Before changing over to suPHP I was using a custom vhost-base.conf file to automatically generate the PHP value for open_basedir per virtual host upon new siteworx account creation, like this:
php_admin_value open_basedir “<<WEBROOT>>:/tmp”
Now with suPHP I have to create the /home/user/etc/ folder and php.ini file in there and set the appropriate permissions manually.
Are there any plans to allow auto generation of the per-user php.ini files with some custom default values?
there aer several php properties that i would like the user to be able to turn off.
Like: show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open, allow_url_fopen and set open_basedir (or default it to their home folder so their CMS systems don’t bug them about it).
Dan that would be nice! Right now it’s possible to overwrite all PHP setting (such as memory_limit) with PHP’s ini_set command. It would make our staff so happy
My suggestions to set the following parameters per site and default:
We made a little-temp-fix for the suPHP problem which:
creates a /home/<user>/etc directorie in the siteworx user directory and copies /etc/php.ini to this IF not already existst.
changes owner of php.ini to root:root (we do not allow our customers to make changes to php.ini themselves).
fixes the session directory in the php.ini (sessions will be placed in /home/<user>/tmp directorie of the the siteworx user)
We run this script every 5 minutes. As said before it's a work-around script so don't expect rocket science. If it makes you happy,I am happy :-)
#! /bin/bash
function get-dir-list()
local -a info
while read -a info; do
echo "/home/${info[1]}"
done < <( nodeworx -u -n -c Siteworx -a listAccounts )
while read dir; do
if etc="$dir/etc"; [[ ! -d "$etc" ]]; then
mkdir "$etc"
# Do not change ownership to owner,
# or an owner could remove php.ini
# and replace it with its own... :P
chown root:root "$etc"
if tmp="$dir/tmp"; [[ ! -d "$tmp" ]]; then
mkdir "$tmp"
chown --reference="$dir" "$tmp"
chmod 01755 "$tmp"
if ini="$etc/php.ini"; [[ ! -f "$ini" ]]; then
cp /etc/php.ini "$ini"
chown root:root "$ini"
chmod 0444 "$ini"
read s < <( sed -nr 's/^ *session[.]save_path *= *(.*)$/\1/p' "$ini" )
if [[ "$s" != "$tmp" ]]; then
sed -ri 's#^( *session[.]save_path *= *).*$#\1'"$tmp"'#' "$ini"
done < <( get-dir-list )
Based on gerwin’s excellent cron script above, the following can be integrated with our Event Hooks plugin to automate the creation of the necessary files and directories:
# First, ensure the InterWorx CLI is installed via 'yum install interworx-cli'
# Install this script at /usr/local/bin/
# Enable the Event Hooks plugin in NodeWorx.
# Add the following line to your InterWorx Event Hook Configuration:
# Ctrl_Nodeworx_Siteworx add /usr/local/bin/
# Ensure that both this file *and* the Event Hook config are both readable
# and executable by the iworx user:
# chmod 0770 /usr/local/bin/
# chown iworx /usr/local/bin/
# In order for this script to run successfully, the iworx user
# must be added to the sudoers file. This can be done as follows:
# Run 'visudo'
# Append these lines:
# %iworx ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /bin/bash -p /usr/local/bin/
# Defaults:%iworx !requiretty
# Save and exit visudo
if [[ "$iw_uniqname" == "" ]]; then
exit 1
if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]]; then
self="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )/$(basename $0)"
sudo -E bash -p $self
exit 0
if etc="$dir/etc"; [[ ! -d "$etc" ]]; then
mkdir "$etc"
# Do not change ownership to owner,
# or an owner could remove php.ini
# and replace it with its own
chown root:root "$etc"
if tmp="$dir/tmp"; [[ ! -d "$tmp" ]]; then
mkdir "$tmp"
chown --reference="$dir" "$tmp"
chmod 01755 "$tmp"
if ini="$etc/php.ini"; [[ ! -f "$ini" ]]; then
cp /etc/php.ini "$ini"
chown root:root "$ini"
chmod 0444 "$ini"
read s < <( sed -nr 's/^ *session[.]save_path *= *(.*)$/\1/p' "$ini" )
if [[ "$s" != "$tmp" ]]; then
sed -ri 's#^( *session[.]save_path *= *).*$#\1'"$tmp"'#' "$ini"
I tried your script there with the Event Hooks on Interworx 5 beta 6 release, running on Cloud Linux.
The script never run at all, can you help?
Here is the message from iworx.log