTATEISREQUIRED=A state is required. LG_APOSTALCODEISREQUIRED=A postal code is required. LG_ACOUNTRYISREQUIRED=A country is required. LG_APHONENUMBERISREQUIRED=A phone number is required. LG_APASSWORDISREQUIRED=A password is required. LG_DOMAINISINVALID=Domain name entered was invalid. LG_EMAILISINVALID=E-mail address entered was invalid. LG_AMONTHLYPRICEISREQUIRED=A monthly price is required. LG_ABANDWIDTHAMOUNTISREQUIRED=A bandwidth amount is required. LG_ANOVERAGEPRICEISREQUIRED=An overage price is required. LG_MAINCONTACT=Main Contact LG_AMAINCONTACTISREQUIRED=A main contact is required. LG_ERROROBTAININGLICENSE=An error occured trying to obtain a license key LG_SERVERALLOCATIONFAILED=Server allocation failed. LG_INTERWORXLICENSEKEY=*Worx License Key LG_HARDDRIVES=Hard Drives LG_PORTUPDATEFAILED=Port update failed. LG_ACTIVATE=activate LG_PRINTREPORT=Print Report LG_PRINT=Print LG_REPORTPRINTEDSUCCESSFULLY=Report printed successfully. LG_NOTONLINE=not online LG_ONLINE=online LG_BLADEDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Blade deleted successfully. LG_NOBLADESSCONFIGURED=No blades have been configured. LG_PLEASECONFIGUREABLADE=Please configure a blade LG_TRACKINGCODE=Tracking Code LG_CLIENTACTIVATION=Client Activation LG_SEND=send LG_SENDEREMAIL=Sender E-mail LG_SENDERNAME=Sender Name LG_RECIPIENT=Recipient LG_CLIENTACTIVATIONFAILED=Client activation failed. LG_VALIDFROMEMAILREQUIRD=A valid sender e-mail address is required. LG_EMAILSUBJECTISREQUIRED=A subject for the e-mail is required. LG_EMAILBODYISREQUIRED=The e-mail body is required. LG_MESSAGENOTSENT=Message not sent LG_CLIENTNOTUPDATED=Client not updated LG_CLIENTACTIVATEDSUCCESSFULLY=Client activated successfully. LG_CONTACT=Contact LG_SNMPCOMMUNITYREQUIRED=SNMP community required. LG_CLIENTSTATS=Client Stats LG_CANCELLED=Cancelled LG_PROVISIONED=Provisioned LG_SERVERSTATS=Server Stats LG_UNUSED=Unused LG_IPSTATS=IP Stats LG_STATS=Stats LG_SNMPCOMMUNITY=SNMP Community LG_UNALLOCATED=unallocated LG_RACKEDANDWIRED=Racked and Wired LG_TPS=TPS LG_TPSREPORT=TPS Report LG_CONTRACTINFORMATION=Contract Information LG_SERVERNUMBER=Server Number LG_GENERALCUSTOMERINFORMATION=General Customer Information LG_CONTRACTINFORMATION=Contract Information LG_SOLDBY=Sold By LG_SOLDBYPHONE=Sold By Phone Number LG_TERMINATIONRENEWALDATE=Termination / Renewal Date LG_DATECONTRACTSIGNED=Date Contract Signed LG_TURNUPDATE=Turnup Date LG_IFKNOWN=if known LG_INSTALLFEES=Install Fees LG_MINIMUMMONTHLYREVENUE=Minimum Monthly Revenue LG_BILLINGDATE=Billing Date LG_BILLINGFREQUENCY=Billing Frequency LG_ITEMSOLD=Item Sold LG_WORX=*Worx LG_OTHERINFORMATION=Other Information LG_TPSREPORTPRINTED=TPS Report Printed LG_CONNECTORPRESENT=Connector Present LG_LINESPEED=Line Speed LG_UNKNOWN=unknown LG_THROUGHPUT=Throughput LG_BITSSEC=bits / sec LG_MBPS=Mbps LG_INOUTMBPS=in+out Mbps LG_PORTBANDWIDTH=Port Bandwidth LG_DAY=Day LG_WEEK=Week LG_MONTH=Month LG_YEAR=Year LG_BANDWIDTHMANAGEMENT=Bandwidth Management LG_CURRENTSNAPSHOT=Current Snapshot LG_BANDWIDTHHISTORY=Bandwidth History LG_NOBANDWIDTHHISTORYEXISTS=No bandwidth history exists. LG_CHANGINGSTATUSTOPROVISIONEDISNOTPOSSIBLE=Changing status to PROVISIONED is not possible LG_EXISTINGTTC=Existing Tracking Code LG_UPDATESNMPNOW=Update SNMP on Creation LG_UNPROVISIONED=unprovisioned LG_TOP5BANDWIDTHUSERS=Top 5 Bandwidth Users LG_RECENTVISITORS=Recent Visitors LG_RECENTVISITORSSUCCESS=Recent visitors loaded LG_NUMBEROFVISITORS=Number of visitors LG_DIRECTREQUEST=Direct request LG_TRANSFERLOGEMPTY=Transfer log empty LG_PREVIEW=preview LG_DISTRIBUTION=Distribution LG_PARTITION=Partition LG_MOUNTPOINT=Mount Point LG_PERCENT_USED=% Used LG_FREE_SPACE=Free Space // date info LG_NOON=Noon LG_MIDNIGHT=Midnight LG_EVERYMINUTE=Every minute LG_EVERYHOUR=Every hour LG_EVERYDAY=Every day LG_EVERYMONTH=Every month LG_EVERYTWOHOURS=Every 2 hours LG_EVERYFOURHOURS=Every 4 hours LG_EVERYSIXHOURS=Every 6 hours LG_EVERYTWOMINUTES=Every 2 minutes LG_EVERYFIVEMINUTES=Every 5 minutes LG_EVERYTENMINUTES=Every 10 minutes LG_EVERYFIFTEENMINUTES=Every 15 minutes LG_CHANGEGLOBALVARIABLES=Change global variables LG_JANUARY=January LG_FEBRUARY=February LG_MARCH=March LG_APRIL=April LG_MAY=May LG_JUNE=June LG_JULY=July LG_AUGUST=August LG_SEPTEMBER=September LG_OCTOBER=October LG_NOVEMBER=November LG_DECEMBER=December LG_SUNDAY=Sunday LG_MONDAY=Monday LG_TUESDAY=Tuesday LG_WEDNESDAY=Wednesday LG_THURSDAY=Thursday LG_FRIDAY=Friday LG_SATURDAY=Saturday // email box config LG_EMAIL_BOX_CANTADD=Can't add mailbox: maximum mailbox limit reached. LG_EMAIL_BOX_NOUSERNAMEGIVEN=No username was given. LG_EMAIL_BOX_NOPASSWORDGIVEN=No password was given, both passwords are required. LG_EMAIL_BOX_PASSWORDSDONTMATCH=Passwords given do not match. LG_EMAIL_BOX_EXISTS=Mailbox already exists. LG_EMAIL_BOX_USEREMAILERROR=The username given was not valid. LG_EMAIL_BOX_ADDSUCCESS=Mailbox added successfully. LG_EMAIL_BOX_EDITSUCCESS=Mailbox edited successfully. LG_EMAIL_BOX_DELSUCCESS=Mailbox deleted successfully. LG_EMAIL_BOX_VACATION_MESSAGE_EMPTY=Please enter a vacation message. // email alias config LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_CANTADD=Can't add alias: maximum alias limit reached. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_NOUSERNAMEGIVEN=No username was given. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_NODESTINATIONGIVEN=No destination e-mail address was given. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_USEREMAILERROR=The username given was not valid. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_DESTEMAILERROR=The destination e-mail address was not valid. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_ALREADYEXISTS=Alias or group already exists with the same name. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_ADDSUCCESS=Alias added successfully. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_EDITSUCCESS=Alias edited successfully. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_DELSUCCESS=Alias deleted successfully. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_GROUPEXISTS=An e-mail group exists with the same name, unable to edit LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_RECURSIVE=You can not create recusive e-mail aliases. LG_EMAIL_BOX_EXISTS_ALIAS=An e-mail box exists with the same name, unable to create alias. // email group config LG_EMAIL_GROUP_CANTADD=Can't add group: maximum e-mail group limit reached. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_NOUSERNAMEGIVEN=No username was given. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_NODEFAULT=You can not create a group with name 'default'. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_USEREMAILERROR=The username given was not valid. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_ALIASEXISTS=An alias with the same name already exists. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_CANTHIDECATCHALL=Group name not valid: 'default' is reserved for mailbox catch-all LG_EMAIL_GROUP_NEED2MEMBERS=You need at least 2 members to create an e-mail group. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_NOTVALIDMEMBER=Invalid member address: LG_EMAIL_GROUP_ADDSUCCESS=Group added successfully. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_EDITSUCCESS=Group edited successfully. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_DELSUCCESS=Group deleted successfully. LG_EMAIL_BOX_EXISTS_GROUP=An e-mail box exists with the same name, unable to create group. // email autorespond confing LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_CANTADD=Can't add autoresponder: autoresponder limit reached. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_NOUSERNAMEGIVEN=No username was given. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_NODEFAULT=You can not create an autoresponder with name 'default'. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_USEREMAILERROR=The username given was not valid. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_ALIASEXISTS=An alias with the same name already exists. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_CANTHIDECATCHALL=Autoresponder name not valid: 'default' is reserved for mailbox catch-all LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_ADDSUCCESS=Autoresponder added successfully. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_EDITSUCCESS=Autoresponder edited successfully. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_DELSUCCESS=Autoresponder deleted successfully. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_EXISTS=Autoresponder already exists. LG_EMAIL_BOX_EXISTS_AUTORESPONDER=An e-mail box exists with the same name, unable to create autoresponder. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_MESSAGE_EMPTY=Please enter a message for this autoresponder. LG_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER_COPYTO_INVALID=Invalid e-mail address. // spam LG_EMAIL_SPAM_EDITSUCCESS=Spam settings updated successfully. LG_EMAIL_SPAM_EDITLISTSUCCESS=List updated successfully. // ftp LG_FTP_CANTADD=Can't add ftp account: ftp account limit reached. LG_FTP_NOUSERNAMEGIVEN=No useranme was given. LG_FTP_NOPASSWORDGIVEN=No password was given. LG_FTP_PASSWORDSDONTMATCH=The passwords given do not match. LG_FTP_USEREXISTS=A user with the same username already exists. LG_FTP_INVALIDUSERNAME=The username entered was invalid. LG_FTP_INVALIDHOMEDIR=The directory chosen was invalid. LG_FTP_ADDSUCCESS=FTP account added successfully. LG_FTP_EDITSUCCESS=FTP account edited successfully. LG_FTP_DELSUCCESS=FTP account deleted successfully. LG_FTP_FTPUSERNAME=FTP Username // options LG_OPT_EMAIL_BOXES=E-mail Boxes LG_OPT_EMAIL_BOXES_DESC=The number of POP3/IMAP e-mail boxes allowed LG_OPT_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDERS=E-mail Autoresponders LG_OPT_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDERS_DESC=The number of e-mail autoresponders, also called robots, allowed LG_OPT_EMAIL_ALIASES=E-mail Aliases LG_OPT_EMAIL_ALIASES_DESC=The number of e-mail aliases (often called e-mail forwards) allowed LG_OPT_EMAIL_GROUPS=E-mail Groups LG_OPT_EMAIL_GROUPS_DESC=The number of group e-mail (aliases that send to multiple recipients) accounts allowed LG_OPT_MYSQL_DBS=MySQL Databases LG_OPT_MYSQL_DBS_DESC=The number of MySQL databases allowed LG_OPT_MYSQL_DB_USERS= MySQL Users LG_OPT_MYSQL_DB_USERS_DESC=The number of MySQL users allowed LG_OPT_SHARED_SSL=Shared SSL Cerfiticate LG_OPT_SHARED_SSL_DESC=Indicator of whether or not shared SSL certificate access is allowed (if configured) LG_OPT_SHELL_ACCOUNTS=Shell Accounts LG_OPT_SHELL_ACCOUNTS_DESC=Indicator of whether or not shell (ssh/telnet) account access is allowed (if configured) LG_OPT_SUBDOMAINS=Subdomains LG_OPT_SUBDOMAINS_DESC=The number of subdomains allowed LG_OPT_FRONTPAGE=Frontpage Extensions LG_OPT_FRONTPAGE_DESC=Indicator of whether or not FrontPage extensions are allowed (if configured) LG_OPT_STATIC_IP=Dedicated IP Address LG_OPT_STATIC_IP_DESC=Indicator of whether or not a dedicated IP address is to be used for this account LG_OPT_FTP_ACCOUNTS=FTP Accounts LG_OPT_FTP_ACCOUNTS_DESC=The number of FTP accounts allowed LG_OPT_CGI_ACCESS=CGI Access LG_OPT_CGI_ACCESS_DESC=Indicator of whether or not CGI script access is enabled LG_OPT_PHP_ACCESS=PHP Access LG_OPT_PHP_ACCESS_DESC=Indicator of whether or not PHP script access is enabled LG_OPT_BANDWIDTH=Bandwidth LG_OPT_BANDWIDTH_DESC=The amount of bandwidth allowed per month in gigabytes LG_OPT_STORAGE=Storage Space LG_OPT_STORAGE_DESC=The amount of storage space allowed in megabytes LG_OPT_BURSTABLE=Burstable LG_OPT_SAVE_XFER_LOGS=Save Web Transfer Logs LG_OPT_RESOLVE_XFERLOG_DNS=Resolve DNS Names LG_OPT_PACKAGE_ROOT=Package Root LG_OPT_PACKAGE_ROOT_DESC=The location of where this account will be setup LG_OPT_BURSTABLE_DESC=If you choose to be "burstable" your site will be able to go over its bandwidth allotment, perhaps at an extra cost (depending on the agreement). If you choose no, your bandwidth will be capped at a predefined limit and you will not be able to transfer any more data once the transfer limit is reached. LG_OPT_RESOLVE_XFERLOG_DNS_DESC=If you choose to resolve DNS name, your statistics will reflect human readable domain names rather than numeric ip addresses. LG_OPT_SAVE_XFER_LOGS_DESC=If you answer yes to saving the transfer logs, the transfer logs will be saved in a format that can be downloaded. If you answer no, your logs are not saved and can not be downloaded and analyzed offline. LG_OPT_CRONTAB_DESC=Access to Crontab LG_OPT_POINTER_DOMAINS_DESC=The number of domains that can be pointed to this domain. Sometimes called "parked" domains. LG_OPT_POINTER_DOMAINS=Pointer Domains LG_OPT_CRONTAB=Crontab Access LG_OPT_SSL=SSL Access LG_OPT_SSL_DESC=Enable SSL Certificates // Pointer domains stuff: LG_POINTERDOMAINMANAGEMENT=Pointer Domain Management LG_POINTERDOMAINDELSUCCESS=Pointer domain deleted successfully. LG_EXISTINGPOINTERDOMAINS=Existing pointer domains LG_POINTERDOMAIN=Pointer domain LG_DNS_NOPOINTERDOMAINSDEFINED=No pointer domains defined. LG_POINTERDOMAINLIMITEXCEEDED=Pointer domain limited exceeded. LG_POINTERDOMAINADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Pointer domain added successfully. LG_POINTERDOMAINEXISTS=Pointer domain exists. LG_POINTERDOMAINDOESNOTEXIST=Pointer domain does not exist. LG_PLEASEPROVIDEADOMAIN=Please provide a domain. // Crontab stuff: LG_ADDACRONJOB=Add A Crontab Entry LG_EDITCRONJOB=Edit Crontab Entry LG_EDITCRONJOBVARS=Edit Crontab Variables LG_DELETECRONJOB=Delete Crontab Entry LG_DELETECRONTAB=Delete ALL Crontab Entries LG_EXISTINGCRONJOBS=Existing Crontab Entries LG_NOCRONJOBS=No current cronjobs configured. LG_CHANGECRONTABMAILTO=Change Email LG_CHANGECRONTABSHELL=Change Shell LG_CHANGECRONTABPATH=Change Path LG_CRONSCRIPT=Script LG_QUICKCRONSCHEDULE=Quick Schedule LG_CRONMINUTE=Minute LG_CRONHOUR=Hour LG_CRONDAY=Day LG_CRONDAYOFMONTH=Day of Month LG_CRONMONTH=Month LG_CRONDAYWEEK=Day of Week LG_CRONJOBSACTION=Action LG_CRONJOBSSCRIPT=Script LG_CRONJOBSUCCESSFULLYADDED=Cron job successfully added LG_CRONJOBSUCCESSFULLYSAVED=Cron job successfully saved LG_CRONJOBSUCCESSFULLYDELETED=Cron job successfully deleted LG_ALLCRONJOBSDELETED=All cron jobs deleted LG_CRONTABACCESS=Crontab Access // SSL stuff: LG_SSLCERTHEADER=SSL Certificate Administration LG_SSLCREATECERTIFICATE=Create SSL Certificate LG_SSLMIGRATECERTIFICATE=Migrate SSL Certificate LG_SSLCOUNTRYCODE=2 Letter Country Code LG_SSLSTATE=State or Province LG_SSLCITY=City LG_SSLCOMPANY=Company LG_SSLCOMPANYDIVISION=Company Division LG_SSLCOMMONNAME=Common Name LG_SSLEMAIL=Email LG_SSLCREATESELFSIGNED=Create Self-Signed Certificate LG_SSLDELETECERT=Delete Certificate LG_SSLCREATECASIGNED=Create CA-Signed (Certificate Authority) Certificate LG_SSLINSTALLCASIGNED=Install CA-Signed (Certificate Authority) Certificate LG_SSLMIGRATEDATA=Migrate Existing SSL Data Files LG_SSLCSR=CSR Data LG_SSLCSR_DESCRIPTION=Below is your Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You will need to provide this data to your certificate vendor to purchase a certificate. LG_SSLCRT=CRT Data LG_SSLCRT_DESCRIPTION=Please paste the certificate data provided to you from your certificate vendor. If you do not have this data yet, click "Cancel" below, as you may return here at a later time. LG_SSLGENERATECERTIFICATE=Generate Certificate LG_SSLCREATENEWDOMAIN=Confirm creation of new LG_SSLNOTSTATICIP=You need a dedicated IP to implement SSL LG_SSLFORMINSTRUCTIONS=All fields are required. LG_SSLKEYMIGRATE_DESCRIPTION=[Required] Please paste the contents of your existing private key in the box below. LG_SSLCSRMIGRATE_DESCRIPTION=[Optional] Please paste the contents of your existing Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in the box below. LG_SSLCRTMIGRATE_DESCRIPTION=[Required] Please paste the contents of your existing certificate in the box below. // MySQL database stuff: LG_DATABASE_ADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Database created successfully. LG_DATABASE_NONESPECIFIED=No Database was specified LG_DATABASE_INVALIDNAME=Invalid database name. LG_DATABASE_ALREADYEXISTS=That database already exists. LG_DATABASE_USER_ALREADYEXISTS=That user already exists. LG_DATABASE_CANTADD=Can't add database: database account limit reached LG_DATABASE_USER_CANTADD=Can't add database user: database user account limit reached LG_DATABASE_DELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Database deleted successfully. LG_DATABASE_EDITPERMSFAILED=The editing of the user's permissions failed. LG_DATABASE_PERMSUPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY=Permissions updated successfully. LG_DATABASE_PERMSDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Permissions deleted successfully. LG_DATABASE_DATABASEDOESNTEXIST=Database doesn't exist. LG_DATABASE_PERMISSIONSDONTEXIST=Permissions don't exist. LG_DATABASE_PERMISSIONSREQUIRED=At least one permission is required. LG_DATABASE_USER_DELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=User deleted successfully. LG_DATABASE_USER_ADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=User added successfully. LG_DATABASE_USER_EDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=User edited successfully. LG_DATABASE_VALIDHOSTNAMEREQUIRED=A valid hostname is required. LG_DATABASE_MUSTHAVEONEDBFORPHPMYADMIN=You must have at least one database to use phpMyAdmin LG_MYSQLDATABASEMANAGEMENT=MySQL Database Management LG_SITEWORX_ADDSUCCESS=SiteWorx account added successfully. LG_SITEWORX_ADDERROR=Error while adding SiteWorx account LG_SITEWORX_EDITSUCCESS=SiteWorx account edited successfully. LG_SITEWORX_EDITFAILURE=Error while editing SiteWorx account LG_SITEWORX_DELETESUCCESS=SiteWorx account deleted successfully. LG_SITEWORX_DELETEFAILURE=Error while deleting SiteWorx account LG_SITEWORX_DOMAINEXISTS=Domain name already exists. LG_SITEWORX_DOMAINEMPTY=No domain name was given LG_SITEWORX_DOMAININVALID=A valid domain name is required. LG_SITEWORX_EMAILEMPTY=No e-mail address was given LG_SITEWORX_EMAILINVALID=A valid e-mail address is required. LG_SITEWORX_PASSWORDEMPTY=A password is required. LG_SITEWORX_SELECTLANG=Select Language LG_SITEWORX_LANGUAGEEMPTY=A language selection is required. LG_SITEWORX_STATUSEMPTY=A status selection is required. LG_SITEWORX_NOACCOUNTS=No SiteWorx accounts are configured. LG_SITEWORX_EMPTYOPTION=The following option was left empty and requires a value LG_SITEWORX_IPADDRINVALID=Invalid IP address LG_SITEWORX_IPADDREMPTY=No IP address given LG_SITEWORX_ZONEEXISTS=Zone already exists. LG_SITEWORX_IPISUSED=IP address is already in use LG_NODEWORX_SERVERLIST=NodeWorx Server List LG_NODEWORX_SERVERDETAILEDVIEW=NodeWorx Server Detailed View // NodeWorx package stuff: LG_PACKAGE_EDITSUCCESS=Package Successfully Edited LG_PACKAGE_ADDSUCCESS=Package Successfully Added LG_PACKAGE_DELETESUCCESS=Package Successfully Deleted LG_INVALIDOPTIONVALUE=Invalid Option Value // DNS: LG_DNS_NORECORDGIVEN=No DNS Record Given LG_DNS_SUBDOMAINADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Subdomain added successfully. LG_DNS_SUBDOMAINDELSUCCESS=Subdomain deleted successfully. LG_DNS_SUBDOMAINALREADYEXISTS=A subdomain with the same name already exists. LG_DNS_NOSUBDOMAINGIVEN=No subdomain given LG_DNS_SUBDOMAINEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Subdomain edited successfully. LG_DNS_NOSUBDOMAINSDEFINED=No subdomains have been defined // Various: LG_LOGMANAGEMENT=Log Management LG_ADDAFTPACCOUNT=Add an FTP Account LG_EMAILMANAGEMENT=E-mail Management LG_ADDAUSER=Add User LG_USEREDITSUCCESSFUL=User successfully edited. LG_USEREXISTS=User Exists LG_CONFIRMDELETION=Confirm Deletion LG_STORAGESTATISTICS=Storage Statistics LG_STATISITCS=Statisitcs LG_BANDWIDTHSTATISTICS=Bandwidth Statistics LG_EXISTINGMYSQLUSERS=Existing MySQL Users LG_MYSQLUSERPERMISSIONS=MySQL User Permissions LG_TRANSFERLOG=Transfer Log LG_SPAMSETTINGS=Spam Settings LG_SPAMLISTS=Spam Lists LG_ADDAEMAILGROUP=Add An E-mail Group LG_EXISTINGEMAILGROUPS=Existing E-mail Groups LG_ADDAEMAILBOX=Add An E-mail Box LG_ADDAEMAILAUTORESPONDER=Add An E-mail Autoresponder LG_COPYTO=Send copy to LG_MESSAGE=Message LG_AUTORESPONDMESSAGE=Autoresponder Message LG_ADDAALIAS=Add An Alias LG_MYSQLUSER=MySQL User LG_MYSQLDATABASE=MySQL Database LG_SPAMLISTEDITING=Spam List Editing LG_EMAILGROUP=E-mail Group LG_EMAILBOX=E-mail Box LG_AUTORESPONDER=Autoresponder LG_EMAILALIAS=E-mail Alias LG_INTERWORXUPDATES=InterWorx Updates LG_MONITORINGSTATUS=Monitoring Status LG_ADDASERVER=Add a Server LG_ADDANIPBLOCK=Add an IP block LG_IPBLOCK=IP Block LG_ADDASWITCH=Add a Switch LG_CLASSC=Class C to Map // NodeWorx quickhelp: LG_QH_NOHELPITEM=No help is available on this item. LG_QH_NOSUCHHELPITEM=No such help item. LG_QH_SYSTEMSTATUS=System status shows your current server configuration and various OS/system settings. LG_QH_REALTIMECPUUSAGE=This graph shows your real-time CPU usage. The graph is updated every 5 minutes. LG_QH_REALTIMEMEMORYUSAGE=This graph shows your real-time memory usage along with your maximum physical memory. This graph is updated every 5 minutes. LG_QH_REALTIMEBANDWIDTHUSAGE=This graph shows your real-time bandwidth usage (metered at the NIC level). This graph is updated every 5 minutes. LG_QH_ADDUSER=The User Management system allows you to create secondary users. This allows you to delagate tasks to other trusted individuals without giving out your main administrator login information. LG_QH_THEMEMANAGEMENT=Themes are alternate "faces" that you can put on the software to customize the look. Use this interface to alter the current theme. You may download any theme by clicking on the "Download" button to save the desired theme as a compressed .zip archive.

