NEW LANGUAGE ENTRIES ================================================================= LG_POINTER=Pointer LG_CONFIRMUPDATEOF=Confirm updating of LG_NORESELLERPACKAGES=No Reseller packages are configured. LG_OPT_SLAVE_DOMAINS=Secondary Domains LG_OPT_SLAVE_DOMAINS_DESC=The number of secondary domains allowed. Sometimes called "add-on" domains. LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_BOXES=E-mail Boxes LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_BOXES_DESC=The number of POP3/IMAP e-mail boxes allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDERS=E-mail Autoresponders LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDERS_DESC=The number of e-mail autoresponders, also called robots, allowed across all acounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_ALIASES=E-mail Aliases LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_ALIASES_DESC=The number of e-mail aliases (often called e-mail forwards) allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_GROUPS=E-mail Groups LG_RSL_OPT_EMAIL_GROUPS_DESC=The number of group e-mail (aliases that send to multiple recipients) accounts allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_MYSQL_DBS=MySQL Databases LG_RSL_OPT_MYSQL_DBS_DESC=The number of MySQL databases allowed allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_MYSQL_DB_USERS=MySQL Users LG_RSL_OPT_MYSQL_DB_USERS_DESC=The number of MySQL users allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_SUBDOMAINS=Subdomains LG_RSL_OPT_SUBDOMAINS_DESC=The number of subdomains allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_FTP_ACCOUNTS=FTP Accounts LG_RSL_OPT_FTP_ACCOUNTS_DESC=The number of FTP accounts allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_CGI_ACCESS=CGI Access LG_RSL_OPT_BANDWIDTH=Bandwidth LG_RSL_OPT_BANDWIDTH_DESC=The amount of bandwidth per month allocated to this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_STORAGE=Storage Space LG_RSL_OPT_STORAGE_DESC=The amount of storage allocated to this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_SITEWORX_ACCOUNTS=SiteWorx Accounts LG_RSL_OPT_SITEWORX_ACCOUNTS_DESC=The number of SiteWorx accounts this reseller can create LG_RSL_OPT_POINTER_DOMAINS=Pointer Domains LG_RSL_OPT_POINTER_DOMAINS_DESC=The number of pointer domains allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_SLAVE_DOMAINS=Secondary Domains LG_RSL_OPT_SLAVE_DOMAINS_DESC=The number of secondary domains allowed across all accounts owned by this reseller LG_RSL_OPT_OVERSELL_STORAGE=Allow Storage Overselling LG_RSL_OPT_OVERSELL_STORAGE_DESC=With storage overselling enabled, the reseller can allocate more storage to the SiteWorx accounts than is technically allowed by the Storage Space allowance for the reseller account. LG_RSL_OPT_OVERSELL_BANDWIDTH=Allow Bandwidth Overselling LG_RSL_OPT_OVERSELL_BANDWIDTH_DESC=With bandwidth overselling enabled, the reseller can allocate more bandwidth to the SiteWorx accounts than is technically allowed by the Bandwidth allowance for the reseller account. LG_SSL_CSR_COUNTRYCODE=2 Letter Country Code LG_SSL_CSR_STATE=State or Province LG_SSL_CSR_CITY=City LG_SSL_CSR_COMPANY=Company LG_SSL_CSR_COMPANYDIVISION=Company Division LG_SSL_CSR_COMMONNAME=Common Name LG_SSL_CSR_EMAIL=Email LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_COUNTRYCODE=2 Letter Country Code invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_STATE=State or Province invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_CITY=City invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_COMPANY=Company invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_COMPANYDIVISION=Company Division invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_COMMONNAME=Common Name invalid LG_SSL_ERROR_CSR_EMAIL=Email invalid LG_SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_DESCRIPTION= LG_SSL_CERTIFICATE_DESCRIPTION= LG_SSL_GENERATE_CERTIFICATE_NOTE=Note: You need to create a CSR to generate a self-signed certificate. LG_DNS_SUBDOMAIN_DELETE_ERROR=Error deleting subdomain LG_DNS_CANTEDITSUBDOMAIN_EXISTING_SITEWORX_ACCOUNT=Can't edit subdomain because there is an existing SiteWorx account using this subdomain. L;G_PERM_SWITCHES_DESC=Switch Management LG_ERROR_UPDATING_SPAM_PREF=Error updating SPAM preference LG_RESELLER_PACKAGE_MANAGEMENT=Reseller Package Management LG_DOWNLOADS=Downloads LG_SCRIPTWORX_REMOTE_FILE_ERROR=There was an error retrieving or writing the remote script list. LG_SCRIPTWORX_UPDATES_PROMPT=Please check for updated ScriptWorx modules. LG_SCRIPTWORX_UPDATECHECK=Automatically Check for Updated Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_INVALID_URL=The URL in iworx.ini is invalid. LG_SCRIPTWORX_AUTOUPDATE=Automatically Update Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_MV_ERROR=There was an error moving the files. LG_SCRIPTWORX_AUTOINSTALL=Automatically Install New Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_NO_MODULES=No