If you’d like to take part in the beta for InterWorx 6.0 log into Nodeworx and go to Server > Software Updates and change the dropdown at Interworx Update Channel to “Beta” or “Release-Candidate”. Features may be added or changed before release. CentOS 5 is no longer supported for InterWorx 6.0.
Any idea when v6 will land in the Release channel? Are there any other enhancements to be aware of? I will test on a separate server, but it would be good to know when to be ready for any support issues arising from it.
Thanks, but I’m looking for a more precise deploy date. Multiple PHP versions is a great feature, but I figure there might be more included to require a change in the major version number.
I’m not sure time frames were precise over releasing updates. I always use RC, once tested on a test server first but I also thought 6 - 8 weeks for RC to R and 3 months for stable
I believe the version change was not fully announced as v5 was, due to the dropping of centos 5 from support, so this signifies the version change. Ie if on v6.n.n, you should not be using centos 5, or if you are, it is not support (but I feel if you contact IW support, they’ll do their best to help). Also, multiPHP was added
I could be wrong though, so apologies in advance if I am
Hello! There is not a set release date for 6.0.x, yet, however it is feature locked, so good things will be coming soon! We just want to make sure to have everything as tight as possible before releasing. Multiple PHP is the biggest change in 6.0.x, and John is correct that the number change involved no longer supporting CentOS 5–was nice to have a distinct cut off for that support. We’ve also been doing a rapid release cycle for the last year or so (all of 5.1.x), which has meant that, instead of hoarding new features and bug fixes, we’ve been putting them out nearly every week, which is one of the reasons why the feature list for 6.0 is not super long.