For more information on creating your own themes, and downloading other InterWorx-CP themes just visit the InterWorx-CP website at http://interworx.info/. LG_QH_ACCOUNTMAINTENANCE=This screen lets you setup SiteWorx (web hosting) accounts. Adding a SiteWorx account allows you to host websites on your dedicated server. LG_QH_SITEWORXEXPORT=NodeWorx allows you to export your client list and basic details in various formats. Simply click on the format you'd like to see and an export file will be generated. LG_QH_SERVICE=A 'service' is a program running on your server that serves a certain purpose. This screen allows you to turn on and off those programs (services). LG_QH_SERVICESTATUS=Each service can be running (status is 'ok') or not running (status is 'off'). You may wish to turn on and off services from time to time but for the most part it is recommended to leave them 'on' all the time. LG_QH_PACKAGEDESCRIPTION=A 'package' is a template for the features of a SiteWorx (web hosting) account. You can setup as many templates as you need. If you are a hosting company, there is a direct correlation between the templates and the hosting packages that you provide to your clients. LG_QH_MONITORINGDESCRIPTION=The monitoring view allows you to view many different graphs representing differents metrics. Each graph can be clicked on for more information about that metric. LG_QH_LANGUAGES=The languages screen allows you to choose the current langauge for new SiteWorx users. Note that this setting will not change the language preference of existing SiteWorx users. In addition, you may upload your own language file as well as download any of the currently available languages. LG_QH_IPADDRESS=The IP address list shows you the current IP addresses that are available on your server. LG_QH_IPADDRESSTYPE=For each IP address you can choose for it to be a 'dedicated' or a 'shared' address. Dedicated addresses have only one web site using them while shared addresses can have multiple web sites using them at once. The common question is "which is better?" and the answer is that each serves its purpose. For the most part you can put as many sites on a shared IP address as you like and this saves IP addresses. If you have a site that requries a dedicated IP address (like a site using a custom SSL certificate) then a dedicated IP address makes sense. LG_QH_REVERSEDNS=Reverse DNS records are used to identify a host (server) given an IP address. It is often beneficial to setup reverse DNS as some e-mail servers (and other servers on the net) require a reverse DNS entry in order for your server to use their service. Ideally, the reverse DNS name matches the forward DNS name (i.e. if you had yoursite.com on IP address then you should setup the reverse dns for to yoursite.com). LG_QH_ZONEDOMAIN=Enter the domain you'd like to do dns for in this box. Be sure that you DO NOT include the 'www' prefix. The domain should be in the format (yourdomain.com). All top level domain (TLD) extensions are valid (i.e. yourdomain.co.uk).