ScriptWorx Modules installed. LG_SCRIPTWORX_NO_SCRIPTS=No Scripts Available for Installation. LG_SCRIPTWORX_NO_SCRIPTS_INSTALLED=No Scripts Installed. LG_SCRIPTWORX_DOWNLOADED_MODULES=Downloaded ScriptWorx Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_AVAILABLE_DOWNLOADS=ScriptWorx Modules Available For Download LG_SCRIPTWORX_NO_AVAILABLE_DOWNLOADS=No ScriptWorx Modules Available For Download LG_SCRIPTWORX_DOWNLOADS_STARTED=The download and installation process of the selected scripts has begun. Please refresh the page to see if the downloads have completed. LG_SCRIPTWORX_UPDATES=Check for Updated Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_DOWNLOAD_CHECK=Check for New Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_UPDATE_CHECK_SUCCESS=Checking for updates completed successfully. Please check the table below for available updates. LG_SCRIPTWORX_DOWNLOAD_CHECK_SUCCESS=Checking for new modules completed successfully. Please check the table below for modules available for download. LG_SCRIPTWORX_LAST_UPDATED=Last Checked for Updates: LG_SCRIPTWORX_ERROR_MOVING_FINAL=There was an error moving the script files to the final location. LG_SCRIPTWORX_ERROR_PERMISSIONS=There was an error setting the permissions for the script. LG_SCRIPTWORX_ERROR_INVALID_SCRIPT=Invalid script LG_SCRIPTWORX_ERROR_BASE_DIR=Unable to determine the base directory for the archive. LG_SCRIPTWORX_DISABLED_GLOBAL=ScriptWorx is disabled for all SiteWorx accounts on this server. SiteWorx users will be unable to access the ScriptWorx menu to manage script installations. LG_SCRIPTWORX_REMOTE_SCRIPT_ERROR=Problem found with the remote script data. LG_SCRIPTWORX_ERROR_INSTALLING_REMOTE_FILE=Error installing the remote scriptworx data file. LG_UPDATES_AVAILABLE=Updates Available LG_LATEST_VERSION=Latest Version LG_NFS_EXPORT_ADD_SUCCESS=NFS shared successfully added LG_IMPORTED_SPAM_PREF=Importing spam preferences LG_QH_SCRIPTWORX_UPDATECHECK=If enabled, ScriptWorx will check the update server daily for new and/or updated ScriptWorx modules. LG_QH_SCRIPTWORX_AUTOUPDATE=If enabled, any version updates for modules will be downloaded and installed. NOTE: This will only update the version of a script installed by ScriptWorx and not any previously existing installations. LG_QH_SCRIPTWORX_AUTOINSTALL=If enabled, ScriptWorx will automatically download and install any ScriptWorx modules that exist in the ScriptWorx repository but not on the local server. LG_SCRIPTCOMPLETE_MEDIAWIKI=MediaWiki was successfully installed. You can begin editing your wiki with the link provided below. LG_SCRIPTCOMPLETE_OCPORTAL=ocPortal has been successfully installed. You may now log-in to your web-site and start to tailor it to your needs. A very large free manual is available on-line at to help assist you. LG_PHP_REPORT_PARSING_ERROR=Parse Errors LG_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_STATUS=Hotlink Protection Status LG_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_DIRECT_ACCESS=Allow Direct Access LG_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_REPLACE_WITH=Replace with LG_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_EXTENSIONS=Blocked Extensions LG_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_ALLOWED_DOMAINS=Allowed domains LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_FROM=Redirect From LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_TO=Redirect To LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_STATUS=Redirect Type LG_HTACCESS_NO_CUSTOM_REDIRECTS=No custom Redirects LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_ADD_SUCCEEDED=Redirect rule added LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_ADD_FAILED=Failed to add redirect rule LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_EDIT_SUCCEEDED=Redirect rule edited LG_HTACCESS_REDIRECT_EDIT_FAILED=Failed to edit redirect rule LG_HTACCESS_DELETE_REDIRECT=Delete Redirect LG_HTACCESS_DELETE_REDIRECT_SUCCEEDED=Redirect successfully deleted LG_HTACCESS_DELETE_REDIRECT_FAILED=Redirect deletion failed LG_HTACCESS_DIRINDEX_UPDATE_SUCCEEDED=Index Management updated LG_HTACCESS_DIRINDEX_UPDATE_FAILED=Index Management update failed LG_HTACCESS_NO_GLOBAL_FILE=NO GLOBAL .HTACCESS INSTALLED LG_HTACCESS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS=Global Directory Options LG_HTACCESS_SUBDIR_SETTINGS=Per Directory Options LG_QH_HTACCESS_GLOBAL=Options set here will affect the entire site, including subdomains. The .htaccess file will be installed into the webroot of your site. LG_QH_HTACCESS_SUBDIR=Options set here will only affect files within the corresponding directory, including its subdirectories. LG_QH_HTACCESS_ACCESSCONTROL_ORDER=Sets the order in which the Trusted (Allow) and Blocked (Deny) lists are evaluated. LG_QH_HTACCESS_ACCESSCONTROL_TRUSTED=IPs or domain names listed here will be allowed to access to this directory and its subdirectories. LG_QH_HTACCESS_ACCESSCONTROL_BLOCKED=IPs or domain names listed here will be denied to access to this directory and its subdirectories. LG_QH_HTACCESS_DIRINDEX_DEFAULT_INDEX=This setting affects when a browser requests a URL that ends in a '/' (a directory). Apache will use this list of files to determine which file to serve. Apache will serve the first file found in the list, from top to bottom. LG_QH_HTACCESS_DIRINDEX_DIRLISTING=This setting affects when a browser requests a URL that ends in a '/' (a directory), and no Default Index files are found. If set to 'No', the browser will receive a '403 Forbidden' response. If set to 'Yes', the browser will list the contents of the directory. If set to 'Inherited', the setting will be inherited from a parent directory. LG_QH_HTACCESS_DIRINDEX_DIRLISTING_STYLE=This setting affects how the directory listing will be displayed. If set to 'Simple Listing', a simple directory list of files will be displayed. If set to 'Fancy Listing', a directory list of files along with timestamps and filesizes will be displayed. If set to 'Inherited', the setting will be inherited from a parent directory. LG_QH_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_STATUS=Turns hotlink protection on or off. LG_QH_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_EXTENSIONS=Sets the list of extensions that will be protected from hotlinking. LG_QH_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_ALLOWED_DOMAINS=Sets the list of allowed domains that are allowed to hotlink to files with the listed extensions. The current SiteWorx domain will always be allowed to hotlink to the listed extensions. LG_QH_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_DIRECT_ACCESS=This option allows "direct access" to the list of protected extensions. "Direct access" typically means the URL of the file is typed directly into the browser, and not linked from another page. More specifically, "Direct access" allows access to the protected extensions when the HTTP_REFERER field is empty. LG_QH_HTACCESS_HOTLINK_REPLACE_WITH=When this option is set with a valid absolute URL to an image file (e.g.,, a hotlinked image will be replaced with this URL. If this option is not set, a hotlinked image will return a '403 Forbidden' response. LG_QH_HTACCESS_PHPVARS_MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC=Turns on or off the PHP 'Magic Quotes GPC' variable. If set to 'Inherited', the value will be set to what is shown between the parenthesis. Please refer to the PHP documentation on more information on the 'Magic Quotes GPC' variable. LG_QH_HTACCESS_PHPVARS_REGISTER_GLOBALS=Turns on or off the PHP 'Register Globals' variable. If set to 'Inherited', the value will be set to what is shown between the parenthesis. Please refer to the PHP documentation on more information on the 'Register Globals' variable. LG_QH_HTACCESS_PHPVARS_INCLUDE_PATH=Sets the PHP 'Include Path' variable for this directory and its subdirectories. If the 'Inherited' box is checked, the value will be set to what is shown in the textbox. Please refer to the PHP documentation on more information on the 'Include Path' variable. LG_QH_HTACCESS_PHPVARS_DISPLAY_ERRORS=Turns on or off the PHP 'Display Errors' variable. If set to 'Inherited', the value will be set to what is shown between the parenthesis. Please refer to the PHP documentation on more information on the 'Display Errors' variable. LG_QH_HTACCESS_PHPVARS_ERROR_REPORTING=Sets the PHP 'Error Reporting' variable for this directory and its subdirectories. If the 'Inherited' box is checked, the value will be inherited from a parent directory, and the checkboxes will be set accordingly. Please refer to the PHP documentation on more information on the 'Error Reporting' variable. LG_OPT_BACKUP=Account Backup LG_OPT_BACKUP_DESC=Enables the ability to backup the account. LG_SPAM_STARTONBOOT_SET_NO=SpamAssassin will NOT be started at system boot-up LG_SPAM_STARTONBOOT_SET_YES=SpamAssassin will be started at system boot-up LG_ERROR_DUMPING_MYSQL_DATABASE=Error dumping MySQL database LG_ERROR_WRITING_BACKUP_MANIFEST=Error writing the backup manifest file LG_ERROR_WRITING_BACKUP_CONTENT=Error writing the backup main content file LG_CLAMV_STARTONBOOT_SET_YES=ClamAV will be started at system boot-up LG_CLAMV_STARTONBOOT_SET_NO=FreshClam will NOT be started at system boot-up LG_FRESHCLAM_STARTONBOOT_SET_YES=ClamAV will be started at system boot-up LG_FRESHCLAM_STARTONBOOT_SET_NO=FreshClam will NOT be started at system boot-up LG_QH_SPAMSTARTONBOOT=If set to 'Yes', SpamAssassin will be automatically started when the server starts up. LG_QH_CLAMAVSTARTONBOOT=If set to 'Yes', ClamAV will be automatically started when the server starts up. LG_QH_FRESHCLAMSTARTONBOOT=If set to 'Yes', FreshClam will be automatically started when the server starts up. LG_SCP_HOST_ERROR=SCP remote host identification error LG_SCP_HOST_NOT_FOUND=SCP host not found LG_SCP_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT=SCP connection timed out LG_SCP_DISCONNECTED=SCP connection was closed LG_SCP_NO_ROUTE_TO_HOST=SCP No route to host LG_SCP_CONNECTION_REFUSED=SCP connection refused LG_SCP_PERMISSION_DENIED=SCP permission denied LG_SCP_FILE_NOT_FOUND=SCP file not found LG_NODEWORXUSERMANAGEMENT=NodeWorx User Management LG_SITEWORXUSERMANAGEMENT=SiteWorx User Management LG_SITEWORX_USER_DELETE_SUCCESS=SiteWorx user successfully deleted. LG_NODEWORX_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS=A NodeWorx User with that email address already exists. LG_NODEWORX_USER_ADD_SUCCESS=NodeWorx user successfully added. LG_NODEWORX_USER_EDIT_SUCCESS=NodeWorx user successfully edited. LG_NODEWORX_USER_DELETE_SUCCESS=NodeWorx user successfully deleted. LG_NODEWORX_USER_DELETE_ERROR=There was an error deleting the selected NodeWorx user. LG_NODEWORX_USER_ERROR_DELETING_NOEXIST=The NodeWorx user trying to be deleted doesn't exist. LG_NODEWORX_USER_ERROR_DELETING_MASTER=You can't delete the master user! LG_NODEWORX_USER_PERMS_ERROR=There was an error setting the permissions for the user. LG_ADDNWUSER=Add NodeWorx User LG_ADDSWUSER=Add SiteWorx User LG_RESELLER_ID=Reseller ID LG_DNS_ERROR_ADDING_SUBDOMAIN=Error adding subdomain LG_ERROR_ADDING_NODE_SUBDOMAIN=Error adding subdomain to node LG_NODEWORX_USER_NO_LOGIN_PERM=User Does Not Have Login Privileges LG_SLAVE_USER_EMAIL_EXISTS=A secondary account with the entered email address already exists. LG_SLAVEDOMAINS=Domains LG_ADD_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Add Domain LG_EXISTING_SLAVES=Existing Domains LG_SLAVEDOMAIN=Domain LG_SLAVEDOMAINDELSUCCESS=Domain deleted successfully LG_SLAVEDOMAINADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Domain added successfully LG_DELETE_SLAVEDOMAIN=Delete domain LG_DELETEDDOMAINS=Deleted domains LG_SHOWDETAILS=Show Details LG_HIDEDETAILS=Hide Details LG_SLAVEDOMAINEXISTS=Domain Exists LG_INVALIDDOMAIN=Invalid Domain LG_DOMAINEXISTSELSEWHERE=Cannot add domain. It exists elsewhere on the system. LG_ATTACHEDTO=Attached to LG_DELETE_POINTERDOMAIN=Delete pointer domain LG_POINTERDOMAINLIMITREACHED=Pointer domain limit reached LG_THEME=Theme LG_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_NO_EXIST=The default template specified in the [iworx.templates] section of iworx.ini does not exists. Please verify the template exists in the proper location. LG_THE_FOLLOWING_RESELLERS_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_IPADDRESS=The following resellers have access to IP address LG_POP3_AND_IMAP_MAILBOXES=POP3 and IMAP Mailboxs LG_MYSQLDATABASEUSERMANAGEMENT=MySQL Database User Management LG_DOMAINMANAGEMENT=Domain Management LG_SECONDARYDOMAINS=Secondary Domains LG_USETHISMENUTOMANAGEOTHERDOMAINS=Use this menu to manage other domains on this account. LG_NOTHING_SELECTED=Nothing Selected LG_RESELLER_IP_SHARED_NO_ACCESS=The selected reseller does not have access to the selected IP address LG_SITEWORX_DEACTIVATESUCCESS=Account successfully deactivated LG_SITEWORX_ACTIVATESUCCESS=Account successfully activated LG_RESELLER_IP_NOT_AVAILABLE_TO_RESELLERS=The selected IP address is not available to resellers. This can be changed on the IP Management page. LG_RESELLER_IP_DEDICATED_AND_IN_USE=The selected IP address is a dedicated IP, and is already in use with another Domain. LG_RESELLER_DEDICATED_IP_USED_BY_OTHER=The selected IP address is a dedicated IP, and it is already assigned to a different reseller. LG_RESELLER_DEDICATED_IP_NOT_AVAILABLE_TO_USER=The selected IP address is not avaiable to the selected reseller. LG_DELETEDACCOUNTS=Deleted Accounts LG_RESELLER_NOBANDWIDTHHISTORY=No bandwidth history available for this reseller LG_NAME_REQUIRED_EMPTY=A valid name is required LG_USER_SAVE_ERROR=There was an error saving the user information to the database LG_MULTIPLE_LOGIN_NOT_PERMITTED=Maximum number of logged in users reached. LG_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN=User already logged in LG_EMPTY_THEME=Theme is not set LG_NO_PERMISSIONS_NO_LOGIN=User has no permissions and cannot be logged in LG_MYSQL_MUST_BE_ON=MySQL must be running to add a clustered node LG_EXTERNAL_IP_ALREADY_IN_USE=External IP address already in use LG_ERROR_SYNCING_SERVER_ALIAS=Error syncing the Apache server alias directives LG_ERROR_SYNCING_VHOST=Error syncing the Apache virtual host block LG_SPAM_USER_INVALID=Invalid SPAM preference username LG_SPAM_PREFERENCE_INVALID=Invalid SPAM preference LG_SPAM_PREF_VALUE_INVALID=Invalid value for the given SPAM preference LG_BLANK_FOR_DEFAULT=Leave blank for default LG_NO_SUCH_ZONE=No such zone LG_INVALID_DNS_TARGET=Invalid DNS target LG_NO_SUCH_RECORD=No such record LG_DNS_EDITING_TEMPLATE=NOTE: You are editing the DNS template zone. All future SiteWorx account creations will use any changes you make to these records. Any reference to the template domain name ( will be replaced by the actual SiteWorx domain name. All referneces to the IP address will be replaced by the actual SiteWorx IP address. All other hostnames and IPs will be left unchanged. LG_DNS_TEMPLATE=DNS Template LG_ERROR_CREATING_DNS_TEMPLATE=Error creating DNS template LG_SELECTED_ACCOUNTS=Selected Accounts LG_SELECTED_BACKUPS=Selected Backups LG_SELECTED_CRONJOBS=Selected Cron Jobs LG_SELECTED_CUSTOM_HANDLERS=Selected Custom Handlers LG_SELECTED_DIRECTORIES=Selected Directories LG_SELECTED_DNS_SERVICES=Selected DNS Services LG_SELECTED_DOMAINS=Selected Domains LG_SELECTED_ERROR_DOCUMENTS=Selected Error Documents LG_SELECTED_FIREWALL_RULES=Selected Firewall Rules LG_SELECTED_FTP_SESSIONS=Selected FTP Sessions LG_SELECTED_HOSTS=Selected Hosts LG_SELECTED_MESSAGES=Selected Messages LG_SELECTED_MIMETYPES=Selected Mimetypes LG_SELECTED_MODULES=Selected Modules LG_SELECTED_MYSQL_PROCESSES=Selected MySQL Processes LG_SELECTED_NFS_EXPORTS=Selected NFS Exports LG_SELECTED_NFS_MOUNTS=Selected NFS Mounts LG_SELECTED_NODES=Selected Nodes LG_SELECTED_QUEUES=Selecte Queries LG_SELECTED_REDIRECTS=Selected Redirects LG_SELECTED_SCRIPTS=Selected Scripts LG_SELECTED_SERVICES=Selected Services LG_SELECTED_SITEWORX_ACCOUNTS=Selected SiteWorx Accounts LG_SELECTED_SPAM_OPTIONS=Selected Spam Options LG_SELECTED_USERS=Selected Users LG_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_THEME=Unable to Delete Theme. LG_ADDTHEME=Add Theme LG_DOWNLOADED=Downloaded LG_SCRIPTWORX_NO_LOCAL_SCRIPTS=No ScriptWorx Modules Downloaded LG_DOMAINS_SUBADDEDSUCCESSFULLY=Subdomain added successfully LG_DOMAINS_SUBDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Subdomain deleted successfully LG_DNS_NOPOINTERDOMAINGIVEN=No pointer domain given LG_DOMAINS_POINTERDELETEDSUCCESSFULLY=Pointer domain successfully deleted LG_ALLOWOVERSELLING=Allow Overselling LG_RESELLER_ADVANCED_FEATURES=Reseller Advanced Features LG_LIMIT=Limit LG_LIMITEXCEEDED=Limit Exceeded LG_CURRENT_USAGE=Current Usage LG_FEATURE_LIMITS=Feature Limits LG_RESELLER_PACKAGE_FEATURES=Reseller Package Features LG_RESELLER_OVERSELLING_OPTIONS=Reseller Overselling Options LG_OVERSELLING_DISABLED=Overselling Disabled LG_OVERSELLING_ENABLED=Overselling Enabled LG_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE=Invalid record type LG_RECORDADDFAILED=Record addition failed LG_PERMS_ERROR=Permissions error LG_SYNCIPDATA_FAILED=Sync IP data failed LG_ERROR_ENABLING_NODE_ACCOUNT=Error enabling node account LG_ERROR_DISABLING_NODE_ACCOUNT=Error disabling node account LG_ERROR_ADDING_NODE_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Error adding node secondary domain LG_ERROR_DELETING_NODE_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Error deleting node secondary domain LG_NO_SUCH_SYNCHOST=No such DNS sync host exists LG_ZONEADDFAILED=Zone add failed LG_QH_ADD_NODE=Add a node to this cluster. You must specify the hostname and InterWorx-CP API key of the node to be added. You should 'test' the connection before proceeding with the addition as it will weed out most common errors. LG_QH_NODE_HOSTNAME=The hostname or IP address of the node you would like to add to this cluster. LG_QH_NODE_API_KEY=The InterWorx-CP API key from the node which you would like to add. This must be retrieved from the node's NodeWorx instance. LG_QH_NODES_IN_CLUSTER=A list of the nodes currently setup in this cluster. LG_QH_NODE_ACTION=Actions which you may perform on nodes include simply deleting the node (i.e. removing it from the cluster). Doing so will also remove the node from the load balancing policy. LG_QH_QUORUM_IP=The quorum IP is the IP address which can be used by all nodes to communicate to the cluster manager. This is important since many all virtual IPs will be shared between the CM and the nodes so there needs to be 1 designated IP address for node => cluster manager communication. All NFS/API traffic from the node to the CM runs over this IP. LG_QH_LOADBALANCERCONTROL=Start, stop and restart the load balancer. When the load balancer is off all traffic will be routed to the cluster manater itself. LG_QH_LBVERSION=Load balancer (LVS) version LG_QH_LBSCHEDULER=Default load balancing policy LG_QH_EXPORTEDNFSSHARES=List of expored NFS shares available to others on this server. LG_QH_NFSEXPORTSACTION=You may delete any NFS exported shareds using the action drop-down. LG_QH_ZONEIPADDRESS=IP address to use as a base for this new account to setup macros. LG_QH_ADD_MOUNTED_FILESYSTEM=Mount a remote filesystem via NFS. LG_QH_NFS_MOUNT_HOST=The host (hostname or IP address) you are mounting. LG_QH_NFS_REMOTE_DIRECTORY=The full path of the remote directory you are mounting. LG_QH_NFS_MOUNT_POINT=The local mount point you would like the remote directory to be available on. This must be an existing directory. LG_QH_MOUNTNFSHARES=List of mounted NFS shares and their options. LG_QH_NFSMOUNTADD=Add an NFS mount LG_QH_MAILSERVER_ACTIVITY=Current mail server queue activity. LG_QH_MAILSERVER_CONTROL_SMTP=Stop, start and re-start the SMTP daemon. LG_QH_MAILSERVER_CONTROL_SEND=Stop, start and re-start the Qmail send daemon. LG_QH_MTAVERSION=The current version of the Qmail MTA running on this system. LG_QH_MTAQUEUERRDGRAPH=A graph showing the number of messages in the queue. LG_QH_MAILSERVER_HOSTNAME=The mail server hostname. LG_QH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN=The default domain appending to any address that doesn't include a domain portion (i.e. a missing will be translated to use the default domain). LG_QH_BOUNCE_FROM=The email address / user that bounced messages are sent as. LG_QH_BOUNCE_HOST=The hostname or IP that bounced messsages are sent as. LG_QH_BOUNCE_SUBJECT=The bounce subject used on a bounced message. LG_QH_BOUNCE_MESSAGE=The message accompanied with a bounced message. LG_QH_DOUBLE_BOUNCE_MESSAGES=Setting this to yes will allow Qmail to double bounce e-mail messages. LG_QH_DOUBLE_BOUNCE_TO=The e-mail address to double bounce messages to. LG_QH_DOUBLE_BOUNCE_HOST=The hostname or IP that double bounced messsages are sent as. LG_QH_DOUBLE_BOUNCE_SUBJECT=The bounce subject used on a double bounced message. LG_QH_DOUBLE_BOUNCE_MESSAGE=The message accompanied with a double bounced message. LG_QH_SMTP_GREETING=The SMTP greeting shown to mail servers when they connect to the SMTP daemon on this server. LG_QH_CONCURRENCY_INCOMING=The total number of inbound remote connections allowed simultaenously. LG_QH_TIMEOUT_SMTPD=The max seconds to wait for communication for inbound SMTP connections. LG_QH_MTA_LEVEL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BLACKLIST=The MTA level blacklist allows you to blacklist e-mail addresses at a very low level so they are denied before further processing takes place. LG_QH_REALTIME_SBL_BLACKLIST=The realtime blacklist list allows you to setup Qmail to use RBLs when processing incoming mail. Put 1 hostname or IP address per line to use. LG_QH_CONCURRENCY_REMOTE=The concurrency remote tells Qmail the maximum number of outbound connections that it can have open at any one time. LG_QH_TIMEOUT_REMOTE=Timeout remote changes the amount of time that Qmail will wait for a remote connection to respond most communications. LG_QH_TIMEOUT_CONNECT=Timeout connect changes the amount of time that Qmail will wait for a remote connection to a SMTP server. LG_QH_QUEUE_LIFETIME=Queue lifetime limits the number of seconds that a mail entry will live in the queue before it is delivered or purged. LG_USER_DELETE_ERROR=Error deleting user LG_RESELLER_DELETE_PREFERENCE_ERROR=Error deleting reseller preference LG_ERROR_SAVING_RESELLER_ACCOUNT=Error saving reseller account LG_ERROR_SAVING_INITIAL_RESELLER_PACKAGE=Error saving initial reseller package LG_ERROR_EDITING_RESELLER_PACKAGE=Error editing reseller package LG_SITEWORX_ACTIVATEFAILURE=Domain activation failed LG_SITEWORX_DEACTIVATEFAILURE=Domain deactivation failed LG_SITEWORX_USER_DELETE_ERROR=Error deleting siteworx user LG_EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD_THEME=Empty user theme LG_EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD_CODE=Empty user language LG_EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD_TYPE=Empty user type LG_INVALID_USER_TYPE=Invalid user type specified LG_SLAVEDOMAINLIMITREACHED=Secondary domain limit reached LG_MAIL_SETUP_FAILED=Mail setup failed LG_DNS_INVALIDPOINTERDOMAINGIVEN=Invalid pointer domain LG_DNS_POINTER_DELETE_ERROR=Error deleting pointer domain LG_QH_MDA_STARTONBOOT=If set to 'Yes', this service will be automatically started when the server starts up. LG_QH_POP3_MAX_CONNECTIONS=Set the maximum number of connections allowed by the pop3 service. LG_QH_IMAP_MAX_CONNECTIONS=Set the maximum number of connections allowed by the imap service. LG_QH_NODEWORXNICKNAME=The nickname you give the reseller will be used to represent the reseller in various places in the interface. Can be the reseller's name. LG_QH_NODEWORXEMAIL=Enter the e-mail address of this reseller account holder. This will serve as a contact address for the account and will be used by the account holder to login to NodeWorx and access their reseller account. LG_QH_NODEWORXPASS=Enter a password for the reseller account holder and make it secure (i.e. long and random) ;). LG_QH_NODEWORXLANGUAGE=Language used for the reseller account owner when they are logged in. LG_QH_NODEWORXTHEME=The theme this reseller will see by default when they login. LG_QH_BILLING_DAY=The billing day is the day of the month (1-31) that this reseller's monthly bandwidth calculation will start back at 0. LG_QH_NODEWORXSTATUS=Status of the reseller account.

"Active" means the account is in good standing, the reseller can login.

"Inactive" means the reseller cannot login.

When changing this value, you have the option to activate or deactivate all the website accounts owned by this reseller.

