
Last night was clamAV upgraded to version 0.90 but now the virus definition won’t update anymore and so clamAV is loaded without the definitions!!!
I have updated it manualy but after a few hours for some strange reason the daily update was gone?!

Does someone else have the same problem and can Interworx confirm this problems and maybe have a solution?

You’re not alone, no.

Where are you seeing that the virus definitions are gone or out of date? In NodeWorx?


Here they aren’t even listed.

Edit: If I go to the page for the a-virus settings.

I see that in Nodeworx under “Mailserver” “Mail Server Management :: Virus Filter Settings” --> “virus definition information”

The only thing that you see there is: main.cvd 31 Dec 2006 13

I have uploaded two times the definitions by myself but after a few hours it is gone, it removed itself.

I have opened a ticket yesterday, will give it a push now (ticket is still open)


Ticket pushed now.

Hi guys,

With this new clamav version, they have changed some things. For example, apparently there isn’t a daily.cvd file anymore in /var/lib/clamav/. Now there is a /var/lib/clamav/ directory that is full of “stuff”. InterWorx isn’t looking in that dir for daily info, it’s looking for daily.cvd, which is why it appears to be missing. They also changed the text describing the number of signatures, which is why this appeared empty in InterWorx. When freshclam automatically gets new updates daily, it deletes any existing daily.cvd, and uses the directory instead.

So, all this means is that InterWorx is looking in the wrong place with the new clamav definition format. You can’t see it right now, but you are still getting the virus definition updates.

Needless to say we will be addressing this problem, but everything is ok. It’s just a display problem.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your response. If it still updates the definitions it is no problem only as far as i can see now (or can’t see) it isn’t possible to check if the updates where done?! even true command line?


Hi again guys,

I think I have another solution that will get it working for you the way you expect.

Edit this file:


find this line:

#ScriptedUpdates yes

change it to

ScriptedUpdates no

Then do:

cd /var/lib/clamav
rm -rf daily*

Then you’ll see the daily.cvd in InterWorx. The number of definitions will probably still be blank, but you’ll be able to see the daily updates there as usual.


Amazing fast solution again from you guys. And most important it works!

Thanks a lot and keep on going this way…

Strange but true, after a few hours again the display of the definitions is gone in Nodeworx.

I probably should have had you restart the freshclam service so it re-loads the the .conf file settings.

Give this a shot and see if it keeps things working:

cd /var/lib/clamav
rm -rf daily*
service freshclam restart


Thanks again, looks good now. You are right lets give this a try.

Yes, that did the trick. :slight_smile: Hope the daily.cvd display will be permanent - thank you.

Was just looking for an answer on this one, thanks guys.
works a treat so far.

Seem to be working nicely indeed :slight_smile: