How to disable SSL Expiration Warning Email?


Is it to possible to disable for all domains this alert?


You can unsubscribe accounts from SSL expiration emails with the following command(s):

siteworx -u --login_domain {master_domain} -c Notice -a unsubscribe --code SW_SSL_EXPIRED
siteworx -u --login_domain {master_domain} -c Notice -a unsubscribe --code SW_SSL_NEARLY_EXPIRED

This could probably be combined with an account loop like we documented here: How to: Make Bulk Changes to SiteWorx Account PHP Versions — InterWorx documentation to let you do the entire server at once (or set a cron so all future sites are also unsubscribed automatically).

Hope that helps!

Hi Brandon, thank you for replying!

This command ask me confirmation. Please, whats parameter to force without confirmation?
"[root@itx01 iworx]# siteworx -u --login_domain -c Notice -a unsubscribe --code SW_SSL_NEARLY_EXPIRED
| De-subscrever |

Ao De-subscrever um aviso, não serão enviados mais avisos deste

Gravar? : y

Shoot, sorry about that -n will run that without the confirmation. I actually ran into that problem myself while remembering how it ran and then when I copied the command, I must have copied the one I tried without -n. Sorry about that!

Hi Brandon,

Thank you very much. Worked perfect.
