Add files on DirectoryIndex apache


I’d like to add a different sequence and new files for DirectoryIndex apache. I’ve created a file /etc/httpd/conf.d/directoryindex.conf with this content:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html default.php default.html

After apache restart from command line worked, but after some hours, not more.

Is there another best place that I can make this customization?

Thank you


If you want this to be a global change, try the following–this will update all of the vhosts so that those items are in the DirectoryIndex line, and will set the template to add them to new vhosts, as well:

~iworx/bin/config.pex --set --global --name HTTPD_DIRECTORY_INDEX --value 'index.php index.htm index.html default.php default.html'

~iworx/bin/httpd.pex --write-vhosts-all

You may need to restart Apache, as well.
