Received email that LiquidWeb purchased Interworx and they’ll migrate everyone currently on LiquidWeb using cpanel to interworx if you want.
Received email that LiquidWeb purchased Interworx and they’ll migrate everyone currently on LiquidWeb using cpanel to interworx if you want.
Hi eugeneparkers
Welcome to IW forums
Good move on liquid web part for looking after their clients and good move for interworx.
I only hope the level of support continues as it is now (very quick and honest) and updates are still pushed out regularly as they do now
Please note I do not work for interworx or liquidweb
Many thanks
Yep! We were acquired by LiquidWeb over the summer as part of their acquisition of Nexcess (our former parent company).
Our regular rolling update schedule has been on pause for a little bit since before the holidays, mostly because we have a lot of big changes we’re hoping to push out by the end of the quarter, so I believe the idea is to focus on a new major release for now, and then go back to the prior quick updates. However, we did just push a new version to the Beta channel last week:…-0-build-1712/
Support is actually getting some major improvements, since we’re able to expand staffing a bit, now, including extended hours and more flexibility for little ol’ me to have a better presence here on the forums.
There are a lot of neat things on the horizon, including a total UI redesign (which, from what I’ve tested so far is sooooooo nice), and Cloud Linux support. There is a public roadmap here:…feedback-form/
If you have any specific questions, Eugene, let me know! I am the Support Manager for InterWorx, so I can answer any questions directly related to the software, but if you have any questions in regard to Liquid Web, I can poke around to get the answers for you, as well, or connect you to someone who is an expert, there.