Centos 6 to Centos 7/8

Hi all,

I’m back! Although the staff accidentally deleted all of my previous posts which is a shame. Anyway onto the thread…

Have an Interworx server that is still running on Centos 6 and ideally at some point within the next couple of months we want to get this moved to a Centos 7 box or even an 8 box. (Not sure how widely supported Centos 8 is yet with Interworx).

But wondering if anyone has had any experience with Centos 6 to 7. I believe you can’t do a simple upgrade and most people set up a new server on 7 and then move the data across. Just trying to gather peoples experience and the best way of doing this without the most interruption towards the client.


Hi Bertie

Welcome back :slight_smile: I did not delete you…

Centos 8 I am not sure how far on it is, but it is been worked on as far as I know

The best way I do change of servers, is to fully setup ready the new server, ensuring all is equal to old server such as PHP versions etc…

Change all DNS records TTL to 3600 (then wait 1 day prior to change)

I then do a full IW to IW server transfer which sets the IP addresses

To check all is working, I test some domains by adjusting the computer hosts file

If all well, then change nameservers or DNS records for domains

The above though is dependant upon how you/clients access/control domains nameservers or DNS records and ofcourse, if using internal IP address and is routed to external IP address, this becomes easier as you can do the above and when ready, simply route the external IP to the new internal IP

I hope that helps a little

Many thanks


Thanks John - Do you know if there is a way to get a list of all the domains that are on an Interworx server?

Hi Bertie

I think there is a few different ways, depending upon what type of domain list your after

The easiest is login to Nodeworx, Server, IP Management, System IP - goto end icons on IP you have installed/Use and click the orange IW logo (if you hover mouse over this icon, it displays the number of domains on the IP but no list) clicking it displays a full list of domains on that IP

You could SSH into server and list all unix names on /home

You could log into Nodeworx, Sitworx and select all resellers for a near full list (this I think would not show alias domains)

or login to Nodeworx, Siteworx, import and choose mass import, choose IW-CP and complete details, connect and it will show you all domains for all resellers

I hope that helps a little

Many thanks


Yeah, for major version changes, definitely recommended to move to a new server in a production environment versus upgrade in place.

thanks for the awesome information.

Moving your Interworx server from CentOS 6 to 7 or 8 sounds smart. It’s good to hear that you’re considering upgrading soon.I’ve seen that upgrading from CentOS 6 to 7 or 8 isn’t a straightforward process. Most people prefer to set up a new server on the latest version and then migrate the data over. This way, you’ll be able to take advantage of the Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) offered by the newer versions. Also, I suggest you read the info about the centos 7 end of life.BTW, have you reached out to the Interworx support team? They can provide tips on minimizing disruption to your clients during the migration.