NOTE: If you are editing the zone after its creation you won't be able to change the domain name, you'll have to delete it and create a new one if you'd like to make this change. LG_QH_CNAMEHOST=The 'host' field of a CNAME is the pointer source, when people resolve the host portion they will be directed to the host's alias, which is the target of a CNAME. LG_QH_CNAMETARGET=The 'target' field is the hostname you'd like the CNAME to resolve to. LG_QH_DNSARECHOST=Enter the host prefix in this box (i.e. if you wanted the new 'A' record to represent www.yourdomain.com you'd enter in 'www' in the host box) LG_QH_DNSMXRECHOST=Enter the hostname in this box (i.e. if you wanted the new 'MX' record to represent mail.yourdomain.com you'd enter in the full hostname 'mail.yourdomain.com' in the host box) LG_QH_DNSIPADDRESS=Enter the IP address to map this name to in the box provided LG_QH_MXRANK=DNS 'MX' records are what e-mail servers worldwide use to route mail. The "mx rank" field is used as a priority measure by e-mail servers to route mail. If you created 2 MX records for your domain, one with the value 10 and the other with the value 20 then the lower valued (higher priority) mail server would get priority on mail routing (the one with the value of 10). When you create an MX record you have to still be sure that you make an 'A' record with the same name so that the MX record will point to an IP address. In otherwords, if you create an MX record named mail.yourdomain.com in this view and give it a rank of 10 you must still make a DNS 'A' record named mail.yourdomain.com which points to an IP address (presumably on this server) as well. LG_QH_NSNAME=To create an 'NSSOA' record you just need to enter the hostname (i.e. if you wanted to create ns1.yourdomain.com you'd enter 'ns1.yourdomain.com' in the 'dns server' field). When you create an NSSOA record you have to be sure that you make an 'A' record with the same name so that the NSSOA record will point to an IP address. LG_QH_DNSGENERAL=This screen allows you to add/change/delete all DNS information stored on your NodeWorx server. Much of this is handled automatically when you create SiteWorx accounts but you may want to fine tune or change certain information regarding DNS on your server. LG_QH_DNSADDRECORDS=The DNS system is comprised of many different types of records. We've included the 4 main type here for you to use and below is a brief explanation of each:

