InterWorx CLI API: Controller /siteworx/domains/slave does not exist

API documentation exists for Secondary Domains, but the CLI API does not have support for it. This is true for a current InterWorx server will all updates installed.

# rpm -qa | grep interworx-cli

# siteworx -u -n --login_domain --help | grep Domains
--controller|-c <string> Index|Overview|Email|DomainsPointer|DomainsSub|Ftp|FtpSessions|MysqlDb|MysqlUser|MysqlPerms|Cron|Htaccess|Simplescripts|Users|HttpdLogs|EmailRemotesetup|EmailSpf|EmailDomainkeys|Backup|BackupSchedule|Prefs|Notice

There is no mention of a controller named DomainsSlave. Can it be added?

As of InterWorx 5.0.11, I just tried this controller again and it is working now. Thanks for adding it.