Interworx YUM repository


I’d like to have some clarifications about the use of the interworx YUM repositories.

Ok I’ll try to be very explicit, and I beg you pardon if I not.

In the there is 5 main groups of repositories.
1- The centos, this is a replicate centos repo
2- The Fedora, this is a replicate fedora repo
3- Iworx, this is the repo for iworx for every arch
4- Redhat, the repo for redhat 9
5- Whitebox, this is a replicate WhiteBox repo

Before, when we had a centos arch then the yum.conf was set to point to both the centos replication repo and the iworx/centos repo.

So basicly we had the updates of the centos repo and those of interworx-cp for centos.

Centos seems to have changed their repository and for an obvious resaon (for me) it causes trouble to interworx. Do not hesitate to stop me if I wrong.

So now, for centos4x arch, interworx set the yum conf to point to iworx/noarch and iworx/rhe4x

That could fine as rhe4x and centos4x have the same rpms (to be confirmed) but it looks like interworx have only iworx made RPMS in this repo. For example :

So it looks like there is no more default os update made by centos or even by rhe4x available. I mean where are the OS updates rpms created by the centos team ?

I’m not sure to be right, maybe I wrong, but for me it’s obvious now to have m yum.conf pointed to only iworx rpms and not pointed to centos rpms updates.

I’m not sure at all there is os updates. If there is a centos4.5 released, hw my yum.conf will grab these updates ?

if somebody could confirm what I’m talking about or unconfirm this and give me some explanations I’ll really apreciate. As I said now yum.conf for a centos box is obvious for me and some clarification might help me.

Thank you


You were very explicit Pascal :slight_smile:

I’ll explain the new CentOS update setup. We host mirrors of the CentOS main files for installation purposes only. Our installer references these files upon IWorx-CP install. To reduce load on our CentOS and other mirrors we leave most of the default YUM config in place so that you pull OS updates from a standard CentOS mirror. Those repositories are defined in /etc/yum.respos.d on newer CentOS installs.

We update the YUM.CONF to point to our CentOS area (shared with rhe4x / RHEL 4) as well as our “noarch” area, which is where IWorx-CP RPMs themselves live.

So, to recap:

  • Your box gets OS updates direct from CentOS mirrors now
  • Your box updates RPMs provided by us for CentOS via the RHE4X repository on our server
  • Your box gets updates for IWorx-CP from the noarch repository provided by us as well


Hi Chris

Ok I didn’t figure out the /etc/yum.repos.d/ :wink:

May I ask you a last question to clarify a last point about your php/mysql version politic:

  • If the Arch give as a standard a PHP version and MySQL version, you’ll install this one ?
  • If the Arch doesn’t you’ll install the default iworx made one for this arch ?

The best example is for Fedora4. They propose as standard PHP 5.0.4, so it will be this php version installed ?

Centos4 doesn’t propose as standard php/mysql so you’ll install the iworx/arch/ default one (even if in fact centos4 propose a php 5.0.x version in centosplus if I remenber well) ?

Ok I had no doubt your politic was fine, I’d just need some explications :wink:

Thanks for your very well explain post :slight_smile:


If the distro’s PHP is newer than ours we’ll default to the distro’s version (5.0.4 in fedora 4).


Sorry if this is a little off topic, but is it possible to use that Fedora Core 4 PHP5 RPM on a CentOS4.3 box? I did try the CentOSPlus RPM but I seem to remember it failed…

If CentOS 4.x decided to adopt PHP 5 as the default, would YUM just upgrade PHP 4 automatically?

I doubt (hope) it wouldn’t do this, b/c that would be really bad if you wake up one morning and everything is PHP 5 and you haven’t tested your code on it. That would be a not so fun day :eek:

lol you right Justec

But until you didn’t add EXCLUDE=php and Mysql in the yum.conf I don’t see why it won’t update your box automaticly.

But I don’t think this kind of major update migth occurs in a release. Maybe in a main version but not in a release (I mean maybe in a new cetnos 5 but not in a new release of version 4 like 4.5)

Well… I hope :wink:


No, they are different OS’s. Your best bet would be to locate a “noach” SRPM, compile the srpm for your distro and install. If you don’t know hot to do that take a look at

Here is an SRPM we provide for php 5.1

If you are also upgrading MySQL make sure to do that FIRST.

My client needs to update to latest 5.x versions of php and mysql.

Can someone clarify a simple and safe method to do this?

I quickly scanned this thread but I’m digging to find a fast method without the need to customize this and that.

He’s using Centos 3.6 also

I searched yum.conf but do not know what to modify here to upgrade to mysql / php 5
without it being over-written or conflicting with IW

I know there is a CentOS repo where they have “future” stuff like MySQL and PHP5. So you could try changing your yum to look there and then it would update automatcially. But once you start breaking away from the standard you are going to find yourself more on your own so good luck.

Found it, called CentOSplus:

Edit: Just noticed you are running CentOS 3.x so I dont think this CentOSplus works for that.
Edit2: - guess it does

Neither we or CentOS provide those RPM’s so YUM won’t help you. You still need to locate either a source RPM or a standard package and compile from scratch. Just use the standard spec file if you don’t want customization. Do the MySQL first THEN the PHP as the PHP has to be compiled against a specific MySQL version.

You won’t break Iworx by doing this and you can edit /etc/yum.conf

and add php* and mysql* to the exclude line like so


NOTE that it’s possible you WILL break some other scripts or database applications on the box that are not compatible woth PHP5 and MYSQL5 – This is EXPREMENTAL and something we WILL NOT support.

I found this:

		 				 mkdir /usr/src/mysql5

cd /usr/src/mysql5

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

touch /etc/mysqlupdisable

Now, as for recompilling php, anything else you would suggest/require?