DNS Management Area

In DNS management, there is not a way to manage subdomains completely. Like I can’t specify an MX record for a subdomain. I need to create an entirely different DNS entry for that subdomain to handle it.

Like I should be able to edit an MX record:

ohio.mydomain.com MX 10 mail.otherprovider.com

I should also be able to manage NS records for subdomains inside of Interworks DNS without creating a subdomain in the control panel, this would be if I wanted some other system to be deal with that subdomain.


ohio.mydomain.com NS ns1.otherprovider.com
ohio.mydomain.com NS ns2.otherprovider.com

Solution from Iworx when I asked them was …

Go the DNS Zones page (as Server Admin), and add a new Zone subdomain.zimbra.com. That should
create an empty zone, where you can then add a MX record.

P.S. It worked out for me but still no solution for Reseller accounts.