Enom Intigration

Would it be possible to have an Encom intigration for DNS ? there is an enom API that allows you to use their DNS for domains and such, I would much prefer to use their DNS.
Would it be possible to have a module that allows you to use enoms nameservers:
[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]dns1.name-services.com [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]dns2.name-services.com [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]dns3.name-services.com [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]dns4.name-services.com and have it directly modify DNS on enoms servers ? reading https://www.enom.com/resellers/APICommandCatalog.pdf and https://www.enom.com/resellers/WebHostingAPICommandCatalog.pdf it seems it should be possible.

They do have good name servers that have a very low TTL which makes it great if you ever need to change IPs