'A' Records: used to point a dns name (www.yourdomain.com) to an IP address.

'MX' Records: used to tell e-mail servers where to deliver your mail. You can setup multiple MX records for a single domain and they will be used to route e-mail based on their corresponding rank.

'NS' Records: used to denote which are the authoritative DNS servers for a given domain. You are advised to setup 2 NS records for each domain and this is handled automatically when you create a SiteWorx account.

'CNAME' Records: these are used to point a name to another name (i.e. pointing www.yourdomain.com to ftp.yourdomain.com). This is desirable in some situations and allows you to set the IP address once for a given record and then point other records at it.

'PTR' Records: used to map a an IP address to a hostname (often called reverse DNS). This can be desirable for many situations and is often used by mail servers to verify that the sender is who they say they are. NOTE: For PTR records to work you will have to get your ISP to delagate the reverse DNS authority to you.

NOTE: You may notice the 'SOA' or start of authority record in your list of records. It is not editable and is there for administrative purposes. If you'd like to edit the fields generally associated with the SOA record just use the 'advanced features' section of the zone editing interface. LG_QH_DNSRECORDTYPE='A' Records: used to point a dns name (www.yourdomain.com) to an IP address.

'MX' Records: used to tell e-mail servers where to deliver your mail. You can setup multiple MX records for a single domain and they will be used to route e-mail based on their corresponding rank.

'NS' Records: used to denote which are the authoritative DNS servers for a given domain. You are advised to setup 2 NS records for each domain and this is handled automatically when you create a SiteWorx account.

'CNAME' Records: these are used to point a name to another name (i.e. pointing www.yourdomain.com to ftp.yourdomain.com). This is desirable in some situations and allows you to set the IP address once for a given record and then point other records at it.

'PTR' Records: used to map a an IP address to a hostname (often called reverse DNS). This can be desirable for many situations and is often used by mail servers to verify that the sender is who they say they are. NOTE: For PTR records to work you will have to get your ISP to delagate the reverse DNS authority to you.

NOTE: You may notice the 'SOA' or start of authority record in your list of records. It is not editable and is there for administrative purposes. If you'd like to edit the fields generally associated with the SOA record just use the 'advanced features' section of the zone editing interface. LG_QH_SITEWORXDOMAIN=Enter the domain name you'd like to setup a SiteWorx account for on this line. You should enter the domain name only, WITHOUT the 'www' prefix (i.e. yourdomain.com and NOT www.yourdomain.com). If you'd like to setup an account with a prefix (i.e. games.yourdomain.com) you can do that here which will make a bona fide SiteWorx account for that domain. You can also just setup yourdomain.com and then add a 'games' sub-domain from within SiteWorx if you prefer. LG_QH_SITEWORXIPADDRES=Choose the IP address you'd like this SiteWorx account to live on. If you choose a dedicated IP address then the address chosen will not be available for other SiteWorx accounts. LG_QH_SITEWORXNICKNAME=A 'nickname' can be given to each SiteWorx account holder. This field is optional. LG_QH_SITEWORXEMAIL=Enter the e-mail address of this SiteWorx account holder. This will serve as a contact address for the account and will be used by the account holder to login to SiteWorx. LG_QH_SITEWORXPASS=Enter a password for the SiteWorx account holder and make it secure (i.e. long and random) ;). LG_QH_SITEWORXPACKAGE=A package template is a blueprint for the package to setup. You don't have to use a package template but it is often easier to use one so you don't have to specify all options every time you setup a SiteWorx account. LG_QH_PACKAGENAME=The package name is used to later identify the package when creating SiteWorx accounts. LG_QH_EMAILTEMPLATE=E-mail templates let you setup custom messages to be sent to your SiteWorx account users when they hit certain checkpoints (like going over bandwidth or stoage thresholds). LG_QH_TEMPLATEMAINTENANCE=The template maintenance screen allows you to edit your e-mail templates. The following tokens are available for use in your e-mail templates:

Bandwidth Usage, Storage Space Usage of SiteWorx Users

» [[domain]]: the current domain which is being processed

» [[used]]: the amount of storage or bandwidth (percentage) used.

Load Average Monitoring

» [[hostname]]: hostname of the monitored server

» [[1minload]], [[5minload]], [[15minload]]: recorded load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes respectively

Storage Partition Monitoring

» [[hostname]]: hostname of the monitored server

» [[mount]]: mount point that has gone over the threshold

» [[percentage]]: the utilization percentage of the specified mount point

LG_QH_DNSSETUP=Below are the default DNS servers that will be authoritative for any new SiteWorx accounts you setup on this server. You will need to update the DNS information on each domain hosted on this server to match the values below.

You can change these at any time and this change will only affect new accounts added.

You can alter old accounts authoritative DNS servers by using the DNS Management Tool in NodeWorx LG_QH_AUTOUPDATE=Auto-update is useful to keep current with updates for your server. There are 2 types of updates in NodeWorx:

- OS updates are those recommended by your operating system vendor and provided by the reselling datacenter as a service. These updates are recommended and turning them off may void your service warranty with your datacenter.

- InterWorx updates are those provided by NEXCESS.NET L.L.C. and may add features, fix bugs or otherwise enhance your NodeWorx and SiteWorx installations.

Choosing 'yes' below will cause auto-updates to be performed.

You can initiate an update at any time regardless of whether auto-update is on or off by using the software update screen and pressing the 'install' button. LG_QH_UPDATEMANAGEMENT=The update management screen lets you view updates that have been installed on your server. If the Auto Update setting under Server Setup is on, your server should be downloading and applying updates automatically.

You can also use manually initiate a check and install for any new updates on this screen.

There are 2 types of updates in NodeWorx:

- OS updates are those recommended by your operating system vendor and provided by the reselling datacenter as a service.

