Ensim Migration

This is just a thread to inform people on the manual process for migrating Ensim websites to Interworx. I’ve done 30 of them now and the process could not be much easier with the help of some tools.

I use Webmin to just dump the sites with backup an then restore it to the the new server.

A new server with Interworx installed will be required.

If you don’t have Webmin installed you can easily do this by just tar’ing the data up and transferring it over.

I’m assuming Webmin is installed, please adjust your methods accordingly. It should also be noted that Interworx is close to completing a migration script that will be released with the new release.


  • Assign the appropriate IP addresses to the server as desired. I use Webmin to do this by accessing the "network/network configuration/network interfaces" section. If you are planning on doing multiple dedicated IP's, then think about getting them all assigned at once. Once you do this run the command "/home/Interworx/cron/ip.pex --sync"

    This method assumes you are still using the same hosting provider and are not transferring to a new provider, if you are then it will still work, except you’ll have the additional headache of updating the name servers for each site to the new provider as well as updating the DNS entries.

  • Add the site in Interworx.
  • Add all the emails to the site.
  • Create all the necessary databases, remember to note the names, userid/passwords for them all also.
  • Copy any SSL certificates from Ensim to the site in Siteworx.
  • Add any appropriate pointer domains.
  • Log into your providers DNS system and change the DNS entries for the site(s) to point to the new server/dedicated IP address.
  • Wait until the changes are propagated throughout the net.
  • Log into Webmin and access "system/filesystem backup" and create a backup of your site, typically "/home/virtual/sitex/fst/var/www/html" where "sitex" is the site you want to backup.
  • You should backup this to a web accessible directory, in the form of "/home/virtual/sitex/fst/var/www/html/backups/sitename/sitename-backup" where sitename is the folder for the site and sitename-backup is the actual backup file. Sitex in this case should point to a domain on your server that will be used to store these backups as you move them and will be accessible throughout all the moves.
  • Backup all of your mysql databases for the site using Webmin's mysql module under "servers/mysql/database-name" and backup these to the same directory as above.
  • Thus after your through you should have a backup for all of the site data in the form of sitename-backup, and a backup for each mysql database in the form of sitename-mysql-backupdb1, sitename-mysql-backupdb2, etc.
  • Now log into the new Interworx server with ssh and navigate to the the appropriate site /home/sitename/public_html.
  • Type "wget http://www.oldserversite/backups/sitename/sitename-backup" to transfer the backup to the new server. Do the same for all of the mysql backups also, thus in the end you should have all of your backup files siting in the html directory of the new site.
  • Access Webmin on the new server navigate to the "/system/filesystem backup" and select the restore button.
  • point to the "/home/sitename/public_html/sitename-backup" and restore it to /home/sitename/public_html/.

    Note: This will restore the entire ensim directory in the form of “/home/virtual/sitex/fst/var/www/html/” to “/home/sitename/public_html/”, you’ll need to move all of the files to the appropriate directory, perhaps there is a command line option I missed in order to avoid this. I just used webmins file manager to cut and paste the files from “/home/virtual/sitex/fst/var/www/html/” to “/home/sitename/public_html/”. This is really pretty easy and as you need to update the various config files, you can do it then.

  • Access Webmin's mysql module in "/servers/mysql/databasename" and click on "execute sql" and the point to "/home/sitename/public_html/sitename-mysql-backupdb1" to restore each mysql database.
  • Access the sites filesystem and make any changes to the appropriate config files for the sites applications. Usually, if convention is followed these are located in any "includes" directories and are so named config.php, etc.

    Usually what needs to be changed is the database settings as well as filesystem directories, specifically, you’ll need to change “/home/virtual/sitex/fst/var/www/html/” to “/home/sitename/public_html/” in most cases. Don’t forget to make the same changes to config files for any admin programs for those same apps.

  • Additionally, you'll need to make any appropriate canges to apache settings that are site specific, different apps require different apache settings in many cases and you'll need to make these changes also. These settings can be changed either globally as desired or in "/etc/httpd/conf.d/sitename.com" in the virtual hosting settings for the site". You can also make these edits in Webmin's "apache" module. [/list]

    I’m pretty sure everything should be working fine on the new site after all of this, This sounds like a lot, but after the first couple of tries I got it down to about 10-15 minutes total time spent which is not bad at all. It should be noted that you could easily move the entire server at once just by backing up “/home/virtual/” and all of the mysql databases at once also and then restoring it all at once and going through the manual changes afterword on each site one at a time.

    Interworx is close to completing a migration script, although I suspect that many of the steps here will still have to be undertaken, it should make it even quicker and more conducive to doing mass site moves at once.

    I’ll also add this, I really really like Interworx much better, the method in which it manages the server and the site is far far cleaner and much easier to use. Those clients of mine who have access to the control panel all agree with me also.

    You won’t be sorry, I recommend making the jump!

    I’ll update this as needed, if anyone else has any updates or suggestions, I’ll be happy to add them, and I’ll be happy to assist anyone as best I can.
