Not used cpanel to interworx import before, what does this actually import ?
will it also import all email accounts and correct passwords etc.
how can I also import email messages, as I do not want to loose messages in the mail boxes.
As far as I know, it should import all settings from cpanel.
However, if there are any issues with import, please open a support ticket as IW are keen this goes smoothly, but it depends if cpanel have changed anything their end
There is 2 bits of advice re email, firstly before changing nameservers over (or dns records), import site then use webmail to collect email by imap connector from current cpanel mail server or setup email account in an email client on computer or get client who use email to do this and collect email. Actually if they use an email client already, it should be possible to backup email from client email program then restore it back if lost
I hope that helps a little but please let us know how it goes
last time I moved mail accounts I used thunderbird to backup the messages and then changed dns, waited to dns propagation then imported them back again but this is very time consuming and was looking for a quicker way.
I have one user that has many folders/directory’s in here mail account and there are thousands of messages, moving the mail manually is a nightmare