InterWorx 5.1 Centos 7 Update.

Sorry, I meant to add when retuning installer, restart your server first, and make sure it’s got good connection to Internet and can resolve DNS

Many thanks


I guess I messed up by trying to install the the stable version of IW first. There were tons of errors pointing in all directions. The main over ridding error is below. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. And yes, mariadb is running.


Uncaught IWorx_Exception_DbUtil: DB Error: connect failed [nativecode=Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/usr/local/interworx/mysql/iworx-db.sock’ (2)] ** my$
A system error has occurred. Please try your request again in a few minutes.
If the error persists, please contact support.

{“v”:3,“iworx”:“5.1.2”,“num”:501,“msg”:"Uncaught IWorx_Exception_DbUtil: DB Error: connect failed [nativecode=Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/usr/local/interworx/mysql/iworx-db.sock’ (2)] ** mysql://iworx:fjt8wn1lkj@unix(/usr$

John, per your suggestion, I did try installing the release candidate. Nothing has changed. I’m going to try and hit the data-center Friday evening to do another fresh install of CentOS 7 so I can try again. After everything looking so good on my last IW test install, I thought this would be a no-brainer. So close, yet so far away!


Interworx install (again)

The latest release of Interworx has been installed. I think the older version was better.

  1. Once installed, Interworx (under System Health->Disk Quotas Disabled) was showing the warning. I tried enabling disk quotas again like I did before. The interesting thing is that I did everything exactly the same as before, but running the check mount | grep ’ / ’ showed they were still not enabled. I tried it 4 times and rebooted each time. But… in Interworx, it now shows all is good under System Health->Disk Quotas Disabled. I don’t know what to
    think about that.

  2. Interworx will NOT start up by it’s self after a reboot. I have to run the /usr/local/interworx/etc/init.d/iworx start command after each reboot.

  3. The default ports seem to be open such as SSH, FTP, etc and the others are closed. Forget about making any changes on the ports (opening or closing) via Interworx gui, it doesn’t appear to work.

Hi Kent

Hope your well and your DC is not too far from you

That’s mostly what I found when I last tried centos 7, apart from the quotas.

Did you run the quota setting before installing interworx

I assume soo, but thought I’d better check

Also, have you got the very latest install, again I assume so

I’ll have to retry centos 7 to see if same happens for me, which I’ll do as soon as time permits.

Does Apache restart correctly when adding siteworx accounts

Thanks for your post, and hopefully it will get resolved soon

Many thanks


Hey John,

To answer your questions…

  1. No, I didn’t try running the quota setting before installing Interworx. I did last time and discovered that CentOS 7 does not install the quota package on the minimal install. After installing Interworx, a quotas package was installed. The is when I ran the quotas settings. Interworx was showing an issue before running the quota settings, but shows it’s good afterwards, even when via SSH it shows the opposite.

[root@bummer-inc bum]# mount | grep ’ / ’
/dev/sdb3 on / type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
[root@bummer-inc bum]#

As you can see below, Interworx is showing the quotas as being okay. Strange, isn’t it?

  1. The software version is InterWorx-CP v5.1, this is the latest install, isn’t it?

  2. I was able to add an IP and a domain. Apached did automatically restart and the domain came up instantly.

  3. The part that really bothers me is that every reboot of the server I have to literally go and start Interworx.

Hope that answers your questions. If you have any others, let me know.


[QUOTE=Bummer;28135]Hey John,

To answer your questions…

  1. No, I didn’t try running the quota setting before installing Interworx. I did last time and discovered that CentOS 7 does not install the quota package on the minimal install. After installing Interworx, a quotas package was installed. The is when I ran the quotas settings. Interworx was showing an issue before running the quota settings, but shows it’s good afterwards, even when via SSH it shows the opposite.

[root@bummer-inc bum]# mount | grep ’ / ’
/dev/sdb3 on / type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
[root@bummer-inc bum]#

As you can see below, Interworx is showing the quotas as being okay. Strange, isn’t it?

