Interworx 6 to Interworx 7 Upgrade?

Hi Linux4me

The upgrade button has been present since IW-CP6.10 I believe

However, it is not fully tested yet and IW as far as I know are still working on some bugs it throws up and I believe would place IW7 in beta channel

My best advice to anyone is not to use the upgrade until it is released from beta and then test it on a server not in production first, but with some siteworx accounts on it.

You do not want to have issues on production servers after running the upgrade

Many thanks


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John is correct. The upgrade tool is not ready for production use. There are known bugs with the 6.10 version that we are hoping to correct in the next version. The tool has only become available in GA due to us wanting to get other fixes in 6.10 out into the wild. I would strongly recommend that you not attempt the upgrade at the moment.



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Iā€™m sorry but at this point is useless, itā€™s going to be a year since this post was created, the roadmap is useless as it nevers comes at the right time. 6 people is still more than some free panels like Hestia, MyVesta and CyberPanel and they provide more updates than you do.

I have been looking around cause I think Interworx is a great alternative to cPanel or DirectAdmin but even free panels are more up-to-date in software and even features.

This was promised in December-January and itā€™s July already. There is no excuses.


I know it is a while but there will be many different servers setup with different configurations

The issue as far as I can see is the upgrade may break some siteworx on production servers

You can test upgrade on a test server if you want or open a support ticket and ask IW to upgrade

Many thanks


I understand the frustration @desfire it is equally frustrating for us. It is important to note that the only immediately obvious change between IW6 and IW7 is the new GUI. Due to this, the lack of an upgrade path should not be seen as blocking any significant aspect of the software at the current moment. We all like the GUI, but as a shared hosting platform, itā€™s more important that the shared hosting functionality not be broken. Waiting for the upgrade path to not break existing features is, by far, the lesser of two evils.

Its completely reasonable to look at other solutions if InterWorx is not meeting your needs. The way a company operates is a feature just like any other feature in a product. If our timelines and feature releases donā€™t match up with your desire for that ā€œfeatureā€, it is completely natural that you would seek out a product that does. While we hope that youā€™ll stay with InterWorx due to our other ā€œfeaturesā€, we understand that our appeal is not universal and we cannot meet everyoneā€™s needs all the time. Regardless, I completely agree that development timelines and feature releases are an avenue for growth for us, unfortunately, there is little that Jenna or I can do regarding that. I will be certain to pass your feedback up to those above us.

I just thought i would put my two cent in on this.
Interworx has been a very stable and Secure Platform for us

I would much rather the team at Interworx take there time with releasing features then to rush and be full of bugs.

To date we have multiple instances of Nodeworx/Siteworx and also WHM/Cpanel as a product offerings to our client base and we find surprisingly a lot less drama with the Nodeworx/Siteworx and receive way faster support to fix issues as they arise if any then what we receive from Whm/cpanel

So in closing i think each hosting business needs to research what suits there product offering @desfire
But for Us interworx has been an amazing Panel and our panel of choice.

I see version 7.x now supports Imunify360, which Iā€™ve been wanting to try, so itā€™s no longer just a matter of upgrading for a flashy new GUI. (Which would be enough for me to want to try it, anyway.) I also notice youā€™ve added documentation on the Interworx 6.x to 7.x upgrade.

If someone (me) were running a production server with v. 6.11.3 without clustering, Litespeed, or custom themes, and the pre-flight check was all green, would it be safe to use the upgrade tool now, or are there still some issues with 6.x that need to be addressed before the upgrade tool is used on a production server?

I am running the OWASP core ruleset with ModSecurity, and I was thinking I would disable OWASP and restart Apache before running the upgrade to prevent any overzealous blocking of requests by OWASP while using the upgrade tool, but I canā€™t think of anything else Iā€™ve got running that would cause an issue.


It would technically be safe if all the preflight checks are green.

However, it should be noted that, as of this time, the only version of IW7 that you would be able to update to is what is currently in Beta. That is why we have not announced that it is ready for public use, yet, since Beta versions come with risks (for instance, we just had to pull the latest IW7 beta version due to one breaking bug, and one really annoying one).

Adding the Release Candidate, Release, and Stable/Base channels to the upgrade tool is currently in process of development, though I do not have an ETA, yet. I checked with the dev working on that, though, and he said it should be in the next update (and may be a hotfix, as well).

So that is something to keep in mind. Since this is a production server, I would personally recommend waiting just a bit longer. It should be soonā€“I know, at the very least, it should be out before American Thanksgiving in a few weeks (since that starts when development begins to slow down for us, and I know that is a important priority).


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I didnā€™t click the Opt-In link, so I didnā€™t realize the only version available was the Beta version.

I will take your advice and wait until I can select a Stable/Base or at least Release version.

Thanks for the quick reply and the update!


A hotfix just went out today (for 6.11.3 and 6.12) that should allow you to upgrade to any of the InterWorx 7 channels. Iā€™d personally recommend going with Release over Stable/Base, but the choice is entirely up to you.

Thank you,

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Thanks @iworx-brandon,

Iā€™ll give it a try with Release as soon as I can and post my results after testing it for a little while.

I am on the Release channel and I now see an upgrade option which gives me the pre-flight check. Does that mean this upgrade is fully supported on the release channel now, out of beta?

Also, just check this out and have a lot of vhost issues. It looks like some new stuff has been added with .well-known and older sites donā€™t have this. What is the best way to resolve these issues before upgrading?


Correct. You can upgrade to IW7 from IW6 from the Release Channel. You should be able to go from the current IW6 Release (6.11.3) to the IW7 Release (7.7.2).

Obviously, as with any major upgrade, we strongly recommend that you take a backup/snapshot of your server before attempting the upgrade.

Thank you,

Responding to your edit:

Without knowing what the changes are, itā€™s not really possible to tell you the best plan of action. It seems likely that at some point, these changes were added manually to the vhosts. If youā€™d like us to take a look, please open a support ticket at

Thank you,

To me it looks like newer IW updates started creating new sites with different default vhost code. So the I would assume most of the issues flagged in mine are just showing that these new things havenā€™t been added. Not sure if itā€™s important to add them with IW7 (running fine on 6 now).

But I think Iā€™ll go the support ticket route before pulling the trigger on this upgrade. Thank you!

Are you saying the pre-flight checker is complaining about sections ā€œmissingā€ from these older vhosts? If so, you could probably just regenerate the older vhosts, which should update them to the newer format. Be warned, if you did have any custom edits to those vhosts, they would be wiped out by this. This can be done with:

~iworx/bin/httpd.pex --write-vhosts-all

or you can start small and try one with:

~iworx/bin/httpd.pex --write-vhost --domain domain.tld

I took your first message as saying it was complaining about additions to the vhost. I apologize.


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Iā€™m pretty sure I havenā€™t needed to do anything custom in my vhost in years. InterWorx has added everything I need now through the Dashboard. But I guess I will test with a few one by one to see if this does it. Below are the two most common ones coming up.

Error 1:

[3] =>   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.([A-Z0-9a-z-.]+)\.<<ESCDOMAIN>> [NC]
[4] =>   RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%1 -d
[5] => - RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/.*
[6] =>   RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [C]```

Error 2:

[10] =>   CustomLog <<XFERLOG>> combined
[11] => - <IfModule !mod_watch.c>
[12] => - <IfVersion >= 2.4>
[13] => - CustomLog "|/usr/local/interworx/bin/iw-bw-logger" iworxio
[14] => - </IfVersion>
[15] => - </IfModule>
[16] =>   # php: default don't edit between this and the "end php" comment below

This is the real code (with specific site info removed) from this same site. Looks like the issue here is < versus >= because everything else is the same.

 CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l -f /home/site" combined

  <IfModule !mod_watch.c>
    <IfVersion < 2.4>
      CustomLog "|/usr/local/interworx/bin/iw-bw-logger" iworxio

  # php: default  don't edit between this and the "end php" comment below

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Thatā€™s great! We are constantly looking to make it as easy as we can for system administrators to get stuff done.

Based on the output you provided, Iā€™d say, yes, it looks like some of these old vhosts just havenā€™t been updated in a while. There are a few tasks in InterWorx that will update a vhost automatically, but I suppose it is possible none of those have occurred for those domains. I think the ~iworx/bin/httpd.pex commands I shared earlier are probably the best path forward, but like always, feel free to reach out if you have an issue.

Thank you,



Kudos to IW

I have quickly checked some servers, and from what I can see the failure on vhost is the addition of http to https

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

I tried the preflight test on the 1 domain free IW and it also failed on vhost been custom but this does not contain the above code

Is the 1 domain free IW version excluded

Many thanks


Just gave this a try on one site and got the following error.

httpd.php : unrecognized option --write-vhost