How to change SA default 5.0 score??

Hey All.

The default SA score of 5.0 is a bit too aggressive, seeing some vanilla valid emails in my spam folder.

How to bump up default score from 5.0?

Note I do not use siteworx level SA, scanning occurs at server level, drops at 10.0 (which I should probably bump up if vanilla emails are coming in over 5.0 yikes ;-)).

Anyway, what’s the word on bumping up SA defaults?


Looks like you can either edit SA conf file directly:

Or add required_score + value as custom option in CP > Mail Server > Spam Filtering

Seeing that SA default is 5.0 to flag as SPAM, I’m actually cool with it, everything in Spam folder is flagged correctly, no false positives.

I’ll assume anything over 10.0 should indeed be dropped into the void :wink: