Change Interworx Account Linux Username


I need to find the best and easiest way to modify the username of a linux username on an Interworx hosting account. I misspelled it, and I want to change it, without deleting the entire account.

Thank you!

This one’s going to be interesting. You need to be comfortable with the use of the terminal and phpmysql in order to make this work.

First, in a root terminal session you need to enter the following:

usermod -l newname oldname

where “newname” is the, well, new account name and “oldname” is the current account name.

Then, you need to head into NodeWorx.

  • Go to Server > Settings and turn Debug Mode on.
  • Go to System Services > MySQL > PHPMyAdmin.
  • Select the 'InterWorx DB' database from the drop-down.
  • Use the 'iworx' database.
  • Select the 'siteworx' table.
  • Click 'Browse', then find the record containing the username you want to change.
  • Click the pencil icon in that record.
  • Change the uniqname field to match the 'newname' from above.
  • Click 'Go' to save and log out of PHPMyAdmin.
  • Go to System > Settings and turn Debug Mode Off. [/LIST]

    HOWEVER, this is not advisable. I wouldn’t recommend it. Instead, create a new account and do a manual transfer of the information you need. That’s far less likely to cause you issues - The procedure above will probably require a LOT of finessing since it’s not exactly what you’d call “rigorously tested.”