How to backup Reseller accounts?

Hi All,
I have been able to backup all Siteworx user accounts to FTP server, but I can’t find any information about how to backup resellers.
Only information I found how to backup users under reseller with their reseller ID, but if you do all domains that includes the reseller accounts, so a little confused :slight_smile:
Is the reseller information stored with the Siteworx users you backup, so if you restore are their accounts stored under the reseller account?

All users to FTP:

/home/interworx/bin/backup.pex --domains=all --backup-options=all --xfer-method=ftp --xfer-ini=/root/transfer.ini --compression=5 --no-disabled

P.S. what is the default compression?

Kind regards,

Hi nico

Good question

The all domains backup only the siteworx accounts including MySQL they use (email and all folders under their Unix account)

The linkage you refer too is held in the IW MySQL which your not backing up (same contains ftp email details)

Some users use rsync but most use R1soft enterprise backup. Including ourselves.

This backs everything up, even for bare metal restores and the added benefits are

Does not push the server resources
Allows siteworx users the ability to restore files/folders and or MySQL themselves without bothering you

Can do bare metal restore if needed

Is very quick

Runs daily

I would strongly recommend R1soft

Many thanks


Hi John,
Many thanks for your reply, I will need to check the backup to see if it contains everything… no good if it doesn’t, right?
Had a look at R1soft website but $140 per month and set-up my own server is pretty high price…
Kind regards,