InterWorx Ideas

Hi guys,

Is the InterWorx Ideas site still maintained?

There are a few items in the list that are actually delivered, but not marked as such. For example Let’s Encrypt, 2FA.

There are also quite a few on there that are duplicates or could be merged, or the proposal text tidied up a little.

I do love InterWorx, but it’s a bit worrying that things (at least from our perspective) seem to have gone quiet.


Hi hacman

Justin thoughts exactly, but sorry I do not look at ideas frequently myself, no credentials as I do not use any of the logins (Facebook etc)

I’ll email Iw this thread and see if it can be brought up to date more

Myself personally, I still do like the feature requests on the forum, but guess this is an age thing

Many thanks


Yeah, I think I like the forums more too, but more of a problem is what Jon brought up. Right now it feels like posting something to Interworx Ideas is kind of like posting into the void.

Hi John,

I do like the idea of having the separate ideas site, as if properly managed it should prevent duplicate threads and such. Sadly this is not the case. Doesn’t matter where the discussion takes place I suppose, as long as it does and is managed.

I’m a little worried about InterWorx in general lately, as this doesn’t seem to be the only area with minimal activity.

How do you (and others) feel about this? We get no partner updates anymore, IW staff seem to be quiet on here, and there is no real sign of a roadmap or such.

I must admit we’re actually eyeing up the (under-new-management) Plesk offering just now. :frowning:


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I know what you mean about the forums. Besides John and I (mostly John) and a few questions here and there it’s been very quiet. I remember back in the day when Chris and Paul would be posting in here. I mean, it’s been so long that after 10 years I’ve passed Paul in total post and right behind Chris. It makes sense that they don’t have time for that anymore, but would like to see a bit more activity from other admins in the forum as well.

With that said support is always there when needed and there are updates still coming out, including the last big 5.1 update with CentOS 7 support. So I’m not worried in that sense, but I understand how you feel.

I also hate all the other panels. As a web designer/programmer myself, InterWorx is how I imagine I would have done a Control Panel if I created one from scratch. From UI/UX down to how it interacts with the underlying OS. Every time i have to work on a website that isn’t hosted on my iworx server, it’s painful dealing with Cpanel.


I do understand the guys are busy, but the issue is that a dead forum looks worse than no forum.

The forum was also a good way for the user-base to get to know the staff, which to be honest I have very little idea of who is actually at InterWorx now. Concerning given I’m a reseller/partner :frowning:

Whilst I’m very happy with the support we get (on the rare occasion we need it!) and that there are updates coming out, we see very little activity day-to-day. We get no real idea of what is being worked on, who is there, what the general plans and ambitions are. This is a massive shame, as it’s not the way things used to be.

I too always preferred InterWorx over the other panels, and our clients do too. But certainly Plesk has made major advances in terms of functionality and interface, to the point where there is little, if anything, that it can’t do which InterWorx can.

The current InterWorx theme and website also looks dated, which while a minor detail doesn’t look good when potential clients research our control panel of choice.

There is also the matter of plugins, with the ones that exist behaving strangely (WHMCS) to the ones that would be great but are not available (CloudLinux, cloud DNS providers, spam filter providers, et al). The InterWorx team don’t seem to have these as a priority, yet the vendors struggle to justify investment in development due to the small market share of InterWorx.

I know this post will read as being quite critical, which is not what I’d like to be posting. But aside from InterWorx being good at what it does (which should really be a given for such software), I’m struggling to find positives or a USP lately.


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Hi Jon and Justin

I read your posts this morning and fully understand what your saying.

I think since Iw-Trevor left, the website/ideas seems to have dropped off, but as I said earlier, I don’t use ideas as I do not have Facebook etc so I have not been following ideas frequently

Yes, plugins, it would be lovely having a few more (nothing stopping anyone creating their own and sharing), but in terms of whmcs, I always thought when it was announced it was bought by cPanel, it would over time become more integrated to cPanel and make it harder to use another control panel

Personally, I have not had an issue with whmcs, or whmcs addons but I do feel it will come one day

USP/positives - reliability, ease of use (yes, appreciate all CP will have this), clustering and if would be lovely to have high availability clustering available (big USP if available)

In terms of quiet forums, yes, I understand your thoughts, but as Justin says, the more robust the panel becomes, the less the forum would be used, which over the years, has borne this out, especially with the ideas page replacing feature requests, but at least you agree, the forums are still used to a small degree, with a user answering, which both your posts been highly rated by all, so the forums are not dead, answered and posts not waiting days/months/never been replied too

I hope you guys don’t mind my thoughts

Many thanks


Hey guys–

It seems the Ideas page did kind of fall by the wayside, lately. Really sorry about that. I’m going to make sure to get that cleaned up and as accurate as possible over the next few days.

We have been in meetings lately to put some cool stuff on the upcoming roadmap and solidifying some features we’ve been working on, (for example PHP-FPM is currently in the beta channel!), so there are some exciting updates that will be occurring. :smiley:

I’ll talk to the others about how we could all make sure to have a larger presence here, and I know there will also be more updates on social media in the future. :slight_smile:

Hi Jenna,

A frequently updated public roadmap or something similar would be very nice!

Hi dss

I hope your well

I don’t think IW would go public with roadmap, for commercial reasons

Many thanks


Hi John

You’re right, had not thought. :slight_smile: