I recently moved over to IW. On my previous server I had the ability to forward email to a special account that was in essence the “Learn Spam” folder under Spam Assassin. Does IW offer something similar. My POP clients need to have some way to move spam around for training without having to log into WebMail (face it people are lazy and won’t do it).
This is one of those features that sounds really cool, and in fact is really cool. Partly because it’s non-trivial to do. In order to properly train Bayesian learning, you need to decide whether your spam and ham lists are going to be server-wide, per-domain, or per-user. Right now, InterWorx uses a per-user system. So to make this work, we’d need to create a per-domain email account for ham, and another one for spam. Then we’d need to figure out how to accredit the submitted ham and spam to the individual user that sent it in (e-mail address, maybe?) and submit the ham/spam valuation to their Bayesian DB.
Given that this is the only request for anything like this that we’ve received, and it was two years ago, would anyone else be interested in a feature like this? If so, please respond to this post and we’ll take another look.
Having moved from cPanel to here, I noticed my email being hit with a lot of Spam. I used to use a Sender Verify tool they had for all unknown senders. While, it did actually confirm the email to the spammers and probably make it on their known good lists they sell, it did dial down the Spam from hundreds daily to zero. Personally, I’d vote for something like this.
But, being able to forward spam to a training box for the filters would be good as well! I have cranked up my Spam filter to the highest which has dropped it down to maybe 2 or three daily now so it is tolerable, but to set a rule in my mail client to forward those marked [SPAM] would be nice.
I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, as it does seem to keep appearing in the forums. Spam is a personal view, pure spam is easy to distinguise, it’s the grey area of spam, where to some it’s spam and others it is not, and I think a lot of users have difficulty defining their spam settings.
I think though, you should be achieve this as follows: your spamassassin should be set to add to subject line SPAM* or whatever you set it to.
Log into your siteworx account
Mail Options
Add Mail Filter
Filter Type Block email with subject containing
Value Set value to match your spamassassin subject line
Set action to Deliver to Imap Spam Folder (if one exists, otherwise delete)
I believe the Basian filter uses this folder to learn, but this is dependant upon how teh system has been setup.
I have though, found what looks like an interesting idea, http://www.spamdyke.org/ which if it works on current OS and will work with the installed Qmail, could be an effective tool for spam.
I am thinking I may try it on our test servers, once I build them, but I thought I’d post here to see what other users thought.
Please note if you do install it, you do so at your own risk, however, if you do test it, I’d appreciate any feedback.
Many thanks
I am limited in my understanding of Linux, but get a long quite well in most installs as long as there is a guiding hand. I am looking at the Spamdyke solution and am working on testing it on my production server, but am a bit “lost” if you will in some of those install steps when it comes to locating the qmail directory.
I already have my emails marked with the SPAM header so I can manually filter them in my inbox by header, so something like Spamdyke would make it more powerful for sure.
Hi medfordite
I’m so sorry, you would be best advised to test this on a non production server first, just in case anything goes wrong.
I’ll be testing in hopefully this week and should know more then, but please look at you os installed, because it may not be compatible with your os build. I know the version listed on spa duke is centos 5 where as our os is centos 6.4.
I hope that helps
Many thanks
Hi Medfordite
I believe the following are correct, but I appologise if I am wrong.
/var/qmail - Directory where the qmail queue exists.
service smtp stop - Stop the qmail-smtp service.
service send stop - Stop the qmail-send service.
service smtp start - Restart the qmail-smtp service.
service send start - Restart the qmail-send service.
run file is located in above directory
Many thanks
I have tested this on our test server I recently setup, and for anyone interested in setting spamdyke up, here is a simple guide which should have you running quickly (tested on Centos 6.5 64 Bit)
SSH into server
cd /opt
wget http://www.spamdyke.org/releases/spamdyke-5.0.0.tgz
tar -xzvf spamdyke-5.0.0.tgz
cd /opt/spamdyke-5.0.0/spamdyke
./configure --with-excessive-output --with-debug-symbols
cp spamdyke /usr/local/bin/
cd /opt/spamdyke-5.0.0/spamdyke-qrv
./configure --with-excessive-output --with-debug-symbols
cp spamdyke-qrv /usr/local/bin/
chown root /usr/local/bin/spamdyke-qrv
chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/spamdyke-qrv
(Insert the spamdyke command before the “/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd” command)
vi /service/smtp/run
SMTPD="/usr/local/bin/spamdyke -f /etc/spamdyke.conf /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd"
Most spamdyke installations use a configuration file named
“/etc/spamdyke.conf”. This file is not part of the spamdyke installation; it
must be created by each administrator. There is a sample configuration file
in spamdyke’s “documentation” folder to help you get started.
vi /etc/spamdyke.conf
save file
service smtp stop
service smtp start
That should have you up and running, and you can see full list of options spamdyke --help
To test this simple spamdyke.conf, simply telnet into your server (telnet ip-add-re-ss 25) and you should see a delay of 2 seconds on greetings display.
You can change your spamdyke.conf as you require.
For full instructions etc please see http://www.spamdyke.org/
I hope this helps a little, and works on a centos 6.5 64 Bit.
Many thanks