Inactive website accounts cannot login to the SiteWorx website management system, and the website itself is replaced with a notification that the site has been deactivated. LG_QH_CHANGE_RESELLER=Change or specify the reseller account this SiteWorx account is owned by. There are a number of reasons this may not succeed, or may lead to unexpected results. Before changing the reseller for this account, make certain that the new reseller has access to the IP address this account is currently on, and that adding this account to the reseller will not cause any of the reseller's limits to be exceeded! LG_SCRIPTCOMPLETE=Script Complete LG_DOMAINS_SUBEDITEDSUCCESSFULLY=Subdomain edited successfully LG_SLAVEDOMAINDOESNOTEXIST=Secondary domain does not exist LG_NOSLAVEDOMAINSDEFINED=No secondary domains are defined LG_QH_SPAMDELIVERY=todo LG_QH_SPAMSCORETHRESHOLD=todo LG_QH_REWRITESUBJECT=todo LG_QH_ADD_SENDER_FILTER=todo LG_SKIPPING_INVALID_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER=Email autoresponder is invalid. LG_LOADED_EMAIL_AUTORESPONDER=Email autoresponder loaded LG_SKIPPING_NONEXIST_SCRIPTWORX=ScriptWorx script doesn't exist LG_LOADED_SCRIPTWORX=ScriptWorx script loaded LG_SETTING_BACKUP_TYPE=Setting backup type LG_MYSQLD_NOT_RUNNING=MySQL server not running LG_DATABASE_EXISTS_SKIPPING=Database already exists LG_NO_SCRIPTWORX_INSTALLATIONS=No ScriptWorx installations exist LG_IMPORTED_SCRIPTWORX=Imported ScriptWorx script LG_ERROR_IMPORTING_SCRIPTWORX=Error importing ScriptWorx script LG_COULDNT_FIND_SQL_FILE=Could not find SQL file LG_COULDNT_FIND_MAILBOX_FILE=Could not find Mailbox file LG_IMPORT_ACCOUNT_DATA_FAILED=Importing account data failed LG_IMPORT_ACCOUNT_VAR_DATA_FAILED=Importing "var" data failed LG_BACKUP_EXCLUDE_DIR_INVALID=Exclude directory invalid LG_BACKUP_EXCLUDE_EXTENSION_INVALID=Exclude extension invalid LG_FILENAME_FORMAT_EMPTY=Filename format is empty LG_FILENAME_FORMAT_INVALID=Filename format is invalid LG_TEMP_DIR_EMPTY=Temporary directory path is empty LG_TEMP_DIR_NOT_ABSOLUTE=Temporary directory path is not an absolute path LG_TEMP_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST=Temporary directory does not exist LG_BACKUP_DOMAIN_INVALID=Backup domain is invalid LG_BACKUP_OPTIONS_INVALID=Backup options are invalid LG_INVALID_HOTLINK_REPLACE_WITH=Invalid "Replace with" link URL LG_SSHD_INVALID_PRIVSEPARATE_VALUE=Invalid Privilege Separation value LG_SSHD_INVALID_ALLOW_USER=Invalid Allow User LG_SSHD_INVALID_DENY_USER=Invalid Deny User LG_BACKUP_FAILED_TO_CREATE_LOCKFILE=Failed to create lockfile LG_ERROR_BACKING_UP_VHOST=Error backing up VirtualHost conf file LG_ERROR_WRITING_DATABASE_BACKUP=Error writing database backup dump file LG_ERROR_CREATING_SLAVE_BACKUP=Error creating slave domain backup LG_ERROR_COMBINING_BACKUPS=Error combining final backup file LG_ERROR_BACKUP_COMPRESS_FAILED_1=Failed to compress temporary backup file LG_ERROR_BACKUP_COMPRESS_FAILED_2=Failed to compress backup file LG_ERROR_CREATING_TMP_IWORXMETA_DIR=Error creating temporary IWorx-Meta directory LG_ERROR_WRITING_MASTER_MANIFEST=Error writing master manifest file LG_ERROR_WRITING_BACKUP_VERSION_FILE=Error writing backup version file LG_BACKUP_NO_SLAVE_DOMAIN_CONFLICT=Slave domain is being backed up, but 'noslavedoms' was specified LG_BACKUP_XFER_TYPE_NOT_SET=Transfer type not set LG_BACKUP_XFER_DOMAIN_INVALID=Domain invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_TYPE_INVALID=Transfer type is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_HOSTNAME_INVALID=Hostname specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_PORT_INVALID=Port specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_FILE_NOT_EXISTS_OR_NOT_FILE=Transfer INI file doesn't exist or is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_METHOD_INVALID=Transfer method is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_FTP_LOGIN_FAILED=FTP login failed LG_BACKUP_XFER_FTP_CHDIR_FAILED=FTP chdir failed LG_BACKUP_XFER_FTP_UPLOAD_FAILED=FTP upload failed LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_USERNAME_INVALID=Username specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_REMOTEPATH_INVALID=Remote path specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_LOCALDIR_CREATE_FAILED=Could not create SiteWorx backup directory LG_BACKUP_LOCATION_PERMISSION_DENIED=You do not have permission to access this location LG_BACKUP_MOVE_FAILED=Moving backup file failed LG_BACKUP_SET_PERMS_FAILED=Changing permissions on backup file failed LG_IMPORT_NOACCOUNTS=NO ACCOUNTS LG_SSHD_USER_ACCESS_CONTROL=SSH User Access Control LG_SSHD_ALLOWED_USERS=Allowed Users LG_QH_SSHD_ALLOWED_USERS=List of users that are allowed SSH access to the server LG_SSHD_DENIED_USERS=Denied Users LG_QH_SSHD_DENIED_USERS=List of users that are denied SSH access to the server LG_REPORT_SAFE_0=Make no changes to the body of the e-mail message LG_REPORT_SAFE_1=Create a new report message and attach the original spam message as an attachment (default) LG_REPORT_SAFE_2=Create a new report and attach the original spam message in text only. This may make it more difficult to extract or view the original spam message. LG_LOADED_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Loaded slave domain LG_SKIPPING_EMPTY_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Slave domain empty LG_NO_SLAVE_DOMAINS=No slave domains found LG_IMPORTED_SLAVE_DOMAIN=Slave domain was imported LG_ERROR_IMPORTING_SLAVE_DOMAIN=An error occured while importing a slave domain LG_STRUCTURE_ONLY_BACKUP=Structure-Only Backup LG_DOMAINS_SLAVE_INVALID_IP_TYPE=Secondary Domains can only be added to accounts on a SHARED IP Address.
