Change Web Server Default SSL Certificates

What is the correct way to remove the default interworx ssl certificates
from InterWorx-CP v5.1.27 on CentOS release 6.8 and then replace the defaults
with Let’sEncrypt?

CP makes it easy to install LE on individual domains but there seems to be
no way to do it for Web Server Default SSL at nodeworx/ssl.

Hi iqhost

The quickest and easiest way I do this, is to create the server hostname as a siteworx account, then create the SSL (I use a wildcard paid SSL) and then copy so the server hostname and siteworx account match fully

You could I suppose if you wanted to, ssh and create the SSL but the above is easier

Many thanks


Hi John

There is a siteworx account using the server hostname. I have successfully installed LE in that account, but browsers page info still report connection not secure. In nodeworx -> Server -> SSL Certificates there are certificates listed as Web-Server Default SSL and InterWorx-SSL I think these are the ones triggering the insecure warnings.

In nodeworx -> Server -> SSL Certificates there are several self-signed certs, but there isn’t an option to remove them - just view and edit.


Hi iqhost

Many thanks

You can edit and delete the SSL from nodeworx

You only need to do this on on one, and then click the other services you to use the same

If I have time tommorow I’ll post some pics to make easier to understand

Please be aware though, LE does not give you a wildcard cert, so you would have to select the other CN you need to use and LE only lasts a few months before needing to renew the cert

I hope that helps

Many thanks


Hi Iqhost

Please see pics to edit or change the server SSL as need, and you select which services to change, single, more then one or all

I hope that helps

Many thanks


Hi John

Got it working with Let’s Encrypt. Thanks very much for your help!