- InterWorx updates are those provided by NEXCESS.NET L.L.C. and may add features, fix bugs or otherwise enhance your NodeWorx and SiteWorx installations. LG_QH_INTERWORXALERTS=InterWorx alerts are handy to get some high-level status messages from your server when certain threshold are met. E-mail alerts are sent to the e-mail below when the defined thresholds are met or surpassed. You can turn alerts on or off at any time. Currently, InterWorx supports the following alerts:

- Load average thresholds: You can set the system to send you an e-mail when certain load average values are reached. The 'load average' of your server is defined as: the average number of jobs in the run queue over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. This means that if you have a single CPU server then a load average of 1.0 equals 100% utilization. A higher load average is not 'bad' and you will have to get a feel for what load average corresponds to a problem on your individual system.

NOTE: if the system is heavily loaded it may be the case that the alerts themsevles cannot even be sent. This should not be used as a end-all for server monitoring, it's just meant as a non-mission-critical indicator.

- Disk Space: You can set an alert such that you are e-mailed when thresholds are met with your disk storage situation (i.e. you receive an e-mail when your /home partition is 80% full).

NOTE: As with load averages, it may be the case that your disk is too full to send e-mails and this alert should be used as a non-mission-critical indicator. LG_QH_SITEWORXIPADDRESS=The IP address list shows you the current IP addresses that are available on your server. Choose one for this SiteWorx account to use. For more information about IP addresses, see the 'IP Management' section. LG_QH_ZONEPRIMARYNAMESERVER=Enter the primary nameserver of your domain. This will almost always be handled automatically for you when creating SiteWorx accounts and you are urged to only alter this value if you know what you are doing. This nameserver is listed on your SOA record for this domain and setting it to an incorrect value could cause your site or any of your DNS records not to function properly. LG_QH_ZONEADVANCEDFEATURES=Checking this box allows you to alter some more advanced DNS options. These options are usually best left to their defaults and you are urged not to mess with them ;). Setting these to incorrect values could cause your site and all of your DNS records to function improperly or not at all. You have been warned! LG_QH_ZONECONTACT=This is the e-mail address listed on your SOA record. Enter it as a normal e-mail address (user@domain.com) and not in the typical SOA style of (user.domain.com). LG_QH_ZONEREFRESH=The refresh value is the time, in seconds, the slave DNS server will wait before refreshing its data.

NOTE: Since NodeWorx is setup as its own DNS server this value is not yet pertinent. LG_QH_ZONERETRY=The retry value is the time, in seconds, that the slave DNS server will wait before retrying the master if the master is unreachable.

NOTE: Since NodeWorx is setup as its own DNS server this value is not yet pertinent. LG_QH_ZONEEXPIRE=The expire value is the time, in seconds, that the slave DNS server will wait if it does not contact the master DNS server before expiring the DNS records it has data for.

NOTE: Since NodeWorx is setup as its own DNS server this value is not yet pertinent. LG_QH_ZONEMINIMUMTTL=The minimum TTL value is the time, in seconds, that each DNS record should be cached by querying DNS servers. This value can be overridden on a per record basis by using the TTL field. LG_QH_MYSQLROOTPASSWORD=This will change the root MySQL password. This is required if you wish to use the root MySQL user when managing your server's databases. // SITEWORX QUICKHELP LG_QH_BOO=BOO LG_QH_SWREALTIMEBANDWIDTHUSAGE=This graph shows your real-time bandwidth usage (metered at the directly from the webserver). This graph is updated every 5 minutes and you can click on it for a more detailed view of your bandwidth history. LG_QH_SITEWORXMYINFO=All of the basic information about the site is presented here in a clean, efficient manner. To access or modify specific information, access the corresponding control panel. LG_QH_SITEWORXEMAILMANAGEMENT=This area enables you to manage all aspects of your e-mail service. LG_QH_SITEWORXADDANEMAILBOX=This allows you to add an e-mail address to your domain. LG_QH_SITEWORXADDANEMAILAUTORESPONDER=Add an autoresponder to your domain. LG_QH_SITEWORXADDANEMAILALIAS=Add an alias or redirect to your domain. To add a catch-all e-mail alias (where all e-mail not bound for a valid e-mail address at your domain should be sent) create an alias named "default". LG_QH_SITEWORXADDANEMAILGROUP=Here you can create simple e-mail groups. E-mail sent to the group name you choose will be forwarded to all e-mail addresses listed in the "Sends e-mail to:" box. Enter one e-mail address per line in the text box. Note: there is no way to limit who can send e-mail to this group, therefore it is not ideal for large e-mail lists. LG_QH_SITEWORXEXISTINGEMAIL=Important! If you delete an e-mail account, all of the e-mail associated with the account is also deleted. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBMANAGEMENT=This area enables you to manage all aspects of your current database setup. You can add new databases, setup users and user permissions as well as utilize PhpMyAdmin, a powerful broswer based MySQL administration tool. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBADD=Add a database to your domain.

Database names can be made up of any combination of alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_) character. Note that a database name cannot consist of just numeric digits (e.g. 020301 is an invalid name). LG_QH_SITEWORXDBADDUSER=Add a user to an existing database. Once you enter a username and password, you will still need to set up permissions for the user to access the database. To grant permission for a specific database, choose an existing database and select "manage users". LG_QH_SITEWORXDBEXISTINGINFO=Use the "Delete" button to delete a database. Users with permissions on the deleted database will not be deleted. Basic information such as the database name and size is also provided.
Clicking the "Manage Users" button will allow you to assign permissions for this database to created MySQL users. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBEXISTINGUSER=Here you can see the username and databases that a particular user has permissions on. The delete button will remove the user from the database, but will NOT delete the database. Clicking on the "Edit" button will allow you to change a user's password. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBEDITUSER=Editing the user allows you to change the password for a particular user. LG_QH_SITEWORXEDITUSER=Editing the user allows you to change the password or language for a particular user. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBPERMISSIONS=Database permissions are needed for each user you would like to give access to your database. At least one user must have permissions on your database for it to be used. For most uses you will want to give a user full access with all permissions on your database. If you need multiple users on a database it is then a good idea to restrict each additional user depending on what type of access they need. Below is a list of the permissions and what each means:

SELECT: allows usage of SELECT statements (i.e. data can be queried)

DELETE: allows usage of DELETE statements (i.e. data can be deleted)

REFERENCES: not currently used by MySQL but reserved for future use

INSERT: allows usage of INSERT statements (i.e. data can be inserted into tables)

CREATE: allows usage of CREATE statements (i.e. tables can be created)

INDEX: allows the creation and deletion of indexes

UPDATE: allows usage of UPDATE statement (i.e. data may be altered within a table)

DROP: allows usage of DROP statement (i.e. tables may be deleted (dropped))

ALTER: allows usage of ALTER statement (i.e. table structures may be changed / altered). LG_QH_SITEWORXFTPMANAGEMENT=This allows you to add ftp accounts to a given domain. You can give each FTP user access to any directory in your domain's web space. For example, if you wanted to only allow an FTP user access to a specific subdomain, you could make the home directory for FTP user /html/subdomain, thus only allowing access to the subdomain space and nothing below it. LG_QH_SITEWORXFTPHOMEDIR=This is the directory to which you will login when logging in via FTP. If you leave this blank, you will be logging in to the root directory of your website. Typically, if you want to give a user access to a sub portion of the site, you would set the home directory to /html/subportion. LG_QH_SITEWORXFTPEXISTINGACCOUNTS=This box gives you all the information pertaining to existing ftp accounts. You can see a list of users, their names, types, and home directories. To edit an existing user, click the "edit" button. LG_QH_SITEWORXFTPEDITUSER=Here you can edit an FTP accoount, changing the password of a user or his home directory. LG_QH_SITEWORXDNSMANAGEMENT=Here you can add/change/delete all DNS information pertaining to your SiteWorx account. LG_QH_SUBDOMAINMANAGEMENT=Subdomains are an organizational construct that some prefer for setting up their website in a certain way. For instance, some people prefer using http://yourdomain.com/forums to point to their forums but subdomains allow you to add another URL, namely http://forums.yourdomain.com which could also point to your forum space. LG_QH_SITEWORXDNSTYPE=Chris should fill this in LG_QH_SITEWORXDNSIP=Chris fill in LG_QH_SITEWORXDNSEDIT=This allows you to modify DNS records, as well as delete them. LG_QH_SUBDOMAINLIST=Below you can edit and delete each subdomain. Note that deleting a subdomain DOES NOT delete the content in the directory that the subdomain pointed to. It is left entact. LG_QH_SITEWORXSTATS=This provides you with detailed statistical information about your SiteWorx accounts. You can see bandwidth and disk storage statistics in real time, as well as get relevant webalizer information. LG_QH_SITEWORXRTSSTORAGE=This graph provides information about the disk storage being used by a particular site. It is broken down into three categories, mail, web and database storage so you can see where you allocated storage space is being used. The information in this graph is updated every five minutes. LG_QH_SITEWORXBACKUP=Here you can download your website in its current state for archival purposes. The site is downloaded in .zip format. LG_QH_SITEWORXLOGS=Two logs are available here. The daily transfer log is a record of every hit the site receives within 24 hours. You can download the log and enter the data into your own stats program to obtain your own graphs if you like. The error log is record of all errors encountered when trying to access your site, and is also useful in debugging scripts. LG_QH_SITEWORXPREFS=Here you can set a few specific preferences for your domain, for instance- the resolution of DNS names or whether or not you want to save transfer logs. LG_QH_SITEWORXADDUSER=Here you can add a user to your domain/site. By adding a user you can delegate responsibility and thus ligthen your management load. For instance, you can add a user that will track your stats and make changes accordingly. LG_QH_SITEWORXUSEREXIST=This allows you to edit existing users by changing the name, e-mail address, password, or language. LG_QH_SITEWORXUSERACTIVE=If the status is active, that user is allowed to log in. If the status is inactive, a user is unable to login. To toggle a user's acces, click the "Edit" button. LG_QH_SITEWORXUSERMASTER=The MASTER user has all the privileges and can be considered the main SiteWorx account administrator. There is only 1 MASTER account and all other accounts are SLAVES. SLAVES can have differing permissions but will never have as much control as the MASTER account. LG_QH_SITEWORXLANGUAGE=Language used for user when logged in LG_QH_SITEWORXSTATUS=Status of SiteWorx account LG_QH_SITEUSAGESNAPSHOT=The site usage snapshot gives you a quick view of your bandwidth usage over the last 18 hours. You can click on it for more detailed graphs of your real-time and past usage. LG_QH_SITEWORXDBEDITPERMS=This is how you can change the privliges this user has on this database. The SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges allow you to perform operations on rows in existing tables in a database. The INDEX privilege allows you to create or drop (remove) indexes. The ALTER privilege allows you to use ALTER TABLE. The CREATE and DROP privileges allow you to create new tables, or to drop (remove) tables. The REFERENCES privilege allows a user to create foreign keys in tables. LG_QH_UPDATEBATCHES=The batch install list shows you all previous updates that were applied and at what time / day they were applied. LG_QH_UPDATEREFRESH=Refresh the pending update list. It may be that no updates are available for your system as well. LG_QH_UPDATEINSTALL=Install any pending updates. Once the update process starts a new window will open and you will see the updates being downloaded and applied. If you close this window the update process will continue. If you have auto-update 'on' then the install process will happen once per day if there are pending updates. If the auto-update install is running the 'install' button may be greyed out to keep you from running 2 installs at once. LG_QH_DNSRECORDADD=You can add a DNS record with here. DNS records come in a variety of types and clicking on the Quick Help [ ? ] next to the TYPE column.

Selecting the type field will change the 'target' and 'host' field to help you out depending on the type. LG_QH_DNSTTL=The TTL or Time To Live of a DNS record is a suggestion to other dns servers of how long to cache the given DNS record. Short TTLs mean your DNS server will be queried more often and longer TTLs mean your DNS server will be queried less often.

If you are planning a change in DNS and need other dns servers to find out about the change sooner rather than later it's often helpful to drop the TTL temporarily during this change. LG_QH_DNSHOST=The host field differs in meaning for each DNS record type. A summary of the different meanings of this field for each record type is below:

A: The host field denotes the dns name (i.e. yourdomain.com) that you would like to associate with an IP address.

CNAME: The host field denotes the dns name (i.e. yourdomain.com) that you would like to associate with another DNS record (i.e. mapping www.yourdomain.com to yourdomain.com).

NS: The host field is not editable for this type and is assumed to be your domain name.

MX: The host field denotes the dns name (i.e. yourdomain.com) that you would like to associate with the MX record.

PTR: The host field denotes the ".in-addr.arpa" style hostname that is associated with the reverse DNS entry (i.e. if you want to make a PTR record for the IP you would make the host field "" LG_QH_DNSTARGET=The target field differs in meaning for each DNS record type. A summary of the different meanings of this field for each record type is below:

A: The target field denotes the IP address (i.e. that you would like to associate with the hostname in the host field.

CNAME: The host field denotes the dns name (i.e. yourdomain.com) to which you would like the hostname in the host field to point to.

NS: The host field denotes the DNS server name you would like to list as authoritative for this domain.

MX: The host field denotes the 'mx rank' of this MX record. A higher rank (lower number) means that this MX record will take precedence over lower ranked (higher number) MX records when mail is delivered for this domain.

PTR: The host field denotes the hostname to be shown when a reverse DNS lookup is done on the IP that is given in the host field. NOTE: read the host field docs about the .in-addr.arpa format of the IP address. LG_QH_POINTERDOMAINMANAGEMENT=Here you can manage pointer domains for this account. A pointer domain is a domain which points to the main domain on this account. Both e-mail and web access to the domain will be fowarded on to the main domain. LG_QH_SITEWORXCRONMANAGEMENT=Cron is a program that runs in the background on your server, and periodically does tasks you asign to it.
Cron "wakes up" every minute and checks to see if there are any jobs for it to do, and does them. You can define that jobs Cron does, and when it does them, through this interface.
If you are already an experienced Cron user, you may find the "Advanced interface" more appealing.

LG_QH_SITEWORXCRONEDIT=Here you can edit and delete existing Cron jobs.

