InterWorx-CP Feature Requests

AHH, I just made this request in this post

I really like this capability in Ensim. And would love to see InterWorx have it.

Hey if it would make FrontPage Extensions work better, I am all for it!

I know at least ine member of the Iworx teal who would probably quit if that were to happen so I wouldn’t count on it :wink:

I don’t think Socheat would quit, he’d just take some years off :slight_smile:


HAHA, And HOW did you know I was talking about Socheat? . . . .I was, but how did you know :wink:

Because even though he won a free xbox at the hosting con…he still despises MS! :slight_smile:

Another Feature Request

I’ve got a client that uses Mason on his site, I’ll have to hack it in for him, but why not officially support it as an enablable feature?

Mason HQ

I’ve got a client that uses Mason on his site, I’ll have to hack it in for him, but why not officially support it as an enablable feature?

At this point there’s a lot of other core features that need attention nbright and we’ll consider it as an addon at some point if the interest is there.


HAHA, he never told me that :wink:


That’s how it is on the other panels they give you the option to install/reinstall/uninstall the FP extentions at your opbtion.

I’m sure that’s how such functionality would work. Simply a “feature” to enable on the domain.

Well I’d have to double check but that’s how it worked on one account I used to have on a Windows shared hosting account a few years ago.

Another feature requests (actually suprised me that InterWorx doesn’t seem to have this option) is URL redirect (standard and frame forward).

Simlair to the redirect options available in plesk.

Another feature request:

Give Siteworx users the ability to get lost passwords or reset their password or something.

The last 2 requests would definitely be a plus. Especially a site redirect. There are a lot of little simple features SiteWorx needs like, Add Apache Mime Types, Network Tools like ping and traceroute, Custom Error Pages, Apache Handlers, server info.

Can’t you just do that with .htaccess ?

Yes you can, but most normal users wouldn’t know how to do that (most don’t know the meaning of a .htaccess file).
Making it an option in the CP with choises like: (for instance)

  1. Physical hosting (i.e., the current only possibility)
  2. URL Redirect (and a field to include the target URL)
  3. URL Cloaking aka Frame Forward (and again a target url fiel)
  4. URL Forward (uses mod_rewrite to redirect)

Didn’t Chris say they were writing a front end for .htaccess? I just meant that this is something that could be added to that possibly.

Totally correct, but if this option / menu item is labelled something like ‘edit htaccess’ (or similair) then ordinairy users won’t have a clue that they can set that up in there (unless its clearly stated).

Remember, some users aren’t the brightest :slight_smile:

I’m all for making things easy to understand but don’t want to see the software be dummed down either. Nor would I like to see the inteface become cluttered. I don’t want to see it turn into Plesk ;-(