Can't get SFTP or FTPS to work, only FTPES

Hello, I can’t seem to get Can’t get SFTP or FTPS to work, (only FTPES).

On SFTP attempt I get:
Authentication failed, could not connect
to server.

and on FTPS attempt I get.
Connection timed out, could not connect to server.

I’m using Filezilla 3.57.0

The reason I’m trying to get FTPS to work is because a secure connection is implied, whereas with FTPES, SSL must “Explicitly” be requested after the connection has already been made, so may be susceptible to man-in-the middle attacks. SFTP (FTP over SSH) might be acceptable as well, since it only uses single port (unlike FTP which uses one port for commands, and another one for file transfer).

I’ve used SFTP before with cPanel, no problem. I’d like to keep the server tight, but not make it a hassle for me or my clients to start an FTP session.

Has anyone else had success using either SFTP or FTPS with Interworx?



What port are you using to attempt to connect over SFTP? Are you using port 24? If not, give that a try.


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It will be at IWorx-Jenna posted and just needs port changed to 24 (or if you have changed the port from default as some do)

If this fails, please check that firewall has not blocked port 24 or any devices you may have setup between your computer and server

Below is a handshake so you can see it working with Filezilla client

Many thanks


21:07:11 Status: Connecting to ftp.domain.url:24…
21:07:11 Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
21:07:11 Command: open ftp@domain.url@ftp.domain.url 24
21:07:11 Trace: Connecting to n.n.n.n port 24
21:07:11 Trace: We claim version: SSH-2.0-FileZilla_3.33.0
21:07:14 Trace: Server version: SSH-2.0-mod_sftp
21:07:14 Trace: Using SSH protocol version 2
21:07:14 Trace: Doing ECDH key exchange with curve nistp256 and hash SHA-256
21:07:14 Trace: Host key fingerprint is:
21:07:14 Trace: ssh-rsa 2048 removed
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 client->server MAC algorithm
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised zlib (RFC1950) compression
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 server->client MAC algorithm
21:07:14 Trace: Initialised zlib (RFC1950) decompression
21:07:14 Command: Pass: ************
21:07:14 Trace: Sent password
21:07:16 Trace: Access granted
21:07:16 Trace: Opening session as main channel
21:07:16 Trace: Opened main channel
21:07:16 Trace: Started a shell/command
21:07:16 Status: Connected to domain.url
21:07:16 Status: Retrieving directory listing…
21:07:16 Command: pwd
21:07:16 Response: Current directory is: /
21:07:16 Command: ls
21:07:16 Status: Listing directory /
21:07:16 Status: Directory listing of / successful