DNS Node Help Needed

I just purchased interworx for a dedi. At the first screen it wants me to specify name servers. My intent was to setup 2 DNS servers using the free 1 domain interworx license and input their addresses there. I went to the site everyone recommends (licensecart.com) but it won’t let me create an account. Each time I fill out the info to create an account and submit it just returns me to the form and gives no error. I’ve tried every browser I had and I filled out all their info. Don’t know what to do.

Hi synthetisoft

Glad your giving IW a try, I have not been disappointed

I have emailed mike with this post, and I know he frequents these forums, so please be patient

Did you try telephoning to ask

You can use any NS, and change them later, which is a little work, so I myself would set 2 NS to your 1 IW using your domain name, then when you have your external DNS running, change accordingly, if that makes sense

I hope that helps a little

Many thanks


Hi synthetisoft

Good news, spoke with mike and should be resolved now

If it’s not, just open a support ticket with licensecart, very simple to do and works lovely

Hope that’s alright

Many thanks
