AWStat Error


I have created for one of my client a new siteworx account.

His domain is

When we look the stat of his web site using AWStat we have under “Pages-URL (Top 10)” 3 pages owned by an other account


When we click on this link we can access to this other domain with the url

I understand that as they are both on the same IP. But it is a big poblem.
I don’t want (And I’m sure my clients don’t want too) that a visitor my access to a domain through an other one. In this particular example cuisinem is a website about maroco cook and is a website about the work activity of his owner. And I promes he doesn’t do maroco cooking.

Why this /~cuisinem/ appears in AWStat ?
How not allow the access of a second domain trouhg an other one ? (but I’d like to continue to use user_dir)

ps : I also open a support ticket about this case



also the publi_html dir for every account is owned by root:iworx

Should it not be owned by the user account himself ?

I’d assume that is the default vhost Pascal and it may catch all the accesses from the ~user user_dir accessed pages since they obviously don’t follow the vhost boundaries (as you previously discovered).

Regarding public_html, it’s just the symlink that is owned by root/iworx correct? That shouldn’t be a problem but I’ll open a bug internally to get it checked out.


Thanks Chris :slight_smile:

The problem is more that in AWStat a user see other domain access pages, it’s a little confusing.

Regarding public_html, it’s just the symlink that is owned by root/iworx correct?

correct. And it doesn’t seem to be a pbm as you said. I’ve tried to change the owner by tthe account name and it works fine
