It seems as though Interworx has disabled all repos but EPEL, RPMForge, and Remi. It doesn’t make sense to me that CloudLinux 7 Base, Updates, etc. should be disabled. What’s the reason for this? Should I enable them? Are there any I should or shouldn’t enable in particular?
It is not interworx that has disabled the repos, as they will have never been enabled
As an admin, you have the power to turn on or off what you consider is appropriate for your systems or what you trust, or turn off what you do not
Cpanel as far as I know, is locked and you do not have this facility
You can turn on any repo you trust
I hope that helps, and sorry it is very late here where I am
Many thanks
Thank you but I do believe Interworx disabled them. I know I didn’t and they would have had to be enabled for me to install CloudLinux. The base repos come enabled by default by the OS and then after upgrading to CloudLinux. My experience isn’t exclusive to cPanel, I’ve just never used Interworx. The problem now is that I don’t remember which repos are standard for CloudLinux. I guess I can check my other server. Also, just so you know, cPanel doesn’t lock your repos. It just expects certain packages and enables repos for them if they’re not already. I imagine Interworx does something similar. Strange that my base repos were disabled though.
cloudlinux-x86_64-server-7 CloudLinux Server 7 x86_64 20,755epel/x86_64 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 10,051
interworx-release/7/x86_64 InterWorx Release - RedHat Enterprise 7 115
interworx-release-noarch InterWorx Release - Generic 298
interworx-stable/7/x86_64 InterWorx Stable - RedHat Enterprise 7 37
interworx-stable-noarch InterWorx Stable - Generic 228
remi-safe Safe Remi's RPM repository for Enterprise Linux 7 - x86_64 812
rpmforge RHEL 7 - - dag 245
but when I view the contents of “/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudlinux.repo” all the repos in that file are disabled. I’m not sure what packages the interworx repos are managing. I just want to make sure I’m getting the most up to date and secure packages while not breaking Interworx compatibility.
IW do not disable any repos, and most likely need to reread your post, but it’s likely a small bug between IW-cp correctly identifying the repos installed and if active or not
You may want to open a bug report with IW and let IW have a quick look
You can set IW to update itself depending upon your requirements, from nodeworx, system, updates.
On our systems, we have production servers set to stable and a test server running release candidate. When a new update has been pushed out, we check and schedule to update our production when happy
Sorry, cpanel I meant in general, as IW allow a system admin to make changes they need in full, and choose which repo they want to use, even allow rpm install etc… Cpanel is very much restrictive in this