This account is on a DEDICATED IP Address, you cannot add secondary domains. LG_INVALIDIPTYPE=Invalid IP Type LG_INVALID_RESELLER_ID=Invalid reseller ID LG_UNKNOWN_SITEWORX_BACKUP_VERSION=Unknown SiteWorx backup version LG_IMPORT_SITEWORX_DOMAIN_MISMATCH=Domain mismatch LG_INVALID_MASTER_DOMAIN=Master domain invalid LG_IMPORT_RESELLER_VALIDATE_FAILED=Reseller account validation failed LG_SETTING_IP_ADDRESS=Setting IP address LG_IMPORT_FAILURE_RESELLER_DOESNT_EXIST=Reseller doesn't exist LG_INVALID_COPYTO_ADDRESS=Invalid copy-to email address LG_LOADED_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PREFS=Loaded email account preferences LG_SKIPPING_INVALID_DNS_RECORD=Skipping invalid DNS record LG_LOADED_DNS_RECORD=Loaded DNS record LG_SETTING_BACKUP_OPTION=Setting backup options LG_IMPORTED_EMAIL_COPYTO=Email copy-to was imported LG_NO_DNS_RECORDS=No DNS records found LG_INCREASED_POINTERDOMAINS_QUOTA=Increased pointer domain quota LG_INCREASED_FTP_ACCOUNTS_QUOTA=Increased FTP account quota LG_APACHE_NOT_RUNNING=Apache not running LG_IMPORT_FAILURE_DOM_UNDER_ANOTHER_MASTER_DOM=This domain exists under another master domain LG_IMPORT_PRESERVE_BACKUPS_FAILURE=Failed to save previous account backups LG_NO_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PREFS=No email account preferences found LG_IMPORTED_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_BAYES_DB=Email account bayes database was imported LG_ERROR_IMPORTING_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_BAYES_DB=An error occured while importing email account bayes databases LG_IMPORTED_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_ADDRBOOK=Email account addressbook was imported LG_ERROR_IMPORTING_SLAVEDOM=An error occured while importing a slave domain LG_ERROR_IMPORTING_SLAVEDOMMD5=Slave domain archive checksum failed LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_PASSWORD_INVALID=Password specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_XFER_INI_PASV_INVALID=Passive mode specified in transfer INI is invalid LG_BACKUP_QUOTA_WILL_BE_EXCEEDED=Backup quota will be exceeded LG_BACKUP_QUOTA_EXCEEDED=Backup quota has been exceeded LG_BACKUP_MANIFEST_NOT_A_FILE=Manifest file is not a file LG_BACKUP_MANIFEST_IS_EMPTY=Manifest file is empty LG_BACKUP_MANIFEST_UNREADABLE=Manifest file is unreadable LG_CORRUPT_MANIFEST=Manifest file is corrupt LG_PASSIVE_MODE=Passive Mode LG_SSHD_ALLOW_USER=Allow User(s) LG_SSHD_DENY_USER=Deny User(s) LG_THIS_RESELLER=This Reseller LG_ALL_RESELLERS=All Resellers LG_FULL_IMPORT=Full Import LG_STRUCTURE_ONLY_IMPORT=Structure-Only Import LG_REMOTE_RESELLER=Remote Reseller LG_WARNING_EXTERNAL_IPS_UPDATED=Warning: External IPs have been updated. DNS records for SiteWorx accounts using the old external IPs have been updated to the new external IPs. LG_SCRIPTWORX_BLOGS=Blogs LG_SCRIPTWORX_THIRD_PARTY_SOHOLAUNCH_TRIAL=3rd Party : SiteBuilder : Free Trial LG_SCRIPTWORX_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEMS=Content Management Systems LG_SCRIPTWORX_E_COMMERCE=E-Commerce LG_SCRIPTWORX_FORUMS=Forums LG_SCRIPTWORX_MISCELLANEOUS=Miscellaneous LG_SCRIPTWORX_PHOTO_GALLERIES=Photo Galleries LG_SCRIPTWORX_PROJECT_MANAGEMENT=Project Management LG_SCRIPTWORX_INSTALLED_MODULES=Installed ScriptWorx Modules LG_SCRIPTWORX_AVAILABLE_FOR_INSTALL=ScriptWorx Modules Available For Installation LG_SCRIPTCOMPLETE_OPENADS=OpenAds was successfully installed. You can log in with the link provided below. LG_QH_MASSTRANSFER_HOSTNAME=Specify the hostname of the remote server you want to transfer accounts from. You may use an IP or a hostname. The mass transfer is initiated via SSH, so if the remote server is running SSH on a non-standard port, you may specify the port like this: <hostname>:<port number>

For example, if the remote server '' has SSH on port 2200, you would enter the following value: LG_QH_MASSTRANSFER_REMOTE_RESELLER=Name and email of the reseller on the remote server. The accounts listed below are the accounts belonging to this reseller on the remote server. LG_QH_MASSTRANSFER_STORAGE_USED=The approximate storage used by the account on the remote server. Accounts with larger storage usage will take longer to import, as both backup time and transfer time will be affected. Consider importing accounts with large storage usage with the "Structure-Only Import" option. LG_QH_IMPORT_LOCAL_RESELLER=List of resellers on this server. Select the reseller you would like to import an account under. The "IMPORT" option, only available to InterWorx 3.0+ backups, will attempt to import the reseller information stored in the backup file. If you choose "IMPORT", the reseller will be imported from the backup file on to the local server, and the account will be added under the newly created reseller. LG_QH_MASSTRANSFER_LOCAL_RESELLER=List of resellers on this server. Select the reseller you would like to import an account under. The "IMPORT" option allows you to import the remote reseller on to the local server. If you choose "IMPORT" for a given account, the remote reseller will be created on the local server, and the account will be added under the newly created reseller. LG_QH_MASSTRANSFER_IMPORT_TYPE=Specify the type of import you would like to use for the given account. This option determines what kind of backup is created on the remote server and then subsequently transferred and imported on the local server.