You can also change three variables, which are global, in the sense that they apply for all Cron jobs for this account. It is safe to leave these variables set to Default.
SHELL: This is where you can specify which shell you want your Cron jobs to be interpreted with.
PATH: This is where you can specify path the PATH environment variable should be when executing your Cron jobs.
MAILTO: You can set this value to an e-mail address that you want the output of the Cron jobs to be mailed to. LG_QH_SITEWORXCRONEDITVARS=SHELL: This is where you can specify which shell you want your Cron jobs to be interpreted with.
PATH: This is where you can specify path the PATH environment variable should be when executing your Cron jobs.
MAILTO: You can set this value to an e-mail address that you want the output of the Cron jobs to be mailed to.

An empty box assumes the default values. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSLMANAGEMENT=SSL Certificates are used to ensure secure transactions between webservers and browsers. You may either create a self-signed certificate, or purchase a CA-signed (Certificate Authority) certificate. In either case, you will be limited to one SSL certificate per dedicated IP address. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_CC=Please enter the 2-letter country code corresponding to your country. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_ST=Please enter the name of the state or province in which you reside. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_CTY=Please enter the name of the city in which you reside. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_CO=Please enter the name of the company to which this certificate belongs. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_CD=Please enter the name of the company division to which this certificate belongs. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_CN=Please enter the exact domain name (common name) this certificate will use. Note that 'www.domain.com' is not the same as 'domain.com'. LG_QH_SITEWORXSSL_E=Please enter the email address that is associated with this certificate. LG_QH_SITEWORXCRONSCRIPT=Put the full path to the script in this box. This is NOT a field for a URL but rather a server side path for scripts to be run on the server. If you edit the PATH global variable below, you may be able to just put the name of your script here without needing the full path. // LICENSING LG_LICENSE_FILENOTFOUND=ERROR #LIC01: the license file could not be found. Please notify your server administrator if this error persists. LG_LICENSE_FILENOTREADABLE=ERROR #LIC02: the license file was not readable. Please notify your server administrator if this error persists. LG_LICENSE_INVALIDLICENSEFILE=ERROR #LIC03: the license file is corrupt or invalid. Please notify your server administrator if this error persists. LG_LICENSE_INVALIDLICENSE=ERROR #LIC04: the current license is invalid or has expired. Please notify your server administrator if this error persists. LG_LICENSE_FEATURENOTLICENSED=ERROR #LIC05: the current license prohibits access to this feature. Please notify your server administrator if this error persists. LG_LICENSE_MELTDOWN=ERROR #LIC06: error with licensing system. Please contact the InterWorx developers. LG_PLEASEPROVIDEANAME=Please provide a name. LG_PLEASEPROVIDEANEMAIL=Please provide an email. LG_PLEASEPROVIDEAPASSWORD=Please provide a password. LG_CLIENTDELETEFAILED=Client delete failed. LG_DATABASE_DOESNTEXIST=Database doesn't exist. LG_DATABASE_USER_DOESNTEXIST=Database user doesn't exist. LG_DATABASE_USER_NONESPECIFIED=No database user specified LG_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORDEMPTY=You need to specify a password for the database user. LG_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORDSDONTMATCH=Passwords don't match LG_DNS_CANTADDSUBDOMAIN=Can't add subdomain due to this account's subdomain limit. LG_DNS_CANTADDSUBDOMAIN_EXISTING_SITEWORX_ACCOUNT=Can't add subdomain because there is an existing SiteWorx account using this subdomain. LG_EMAIL_ALIAS_EXISTS=Email alias exists. LG_EMAIL_ALIASEXISTS=Email alias exists. LG_EMAIL_GROUP_EXISTS=Email group exists. LG_EMAIL_INVALID=Email invalid. LG_HOSTISREQUIRED=Host is required. LG_IPADDITIONFAILED=IP addition failed. LG_IPADDRESSREQUIRED=IP address required. LG_IPALREADYEXISTS=IP already exists. LG_IPDELETEFAILED=IP delete failed. LG_IPEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=IP edited successfully. LG_IPEDITFAILED=IP edit failed. LG_IPREQUIRED=IP required. LG_NICKNAMEEMPTY=Nickname empty. LG_NODEWORX_UNKNOWNPACKAGE=Unknown package. LG_NOTHEMEGIVEN=No theme given. LG_NOLANGGIVEN=No language given. LG_OPTIGOLDIDREQURIED=OptiGold ID requried. LG_PERMISSIONALREADYEXISTSFORUSER=Permission already exists for user. LG_RACKDELETEFAILED=Rack delete failed. LG_RACKNAMEREQURIED=Rack name required. LG_SERVERCONFIGADDITIONFAILED=Server config addition failed. LG_SERVERCONFIGDELETEFAILED=Server config delete failed. LG_SERVERCONFIGEDITFAILED=Server config edit failed. LG_TEMPLATEDELETEFAILED=Template delete failed. LG_TEMPLATENAMEREQUIRED=Template name required. LG_THEMEADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Theme added successfully. LG_LANGADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Language added successfully. LG_THEMEADDITIONFAILED=Theme addition failed. LG_LANGADDITIONFAILED=Language addition failed. LG_THEMEALREADYEXISTS=Theme already exists. LG_LANGALREADYEXISTS=Language already exists. LG_THEMECHANGEFAILED=Theme change failed. LG_THEMEDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Theme deleted successfully. LG_LANGDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Language deleted successfully. LG_THEMEDELETIONFAILED=Theme deletion failed. LG_LANGDELETIONFAILED=Language deletion failed. LG_LANGSETSUCCESSFULLY=Successfully set new language. LG_LANGALREADYSET=Language already set. LG_THEMEDOESNOTEXIST=Theme does not exist. LG_LANGDOESNOTEXIST=Language does not exist. LG_UPLOADMAXSIZELIMIT=The uploaded file exceeds the maximum filesize limit. LG_PARTIALUPLOAD=The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. LG_NOFILEUPLOADED=No file was uploaded. LG_UNKNOWNERROR=Unknown error. LG_ALREADYSET=Already Set... LG_CANNOTDEL=Cannot Delete... LG_FAILEDTOMOVEFILE=Failed to move file to destination directory. LG_THEMEAFTERDOWNLOADMSG=to return to the theme overview page. LG_LANGAFTERDOWNLOADMSG=to return to the language overview page. LG_USERDELETIONFAILED=User deletion failed. LG_USERDELETIONSUCCESSFUL=User deletion successful LG_VALIDBASEIPREQUIRED=Valid base IP required. LG_ZONEDELETEFAILED=Zone delete failed. LG_ZONEEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Zone edited successfully. // NocWorx permissions descriptions: LG_PERM_MASTER_DESC=MASTER User - All Access LG_PERM_CLIENTS_DESC=Client Management LG_PERM_IPS_DESC=IP Management LG_PERM_SWITCHES_DESC=Switch Management LG_PERM_BLADES_DESC=Blade Management LG_PERM_RACKS_DESC=Rack Management LG_PERM_CLIENTS_EDIT_DESC=Edit Clients LG_PERM_CLIENTS_ACT_DESC=Activate Clients LG_PERM_IP_EDIT_DESC=Edit IPs LG_PERM_SWITCHES_EDIT_DESC=Edit Switches LG_PERM_BLADES_EDIT_DESC=Edit Blades LG_PERM_RACKS_EDIT_DESC=Edit Racks LG_PERM_SERVERS_DESC=Server Management LG_PERM_EMAIL_TEMP_DESC=E-mail Templates LG_PERM_USERS_DESC=User Accounts