  1. The software version is InterWorx-CP v5.1, this is the latest install, isn’t it?

  2. I was able to add an IP and a domain. Apached did automatically restart and the domain came up instantly.

  3. The part that really bothers me is that every reboot of the server I have to literally go and start Interworx.

Hope that answers your questions. If you have any others, let me know.


That’s an easy fix, if it hasn’t already been patched yet.

InterWorx discovered this issue on our boxen when ours too, did not start correctly after a server reboot. Fix for that as per Nathan is:

As I mentioned in the other CentOS 7 thread, I’ll be posting what happened to our boxen and how to resolve the issues as soon as I have free time to do so.

Hey Keiro,

Thanks for the feedback. I did reboot the box and still had to start Interwrox. There was a new update applied last night, so it’s on the newest version. Maybe it will be fixed for everyone else later.

Just curious, have you had any issues with the Firewall in Interworx? Via the Interworx, it’s totally worthless. It acts like you can close and open ports, but nothing happens. The ports that are open remain open and the ports that are closed remain closed. Other than that, I haven’t found any other issues.


[QUOTE=Bummer;28176]Hey Keiro,

Thanks for the feedback. I did reboot the box and still had to start Interwrox. There was a new update applied last night, so it’s on the newest version. Maybe it will be fixed for everyone else later.

Just curious, have you had any issues with the Firewall in Interworx? Via the Interworx, it’s totally worthless. It acts like you can close and open ports, but nothing happens. The ports that are open remain open and the ports that are closed remain closed. Other than that, I haven’t found any other issues.


Did you do the same thing that Nathan did for our boxens? If not, try that.

As to firewalld, I discovered that if I enable it, everything goes dead. I could not figure out a way to disable it, so I had to do an OS reload. I’ve not tried enabling firewalld, but I did have to start iptables and ip6tables manually. I wonder if the firewall not starting is the same issue as the InterWorx control panel not starting?

Hi kerio

Interworx only use iptables, not firewalld.

The firewall issue Kent refers too is in iptables

I hope that helps and look forward to your write up

Many thanks


[QUOTE=d2d4j;28178]Hi kerio

Interworx only use iptables, not firewalld.

The firewall issue Kent refers too is in iptables

I hope that helps and look forward to your write up

Many thanks


I’m aware that IW doesn’t use firewalld. I discovered I’d had to start iptables and ip6tables manually.

Speaking of iptables/ip6tables… it appears that if you enable them, everything goes dead except for SSH… and I don’t remember if I enabled the obvious ports for InterWorx to work correctly with it on, but disabling it obviously fixes the issue.

Seems like APF’s firewall rules aren’t getting applied correctly.

Write-up’s here

Hi kerio

Did you completely disable firewalld

Also, on a centos 6.7 I did the last few days, firewall would not start. I disabled sysmtctl I think, starred firewall and turn on systemctl, which fixed it

On centos 7, I found that iptables worked from ssh, but not from IW cp as Kent found

Are you a Trekkie fan (star trek), I only ask because of you other post

Many thanks


[QUOTE=d2d4j;28182]Hi kerio

Did you completely disable firewalld

Also, on a centos 6.7 I did the last few days, firewall would not start. I disabled sysmtctl I think, starred firewall and turn on systemctl, which fixed it

On centos 7, I found that iptables worked from ssh, but not from IW cp as Kent found

Are you a Trekkie fan (star trek), I only ask because of you other post

Many thanks


Yes, that’s the same issue I noticed as Kent did.

Firewalld is disabled. I have not attempted to start firewalld or iptables on the server in question. I mentioned that I disabled the firewalls.

Yes, I am indeed a Star Trek fan… and I’m familiar with being called a Trekkie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys,

I updated the CentOS 7/Interworx box on Friday via the command line. There were some Interworx updates.

The firewall appears to working since the update. I haven’t tested it fully, but I did check a few ports when opening/closing them via Interworx. The ones I checked work. I’ll need to reboot the box for the “acid test” but will do that hopefully tomorrow.
