I’m sorry, just a quick thought, have you checked interworx rpm from website, I think it’s listed from support but if you have a look through top menus on website, you should see the rpm, then choose the best one for your os.
I’m sorry, just a quick thought, have you checked interworx rpm from website, I think it’s listed from support but if you have a look through top menus on website, you should see the rpm, then choose the best one for your os.
Again, sorry if I’m wrong
Hello thz again it solved now ^^ it recommend me to upgrade php 5.1 to 5.3
Thanks to: staffkaptar[at]gmaill.com for the PHP 5.3 64bit script, we’ve edited them for 5.4 5.5 each version and 32bits and host them for interworx users.
i installed interworx then i try to install ioncube it is showing installed but not working and before i install i was getting ioncube loader error but now only white page. any idea?
[QUOTE=pampero;26935]i installed interworx then i try to install ioncube it is showing installed but not working and before i install i was getting ioncube loader error but now only white page. any idea?
i’m new on linux im using php 5.3 by default coming with interworx, yes it is vps we have dedicated too but we want to test it on vps first. i have no idea about distro
Distro is the version of Linux you installed ie centos KVM etc
When posting, it is always a good idea to state distro and server type, as well as IW version installed.
I suspect php is running, but you need to turn on debug (nodeworx server, debug) then look for errors in logs.
Have you tried testing with info.php which you can use from nodeworx, system services, web server, php version. Does this display
Also, after installing ioncube, did you restart apache. I like to manually do it from ssh service httpd stop and service httpd start. Take note if any errors shown.
Also, as it is vps, are your quotas correct, sometimes quotas can be wrong, but this depends upon your distro