I am trying and playing around the product.
I am not excatly sure on how the event hooks work.
I saw that there is the commands such as “Ctrl_Nodeworx_Siteworx add /myscripts/siteworx-account.sh”.
For my case, I wanted to know if it such a command exists for a top domain creation, deletion or change.
Meaning that if someone adds for exemple the domain test.com it will run the script creationdomain.sh or when he changes from test.com to test.eu it will run changedomain.sh.
And of course for the deletion of test.eu it will run deletedomain.sh.
The hooks are used if you create your own hook such as email in new siteworx account added or deleted etc… you create your own hook for your own purpose
Is there any possiblites to still achive this.
Basically I want to use it to allow AXFR requests for the website, and mainly turning on dkim or not on the mail relay sever.
The best way to determine the correct controllers to use for he hook file and the script is to walk through the task using the CLI with the -v flag–that will provide output for the task, which you can use as an example: Using the InterWorx CLI Utility — InterWorx documentation
I can’t tell you offhand if what you are trying to achieve is possible with an event hook because I don’t fully grasp what you are looking to do, but the above docs should help you with your testing.
Friendly Neighborhood InterWorx Support Manager