Is it possible to change php version for a single domain using commando line?
Is it possible to change php version for a single domain using commando line?
Here is info on how to create one-liners: How to: Create One-Line Commands Using the InterWorx CLI Utility — InterWorx documentation’
Here is info on how to use the CLI tool (which is used to create one liners): Using the InterWorx CLI Utility — InterWorx documentation
You can change the PHP version for all of the domains under an account with this, (replacing {master domain} and {php version} with the correlating info):
nodeworx -u -n -c Siteworx -a changePhpVersion --master_domain {master domain} --php_version /opt/remi/{php version}
So for example, to change all of the domains under an account with example.com as the master domain to PHP 7.2:
nodeworx -u -n -c Siteworx -a changePhpVersion --master_domain example.com --php_version /opt/remi/php72
To change the PHP version of a specific domain under a SiteWorx account, you would use the following (replacing {master domain}, {php version}, and {domain} with the corresponding info:
siteworx -u --login_domain {master domain} -n -c DomainsPhp -a edit --php_version {php version} --domain {domain}
Example, changing the PHP version for a secondary domain called second.com, under a a SiteWorx account with the master domain of example.com, to the system php version:
siteworx -u --login_domain example.com -n -c DomainsPhp -a edit --php_version system-php --domain second.com
And example changing the same domain to PHP 7.2:
siteworx -u --login_domain example.com -n -c DomainsPhp -a edit --php_version /opt/remi/php72 --domain second.com
Jenna, Friendly Neighborhood InterWorx Support Manager