api error, some idea?

Module: mod_interworx1
[STATUS:] Request to create account on host 216.xxx.xxx.xxx
at port 2443 for domain xxxxxx.com received.
[EVENT:] Requesting shared IP from InterWorx server…
[EVENT:] Sending message to 216.xxx.xxx.xxx at port 2443…
[STATUS:] Message sent succesfully.
[STATUS:] Received response: 216.xxx.xxx.xxx
[EVENT:] Assembling message to send to InterWorx server…
[STATUS:] Done.
[EVENT:] Sending message to 216.xxx.xxx.xxx at port 2443…
[ERROR:] xml-rpc fault occurred.
Fault code: 104
Fault description: XML error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 69

Connection or “createacct” function failed.

I have multiple servers, no have troubles in all mi servers, just have trouble on thix server, site not created and return this error using modernbill.
Some idea what is origin of this trouble?
I change the ip and the domain for xx just for show here.

Well nobody repply? ; (

It was due to an extended ascii char in the XML request (handled via ticket) and we’ll have this fixed in the next release.
